Ⅱ. travels to montauk
she's got away
Death was a constant thing in life. Some people knew too much of it and others too little. Selene Lopez was on the former end of the stick, watching her mother die exceeded the spectrum.
She wasn't sure how it exactly happened. One morning they were out shopping and the next she was gone. Blood soaked her mothers clothes as the man ran out of the store, the screams of others echoed into her ears but she couldn't really hear them. Her hands were covered in wet tears and crimson blood from her mother's bullet wound.
It all happened so fast.
And Percy Jackson was about to agree.
The boy sat up with a fright, his red coat crinkled at the movement. His gaze shifted from his woken daze to the cabin they were staying at. Thunder and rain surrounded them but they remained dry from still being in the car.
Percy turned his head when he heard a sniffle, his mom wiped her tears away quickly, "We're here", she spoke softly and smiled.
The boy looked between his mom and Selene (who was sitting in the back) and smiled lightly, "On three?", gesturing to running through the rain as fast as they could.
"Ready?", Sally took off her seatbelt and Selene did the same. "One, two...", before the mother could get to three, Percy opened the door and grabbed his backpack and began running, "Three!".
The two women opened their doors and ran on after him until they reached the cabin. "Oh my god", Sally sighed breathlessly whilst digging into her bag for the keys, the three of them all standing outside dripping wet.
♘ ₊. 🏹 .₊ 𓏢
Selene watched Sally prepare dinner after lighting some candles to make light, Percy was in the bathroom freshening up. Her mind had calmed in the time it had taken them to get to Montauk, she had known Percy for so long now that she hoped he would understand why she kept this secret from him.
She never often cared for other people's feelings. She didn't know how to be compassionate. But, she always tried for Percy. Whenever he was sad, she would bake cookies with him or watch a movie at her place since Gabe almost always was using Sally's. Selene didn't want to let Percy down, he had made her feel real feelings, ones that she hadn't felt since Atlas.
Now, it was all going to be taken away once the boy knew the truth of why she really moved in opposite them. She just hoped that he would understand that she was just trying to protect him.
"Do we really have to tell him tonight?", Selene whispered, eyes shifting from the dinner Sally was preparing to Sally. "Maybe we could just take him away, far from here".
Sally looked down further, her back still to Selene, "We can't, he's going to find out one way or another. He already has questions and we can't just ignore them forever, Selene. I know you'll protect him", she then turned her head to face the girl and gave her a stern but soft look. One that told Selene she just needed to trust the mother.
Selene went to speak but the bathroom door opened and Percy walked out, the girl took a step back from Sally and looked away — feeling like she had been caught doing something she shouldn't have been. The boy looked at her confused but continued to walk over to his mother and tap her on the shoulder with his left hand whilst he was on the right of her.
Sally looked over her left shoulder but didn't see him there so she turned right, the mother and son laughed at their common joke. "I found the good marshmallows. Ones that don't burn so easy".
Percy blinked and a look of failure crossed his face, "I don't think it was ever the marshmallows' fault I wasn't paying attention". Sally turned to her son, her face was still at his words but soon softened before she turned her whole body to face him. "Mom... I need to talk to you about something", he then faced Selene. "The both of you".
Selene's eyes shot up to look at the mother and she nodded to the both of them, reassuring the pair for very different reasons. Sally took her son's hand and trailed him over to the next room, Selene followed close behind and the three sat down on the couch (the two women sat either side of the boy).
"I'm used to feeling weird", Percy began, hands rubbing themselves together, "I'm used to the world feeling weird to me. Like a puzzle with half the wrong pieces. I try to pay attention. I really try, but... then I'm daydreaming. I can't help it. But lately... it hasn't felt like daydreaming. It's felt... I don't know. More real, maybe? And then we were at the museum and...".
Percy couldn't find the words, his mind trying to figure out a way that didn't make him sound crazy to the women who were watching him intently. "You saw something", Sally interjects. The boy sighs for a moment then nods. "Something that felt real to you, but no one else could see?".
Selene eyed the woman from the other side of Percy, knowing the truth was slowly but surely coming through the ready made cracks of their relationships with the boy.
Again, the boy nodded. He couldn't look at either Selene or his mom though, too scared to see the look on their faces. But his mother sighed and rubbed his back softly, "What did she say to you?".
Selene closed her eyes and pressed her lips together whilst Percy turned to his mom with narrowed confused eyes. "She? How did you know it was a she?".
Sally tipped her head up and closed her eyes, after a second she opened them and said, "Do you know why we come to this cabin every year?".
"Because it's near the septic tanks, so it's cheap. Mom, how did you know about the thing I saw?", Selene could hear the accusatory tone that was leaving the boys mouth, his confusion rattled inside of him, questioning everything.
"We come to this place every year because this is the place I met your father", the mother told him and Percy looked her with raised eyebrows. She never really spoke of his father, he didn't know anything about him.
"My dad? What does my dad have to do with this?".
Sally licks her lips and softly lets out a breath, brushing a piece of Percy's blonde hair behind his ear. "A long time ago, I... met a man, here on the beach. He was wise and brave and kind and... noble. From the moment I first saw him, I knew that... that I had never met a man like him before. And then I realized he was unlike any many I had ever met before... because h... he wasn't a man at all. He was a god".
Selene watched Percy carefully, his furrowed brows creased further the more his mother spoke. "You fell in love with God? Like... like- like Jesus?". If it was any other kind of moment, Selene could've laughed at the boys question but this wasn't any other moment than the one that would thrust Percy into a world he couldn't even believe would be real.
