What I wore for Irving hall. I know it doesn't go with the Time period but i couldn't anything else srry.
Well any ways Johnny was still throwing up witch was a lot for just thinking he was hung over. Dally and Two bit were almost out. But every time David unlocks them Two bit wanted to see him do it again so he would close them again. Darry was fine but was gonna go down to Irving hall and help out with Ponyboy. Sodapop and Steve well we just need to find if they married the girls or each other. But we're still gonna try to find them.
"Alright I'm gonna go call David and less down stairs using the lobby phone. I need them to bring me a few things. Soda Steve do you guys remember the girls first and last name?" They looked at each other then nodded.
"Alright here's the phone book now call them and bring them over and if u want u can invite them. Two bit stop closing the handcuffs! Let David unlock them then if u want u can keep them but keep them off till 6." He frowned.
"Alright go put ur dress on and I'll be back." She assured. Dang she got this under control. I was impressed. I went into the bathroom to change as Steve started looking through the phone book. I was dressed and u can see what I look like in the picture at the top. Anyways Sarah and I guess her brother David and Less got here. They were very polite we all introduced ourselves. I guess David was a doctor. He seems pretty cool and his brother I'm not sure what he does but he's pretty chill as well they all had kids so having a bunch of kids in a small hotel is not the brightest idea. There was Davids and his wife Kelsey kids.
Jack was the oldest then there was there shy daughter Lesslie. She wasn't like the other girls. They loved doing each other's nails and hair. But Less or little Less just sat there and read. She was quiet. But her older brother would pick on her. It was in a cute way tho. Sometimes mean but they really did love each other and got along. Les looked about 10 and Jack looked 15. Then Older adult Les and his wife Hannah had 3 boys.
The oldest was Emerson. He was about 16. He seemed to be like a sports person. I guess him and his younger brother Bryan played football. But Bryan also did track. Bryan looked about 15 or 14. Then was the youngest brother that wanted to do everything with them. He was 12 maybe 13. His name was Carter. He did baseball and hockey. He was the different one I guess. There were now 8 kids in this hotel not including the gang and parents. Dally was gonna lose it. Anyways David gave Johnny cake some medicine. I guess he wasn't just hung over he got food poisoning. The girls and I all sat down. They all admired my dress.
"OMG I can't believe I'm meeting you. We all love ur music. It like the female Elvis" Kelsey giggled.
"Thank u. I never thought I would become this good in 2 months" I smiled.
"Well ur amazing what do u expect! But how did u get into this business?" Hannah laughed asking curiously.
I told them the whole story and they were amazed. Just them a drunk Bob walked in. That's just great all I need around my fans and family. Especially kids and teens. Darry then saw and told the guys. They all stood and stand there. The girls looked concerned.
"Ladies excuse me, Sarah please take the girls and everyone else next store." I asked kindly as I could. They still heard a bit of anger in my voice tho.
"Is everything ok?" They questioned.
"No know get the kids out NOW!" She whispered yelled. They were all confused. David was already in the other room with Johnny. Emerson picked up Fe while him and Bryan litterally dragged Carter out by his feet into the other room. Well he's gonna get rug burn. Jack quickly grabbed his sister Les off the couch and carried her in the other room with her coloring book and reading book. Then Sarah pushed little Sarah and Davis into the other room. They closed the door all squished in the room. I could hear them all talkin and wondering what the hell is going on. I also heard Sarah explain.
"Bob what the hell are u doin" I asked furious. I can't take him anywhere drunk! " What do you mean baby I'm fine" he smiled getting closer. Pony stepped in between us.
"Hey! Move it horse boy!" He slurred.
"Ay u better watch it man. Cool down or ur gonna get thrown out of that window!" Dall threatened holding him against the wall trying his best not to kill him.
"Get off of me!" He pushed. Dally just moved.
"You need to leave until we're ready to go" Darry said getting awfully close to his face.
"Fine you guys don't appreciate me being here fine! Just remember that one day she is never gonna be important after this. She's gonna be nobody again" he slurred off leaving slowly punching the wall. Uhh I hate him so much! It was now 2:05.
"Bob get out NOW! Go to bed get some rest in till we leave!" I yelled getting fustrated.
"Whatever" he mumbled. He stumbled out the door and went back to his room. We let everyone back out of the room.
"Hey u ok" Sarah asked.
"Ya I'm fine" I sighed.
"Well we're gonna have to leave in 10 u ready?" She asked kindly picking up Sarah.
"Yup more then ever" I smiled.
"Alright well let me get the girls ready then we'll leave" she smiled brightly. I could then hear all the teen boys talk about me.
"Damn she's hotter then I expected" they whispered.
"Ya she's more bad ass to" Bryan smiled at them also trying to whisper. Steve walked past them then simply said " Well she's a greaser when ur a greaser u have to be badass" they all looked at him strangly. Steve grabbed a seat and had all the boys come around him and he explained to them what was a soc and a greaser was. He then explained what Bob was. And let me be the one to inform u that he did not only use the word soc. Anyways we were about to leave and started grabbing our final items till there was a knock on the door.
"Hi im-"
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