The Unredeemable Prince (Loki)
After saving the nine realms Loki thought he might have been forgiven from his past... mistakes. He would walk back to the castle and be greeted by the All-Father with a pardon. No longer weighed down by the sins of his past. Perhaps he would even get back his title, 'Loki, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief.' How lovely that would have been? However, that was not the case.
After him and his elder brother, Thor, defeated the dark elf, Malekith the Accused, Thor was welcomed back as a hero, while Loki was thrown back into the palace dungeons like some kind of common criminal. It was true that if his mother had not been injured when the dark elves attacked the palace Loki most likely wouldn't have agreed to go along with Thor's ridiculous plan. But his mother was injured, making the young prince enraged. He agreed to help his brother in order to get revenge on the people who had wronged him. The people who had hurt his beloved mother.
In the end Loki did get his revenge. Malekith died, crushed beneath his own ship, and the monster that hurt his mother? Well, Loki took care of him himself. It was poetic really. Loki stabbing the monster with its own sword. The same sword that had pierced his mother's side. But unlike the monster, who couldn't land the fatal blow, Loki made sure that the creature had died.
The creature tried to kill Loki with him. Tried to slay the young price with the sword lodged in his chest. But Loki was too smart for such nonsense. Loki simply teleported away form the monster and let the black hole finish the job. Loki could have used the attack on him as a means of getting away from his oaf of a brother. Gods know he thought about it. Planing out his escape to the last detail, but in the end he couldn't go through with his trick. Perhaps he hoped his family would accept him back into their good graces? Perhaps he wished for forgiveness? For his life back? Or perhaps it was the ever looming threat of a mad titan nipping at his heals that kept him close to his brother?
Whatever Loki had hoped for, whether that had been forgiveness or safety, it was clear that the All-Father wasn't in the mood to show his youngest son any form of mercy.
So Loki stayed down in the depths of the dungeon with nothing but his books to keep him company. There was the occasional guard that passed his cell, but none were permeated to talk to the trickster, and Odin knows Loki would never interact with the boring low lives that neighbored his cell. So most days Loki had his nose buried in the pages of a book. Or on days that he was feeling particularly bored Loki would cast an illusion for him to experience life. Experience the life that he always wanted.
He was crowned the crown prince of Asgard, his people cheering on his name as the crown he had wanted for for so long was placed on his head. His family was happy for him, most importantly his mother was happy for him. She would tell him that he would make a great King. That she believed in him. Thor was happy too. Saying that he would always be there for him whenever he needed his help. Odin would finally admit to his mistakes and Loki would forgive his father. Happy to have the acceptance that he craved for so long.
But when the illusion of Loki's perfect world would end he was forced to see reality as it truly was. He wasn't the future king of Asgard, his brother was not there for him, his father never apologized, and his mother was not proud of the man he had become. He was disowned. Thrown down to the dungeons for the rest of his long life to be forgotten. He was nothing more than a trophy from one of All-Father's battles long before he was made into a mistake. He was nothing to his family. He was nothing to anyone. Fore no one cared about him. No one loved him.
It wasn't the heavily footfalls of the guards that caught Loki's attention, but the lack there of. Fore Loki heard the einherjar coming down to the dungeons long before he could see them. When they approached the prince's cell, they stopped right in front of it instead of proceeding passed.
Loki looked up from where he was sitting on the floor in front of the magical barrier that made up the walls to his cell. Sure, Loki had a variety of chairs and couches to rest upon. Even his bed was considerably better to sit on than the ground. But Loki enjoyed this particular spot. He could not only read, but keep an eye on what was going on in the other prisoner's cells.
The two einherjar guards looked down at the young prince, studying him for a moment or two, before one of them finally spoke. "The All-Father has requested your presence in the throne room."
Loki smirked to himself as he elegantly closed the leather bound book he was reading. "And why would the All-Father require me?" Loki asked. "Unless the All-Father has gotten himself into yet another misfortunate situation he can't think his way out of?"
