The Rotted Offering
Rahadin, Lich from the amber temple... this one's for you.
Suggested by the lovely lovely CharlieM19
+ mention of suicide
The snow wasn't the chamberlain's ideal weather to travel through.
It became rather troublesome for Rahadin to navigate through the mountain on horseback. Whatever was to be in front of him was concealed by a fog of thick snow, although this caused no holt in his journey.
Beneath the hood of his winter's cloak, his face was naturally consorted into a scowl. He had been in a sour mood as of late and had become especially irritated over his clean hands. Nothing had occurred for the longest time; the elf hadn't been required by his lord to fulfil gory tasks or to terrorise lowly subjects.
After all these years of living, one may have liked to assume that Rahadin was a patient man. Surely he knew that, with newcomers arriving into Barovia, he would have his fair share of torment alongside his lord. Although, to his impatient dismay, he still had to wait; their visitors were still within the Vistani camp, and had a long way to go before his master would even think of inviting them into Ravenloft.
Being deprived of pleasurable torment and bloodshed for this long was beginning to effect his temper.
Maybe he'd get a kick out of taunting and tormenting those within the dungeons, but by now the elf had grown bored of the same old shitty shite. There were a limited amount of prisoners, with most cells holding skeletal remains or rotting carcasses hanging onto chains. Even with those who were (barely) alive, they were unresponsive at this point, and no fun.
Rahadin pulled on his horse's reins. Before his figure were icy steps that ascended towards an entrance, with statues standing side by side and in front of an archway.
He was here, finally.
The elf shifted among his mount and slipped off. "wow this is scary this"
He took steady steps as he wandered upward, careful not to slip. The silly bastard slipped anyway and tumbled down the stairs, toppling upside down at one point and smashing his head against one of them. His wig FLEW.
Even though nobody was there to see it, Rahadin had never felt such in sufferable embarrassment before. As he sat up, bald head and confused, small tears developed in his eyes.
This reminded him of the time when he fell down the stairs in a similar way in front of his lord, to which then the vampiric lord discovered that his chamberlain was a wig user. Now his fucking horse knows as well.
"Rahadin," he said all those years ago while he watched his elf chamberlain struggle to readjust his wig. "I am gravely disappointed in you. kill yourself"
Rahadin placed a shaky hand up to his heart as he recalled the traumatic event. He took his soggy wig and went back up the stairs.
"All I desire... is for someone to love me," he whispered to himself.
Anyway so he walks into Amber with a soggy wig and soggy ass, and descends down some more stairs while standing in front of this massive statue right. He positions himself into a pray, wiping his tears away as he sniffles.
"It's hay fever," he said to nobody. He took out a live toad, and opened his mouth WIDE. Like you could see back of his throat it were so wide.
"I didn't ask tbh," nobody said back.
Rahadin paused for a moment, then brought the toad away from his mouth. Carefully, he stood up and took out his scimitar, eyeing his surroundings.
Somebody was here; he had heard them quite clearly, yet he couldn't find where the hoarse voice had come from. "Who goes there?"
This time, there was no reply.
"I beseech you from playing this game of hide and seek." He began to move, with the tip of his scimitar scraping against the stone floor.
He was a little LIAR mate. Truly, he wanted to play this game of hide and seek. Whatever could entertain him, he took the opportunity with great pleasure.
"Show yourself, little lamb," he taunted, eyes following any slight movement made. "Come out."
"Far from a lamb, elf."
Rahadin turned his head, toad and sword in hand. At a distance away, there was a skeletal figure, dressed in ruined red robes, and only just concealed by darkness.
His body shifted in its direction, eyeing the stranger up and down. Wow, this guy's fit as fuck
The lone figure moved forth. "Ohh, how lonely I have been... I have withered away and I dunny even remember my name. But, now... someone has arrived, finally! Finally! Ohhh..."
The fit boney babe trailed his skeletal hands between the gap between his upper thighs, ass out.
Rahadin felt himself blush. "I can't imagine how long it's been since somebody pounded tha rotted sexy boney hot mama delicious bone marrow hole of yours"
"oh! uh - oh! sooooooooooo looooooooong..."
"MhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMM BROOOOOM BROOOM VRUM VRUM VRUMMMM POP POP, that was the sound of me riding your boney COHCK, and me POPPING my PUSSY!!!" Rahadin started to do gestures as if he were riding a motorbike which don't exist in Barovia
"oh, goodness gracious, so it was... are you here to RAVISH me, elf man?" The lich fell against the wall in a seductive pose. He teasingly exposed one BONE NAKED leg between the slit of his robe.
"The name's Rahadin," the elf slowly began taking his cloak off and approached the lich. "You might've heard of me, actually..."
"ANYYWAY." Rahadin unbuttoned his skeeny trousers, and dropped them. The cock is out. "I've longed waited to be loved like this."
"Uh! Then I guess we're more similar than we thought..." the lich exposed a little of his ribcage by loosening his robe. "Oh my gawd, your cock even looks like me!"
Shrivelled up and skinny as owt. No sign of a ballsack or anything. Pure cock. Rahadin gave a little wiggle and it shook its head in distaste. "You like it? I call it my little rah rah."
"Aw, fuckkkkkkk put it IN ME!!!"
Rahadin waddled over cos his trousers were still around his ankles.
The lich bent over, leaning on the wall for support. Rahadin looked down, licking his lips, and prepared to stick it in.
But then he frowned. "Where's the hole???"
"Wdym cant u see it? it's the hole"
"you have many holes"
The lich pointed it out with its skeletal finger. Rahadin met the sight of a rotting, stinking hole.
"Awww yeaaaa let me get a piece of THAT."
He POUNDED that skeletal hole with his very long length, and the grotesque sound of bones clanking against each other filled the amber temple.
Rahadin panted, sweat rolling down his back and face, and clutched his teeth together. Man was desperate while pounding with maximum efficiency, and his boney baby was howling in absolute pleasure. It made him feel so... loved. It made him feel like a MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His tony elf balls slapped against where his ass would've been. "You like this???"
"S'alright yeah"
"That's what I like to hear" Somehow, the bastard figured out how to speed up past maximum efficiency.
"I'm... I'm gonna...!"
"Not yet bbg." Rahadin holted immediately. "I wanna try somethin. Don't move, and don't look."
Rahadin pulled away. Slowly, he took off his wig. He spun it around, gaining more speed with each swing, until he WHIPPED it across the lich's boney ass. Somehow, his non existent ass cheeks clenched up and the lich flinched in surprise.
Then he did it again. And again. And again. And again.
The lich was lovin it. With each whip, he moaned so loud that the temple shook and vibrated. With one final blow, the lich COOMS EVERYWHERE, caking the entire lower floor of the temple in rotted coom.
"Omg, that was so GOOD!!!" The lich turned, only to witness a bald headed elf standing behind his ass, wig in hand. "Oh my god... you're... you're bald?!"
Rahadin had several panic attacks. He clutched at his chest and scrambled backwards. "I-I'm sorry!!! I couldn't tell you... I thought you'd hate me..."
The lich wiped coom off his own skull. "Rahadick... I had no idea you were so insecure about it... I think ur so sexy without ur wig..."
"You really mean that...?"
"OF COURSE I mean that!!! I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. That hasn't changed, for you OR for little rah rah..."
"Lich.... I..."
"Actually..... after that humongous orgasm, I finally remember my name... it's Exethater."
"Well, Exethanter... I hope you now that we can't be together." Rahadin turned away from him, ass out. "Our love is forbidden. We can no longer see each other."
"Rahadin, don't do this!! I love you."
"I''m sorry." Rahadin slapped his coom filled wig back on. "I'll keep you in my heart - OUGHHHHHHHHHH AUGHHHHH OHHHHHHH OUGHAAH" he coomed, legs shaking and ass twerking back n forth. "I-I can't STAY here anymore!!! I'll just keep cooming from ur beauty!!"
And then Rahadin ran away outside, naked and caked in coom.
Good bangin' though.
Mad Mary is next for woz.......................
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