I went to school wearing my Coca-Cola shirt and my leather jacket with some regular jeans and my hair straightened. "Morning" I said walking into the kitchen.
"Wait.... What did you do?" Darry said putting the last french toast on the plate then turning around crossing his arms.
"Did you break another damn window or somethin" he asked sternly raising an eyebrow.
"No Darry! I have actually been good but there is an after school program that teachers want me to try do u mind if I go after school on Monday Wednesday and Fridays?" I asked bringing the plate full of french toast to the table. "No as long as your back by dinner."
"Cool" I smiled.
Ponyboy then walked in with his pj pants on only.
"Mornin sleeping beauty" I smiled.
"Oh look who's talking. Your normally up by 10" he said rubbing his eyes. I then through a piece of my French toast at him. He then hit me in the back of the head. "Owwww! Darry pony hit me!" I yelled trying to look innocent.
"Ponyboy don't hit your baby sister!" He scolded getting syrup.
"But she through french toast at me!"
"String bean don't through food at your brother!" He said getting a fork.
"Well then tell him to stop being sensitive!"
"Tell her to stop being....."
"Will both of you shut up already I would like to eat in peace!" Darry said annoyed.
We then sat there eating elbowing each other giving each other dirty looks.
"Baby sister" he mumbled.
"Sleeping beauty" I mumbled back.
"You guys are both babies damn it" Sodapop chuckled.
"Are not" we both replied at once.
"Are too" he snickered.
We went back and forth for a while. Darry just left without saying anything then two bit and Steve walked in.
Two bit ruffled my hair as Steve put french toast in Ponyboys face. I laughed of course then we looked at the time and got up and hurried up getting ready. Ponyboy got dressed and I put my shoes on. We met Johnny on the bus and Two was gonna drive himself there.
"Hey Johnny cake" I smiled sitting next to him.
"Hey String bean hey Pony" he replied sweetly.
We talked till we got to school then went our separate ways to classes. It was the same thing as usual. Girls were jerks but I got around. I was leaving my locker till Bob came up to me. I sighed in discust.
"Hey dolly"
"Call me that again and your gonna get your self a black eye" I threatened.
"Oh sassy sassy" he said getting closer smelling like beer. I kneed him in the gut and pushed him off me. Just then he lunged at me and then all of a sudden someone punches him and stands in front of me. "Johnny?"I whisper to myself. He looked terrified so he then grabbed my hand and ran both of us to Two bits car.
"What are you guys doin here? Lookin for a beer?" He asked laughing.
We then looked back and saw about 9 soc looking for us. They then spotted us and Johnny explained to Two bit as fast as he could while throwing me in the car. "Bob was being an ass to Maria so she kneed him in the stomach and pushed him off then he lunged at her so I punched him and now we gotta go before they kill us!!!"
"Oh ok no problem you made it sound like someone was dying" he said calmly trying not to laugh. We peeled out and took off. Thank God I thought they were gonna kill us. Just then I sat quietly then realized that I needed to be at the restaurant in 10. "Oh uh hey guys I actually have to go to an after school program today can u drop me off here then I can walk there." I asked. "Well u can't walk alone" Johnny said turning to me on his left. "No it's literally down the street I'll be fine I promise" I smiled. Thank God we have to pass down town to get home.
"Alright but you be careful alright? your brothers are gonna kill me if anything happens to you" two said pulling over 5 doors from the restaurant. I waved by as they left. I quickly ran and went behind stage. "Hi I'm here." I said putting my bag down. "Good I thought you weren't gonna make it." He smiled. "Alright do you know what songs your gonna sing?"
"Ya jail house rock,goody goody, shout, Rock around the clock hound dog and other songs like that."
"Perfect your on in 5 and I think I got u another gig I'll tell u after though." He said walking away.
"Yes sir thank you" I smiled. I started going over my lyrics. I looked out to see everyone dancing and having a good time. "Alright ladies and gentlemen we have new singer coming out today. She is very talented and an amazing singer please give a nice big welcome to miss Maria Curtis!" Everyone started shouting as I walked out.
"Alright you guys ready to rock!" I shouted as they all cheered.
I started singing and they were all amazed by my voice. Especially the guys. I sang about an hour then the she devil came in. It was Leyla Chrissy and Maddi with there soc boyfriend's. I kept singing and having fun. They then finished there food and we're about to dance they saw me. They were shocked then the girls started trying to make me feel stupid but it didn't get to me and they saw that. Finally they got tired of it and tried one last trick which was a very bad one. Leyla grabbed Bob and started making out with him. I started smiling and rolled my eyes to show that it didn't bother me. She finally gave up angrily and they all started dancing giving me dirty looks from time to time. When they left I was releaved and sang another hour. I was finally finished and it was 5:00. I left the stage and everyone thanked me and cheered for me. It was a lot of fun. "Hi Miss Maria so about that other gig please come into my office." He said bringing me in.
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