The einherjar said nothing to the god. They simply stood there, waiting for Loki to get up. Loki chuckled to himself, as he gracefully unfolded his long body off the ground. Of course the All-Father would send for him eventually, Loki was not only the most powerful magic user in all of Asgard, he was also one of the All-Father's cleverest advisers. Or... he was one of the All-Father's cleverest advisers before he fell of the edge of the planet. Before that whenever there was a problem that the All-Father and his counsel of nobles couldn't solve they always called on Loki to help fix the problem.
Really, Loki was surprised it took them this long before they sought him out again. The All-Father wasn't the best when it came to keeping his nose out of other kingdom's business.
One of the einherjar placed his hand on the cell wall causing it to glow with a fierce golden light. Then the barrier to Loki's cell vanished, like it was never even there to begin with.
Before Loki could even take a step the other einherjar held up the set of chains Loki was all to familiar with. Loki rolled his eyes, but allowed the guards to place the chains around his neck, wrists, and ankles before escorting him out of his cell.
Loki took his time walking down the halls of the palace to the All-Father's throne room. Partially because he was in no hurry to see the All-Father, and partially due to the chains around his ankles that only allowed him to take small slow steps without tripping. Each step the young god took was accompanied by a loud, CLINK, CLINK, CLINK, sound of chains echoing off the tall walls in the palace. On ether side of him was an einherjar guard holding a set of chains that attached to Loki's waist. Just in case Loki decided to make a run for it while warring the magic binding chains.
Finally, in what seemed like forever, Loki came to a stop right in-front of the massive golden doors that led to the throne room. The two einherjar next to Loki nodded to the guards standing at attention next to the doors. Not a second later did golden doors began to open on their own, allowing entrance to the prince.
Loki could see down the room to where the All-Father was proudly seated on his throne. Frigga and Thor standing next to him on the steps. Loki stood at the doorway for a second longer, trying to gage the situation before eventually making his way down to the throne. The room was silent as he walked, the only sound that could be heard was the rhythmic clink, clink, clink, of the dark prince's chains as he walked. Then with one last clink from his chains Loki came to a stop at the foot of his father's golden throne.
There was palatable silence in the throne room as the royal family stood there, all looking down at the infamous prince. "What misfortune has Asgard fallen under for the All-Father to seek me out?" Loki asked in his usual taunting tone, grinning up at Odin with malice.
"I did not call you here for your guidance Loki." Odin told his son.
"Then you have finally decided on the axe, yes? You couldn't leave me be. Could you? Was the thought of the monster in your dungeon still breathing haunting you? The threat of my escape too much to bare for the great All-Father?"
"Enough Loki."Odin commanded.
"Or was it the thought of me going so long without your idea of just punishment that finally broke you? After all, the dungeons isn't where I would be if my fate rested with you. It was mother you suggested the dungeons. You wanted rid of me long before my little escapade to Midgard. I'm your plan that never worked. Your shameful secret turned villain. I'm a reminder that you, the great and powerful All-Father, isn't without his past skeletons. You simply couldn't have your mistake alive and well, locked in a cell. No. You want me dead at your feet just like all your other mistakes. Then, when I am no longer here, you will twist my story to make you the hero and me the villain. As to not dirty you further."
"Loki." His mother breathed, her voice soft and pleading, tearing Loki's thoughts away from his father on the throne making the young prince fall silent.
He turned to her, grief seeping into to his angered heart as he looked into the tearful eyes of the person who raised him. Who taught him how to be a good son, a good prince, a good man. Who cared for him when he felt alone, who forgave him when no one else would. The only person who loved him, truly loved him, in a way only a mother could. She was the reason he was still alive. And he was the reason for her grief.
"You were not summoned here for your death either." Odin told him, seeing that Loki was now done with his tirade. Loki looked up at the king, eyes shining with confusion. "I called you here today to pardon you of your past crimes."
"You are no longer a criminal of war." Odin continued to tell him as the two einherjar began to release Loki of his chains. "You will have your previous titles restored to you, and all of your past crimes forgiven. From here on out you will be regarded as a true prince of Asgard."
Loki looked at his family as if they were crazy, blindsided by the news he was receiving. He looked to his mother for answers, who was smiling at him with love and relief. Her eyes gleaming with tears of happiness, not sorrow like he originally thought.
"I don't understand." Loki confessed, confused as to how he couldn't sense the lie that his family was obviously telling him. Was there something wrong with him?
His mother then glided down the stairs, wrapping her arms around her beloved son, holding him close to her as she cried tears of relief. "You are free now Loki." Frigga answered him, looking up at her son who was still as tense as the moment he walked into the throne room. When Loki wouldn't look at her she gently placed her hand on his cheek, asking him for his attention. "You are forgiven my son."
But instead of happiness, anger filled the dark prince's voice. "What kind of trickery is this?" Loki demanded, glaring up at the All-Father.
"This is no trick boy." Odin assured Loki bluntly. "You are forgiven." When Loki didn't move, didn't stop glaring at his father Odin let out an audible sigh. "Thor has discovered new evidence that your actions weren't completely your own." Odin clarified. "The scepter that you wielded during your conquest of Midgard held a particular stone. The mind stone. Once this was discovered it was theorized that this powerful artifact had you under its control. The person who gifted you with the scepter propulsory blinding you with rage in order for you to do his bidding."
"How do you know that it was not me who found the stone to conquer Midgard with?"
"Because the last time it was herd of was when a Titian found it." Loki fell silent at that. "So it is true. That is who found you." Again Loki said nothing, confirming Odin's suspicions. "Like I said before my son, you are forgiven. There will be a feast thrown in your honor. Until then enjoy your new found freedom."
Loki wasn't sure 0n what to say as he stood there at the foot of the throne. His mother next to him, her hand resting on his arm, not wanting to leave her son again. "I'm sure you are tired my son." Frigga said to Loki when he said nothing. "Why don't I take you to your rooms so you can rest before the feast tonight?"
Loki's mother left him in his rooms to allow him some time to think. It was clear that the young prince was in shock at what had just occurred. An abnormal trait for the tricker who never seamed to be caught off guard. But here he was, caught off guard.
He walked around his old rooms, beyond surprised that not only was everything left exactly where he had left it, but it looked as though he had never left. There was no dust on the desk tops, the room wasn't stuffy, and the projects he had been previously working on were right where he had left them. Books where left open, half finished papers littered the desk tops, even Loki's ink and quills where left out, just waiting to be used again.
Loki ran a hand over one of the open books, peering down at its contents. "How to identify a Frost Giant." Loki read allowed. The day he had found out that he had been adopted was probably the most earth shattering day Loki had ever experienced. After he had found out Loki began pouring over countless amount books, trying to make sense of it all.
Sighing Loki closed the book. After all the excitement of today Loki was too drained to fret over his heritage at the moment. Making his way over to his bed Loki collapsed onto the mattress. Perhaps the world would make more sense after he woke up.
"Why the long face brother?" Thor asked Loki that night at the feast. "This is your night. The night me and mother have been fighting for since we got back from Midgard. You are free form your cell. You have your titles back. This should be a time for great happiness not great sorrow."
"If you had been imprisoned for months for a crime that was not your own you would feel the same as I." Loki told his brother mater of factly. "Now the All-Father releases me from my cage he himself put me in and expects that all is forgiven? This feast is merely a means to cover up his wrongdoings. A way of taking the kingdoms attention off of him and placing it onto me."
"Not everyone is as deceitful as you brother. Father threw this feast as a celebration in your honor."
Loki snorted at that.
"The kingdom is happy to have one of their princes back." Thor continued on. "They are happy to have you back brother."
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