Sally shook her head, "Not God. A god. Percy...", she clears her throat and shifts to face him properly, "... the stories... that I have told you about Greek gods and heroes and monsters, they are real".
"In those stories, I have told you about how gods and mortals would sometimes have children together...".
"Mom, please, stop".
"Children called demigods...".
"And sometimes they are known as half-bloods".
Something suddenly clicked in Percy's brain, "That's what the monster called me. Mom, what's happening?".
Sally looked to Selene, who had been sitting quietly and the girl sighed, "It's true, Percy", the boy then turned to her, almost forgetting that she had been there at all. "The children... the demigods, they're real. Because...", she took a deep breath and blew it back out, "I am one".
"What?", the boys eyes glazed over her, confused as to how that could be. He had known her for so long, it didn't make sense.
"And so are you", Selene continued. "You are a half-blood. And children like us are not safe in the world. Once we reach a certain age, we begin to understand what we are, terrible forces are drawn to us, driven to harm us before we can become strong enough to fight back. That is what you have been feeling and I know this because... I felt them too".
Sally nodded in agreement, "It has always been a part of who you are, it was always coming, I just-".
"Why are you both telling me this?".
"Percy, I know that this is hard to understand, but you have to believe us that this is real", Selene urged.
But, the boy couldn't grasp it, he stood up sharply, "No, this is crazy. Okay? I am not a god. There is something wrong with my brain. I understand that I'm weird, believe me, I get it, but I'm afraid something may be really broken now".
"Oh, baby, no-".
"And- and now you're both telling me stories, like it's gonna make it okay?".
"No, please, Percy, try and understand", Selene tried but he shook his head at her.
"I'm not a baby! I know there's no such thing as monsters, I know there's no such thing as gods, and I know for certain that there is no such thing as demigods".
Selene looked away but head snapped back up when pounding on the door echoed through the cabin, causing them all to turn. "Who's there?", Sally called.
"Mrs. Jackson? It's Grover".
"Grover?", Percy's voice cracked from the emotional conversation they had just had but it was also laced with further puzzlement.
"Percy, I'm so sorry", Selene caught his attention, she could feel the betrayal he would feel literally outside the door.
"This is a little time sensitive. Could someone maybe open the door?", Sally stood and began walking over to the door whilst Selene rubbing her legs painfully hard on her thighs, her heart beating a little faster.
Percy watched his mother go, "What is he doing here? I don't wanna see him. Wait, mom-".
Sally opened the door suddenly but not all the way, "I asked to have the night, you said we could all leave in the morning".
The rain was heard louder now the door was open, and Selene took the chance to stand up and create some space between herself and Percy, now worried with why Grover had disrupted from the plan. "Sorry, I'm early, but I didn't have any choice. Things have changed, this is all developing a lot faster than we anticipated".
"Early", Percy mumbled. "You should have asked me before you-", Grover walked into the cabin as the blonde haired boy spoke, "Whatever it is you're gonna say, I don't wanna... hear it. Grover?", the boys eyes trailed down to the other boys legs and feet in astonishment.
"Percy", Grover greeted, not away of the fact that Percy could see him. Okay, so something's coming...".
"... and I know that sounds really bad...".
"... but the important thing is not to panic".
"I'm not panicking", Sally shook her head.
"Great! I'm also definitely not panicking. I feel very good about how we're doing so far-".
"What?", Grover finally turned his head with a slam of his foot... or more so his hoove.
"Grover, why is there half a goat in your pants?".
Selene pressed a hand to her forehead, "Oh my god".
"Oh, it's...", Grover tried to explain but realised he couldn't and looked down at his bottom goat half. "Oh! Oh boy, she didn't tell you about...", he then snapped his head to Sally, "You didn't tell him about me?".
"You're early", the mother smiled sarcastically. Nothing had gone to plan so far and everyone in the room via Percy knew what the real world looked like and thus far the boy didn't believe a word Sally and Selene had told him.
"So the important thing is not to panic", Grover reiterated but in a different context completely with a timid smile.
"We'll continue this in the car. Let's go", Sally walked past them (Selene following after her) and began to grab her things whilst the two boys continued to stare at each other. One felt utter betrayal for what happened at the school and the other worried about what was coming for them.
♘ ₊. 🏹 .₊ 𓏢
"My job has been to guide you to this moment", Grover stated in the back seat, Selene sat next to him. "It's always an emotional rollercoaster for a young demigod, so providing a support system is really-".
Percy gave him an odd look, "Who are you?".
"I'm Grover. I'm your best friend and-".
"What are you?".
Grover looked away, his grey beanie slipped off his head when he pulled it away to reveal his tiny horns. "I'm a satyr. And I'm your Protector".
"You're my Protector?".
"So am I", Selene revealed and Percy parted his lips. "I'm sorry I never told you but the less you knew at the time, the more I could protect you".
Grover nodded, "If I hadn't gotten you kicked out of school, you'd never have survived the night. And what's chasing us now would have found you there easily".
Percy looked away from the pair in the back and watched the rain fall, "So what's your excuse?", he didn't look at her but Selene knew he was talking to her and almost flinched at his sharp tone.
"They thought with you moving around all the time - from school to home - that you'd be in more danger. So I protected you at home and Grover protected you at school. It worked", she shrugged her shoulders even though he refused to look in her general direction.
"I'm sorry", Grover also apologised when Percy said nothing, "Usually, I can sense danger coming a mile away, but this time... Well, none of us saw Dodds coming".
Percy swung his head around, "So you knew?". Grover's eyes widened as he realised what he had said and guilt flooded his face. Of course he knew, it was his job to but he couldn't exactly tell Percy after it had happened.
"That thing that Dodds turned into, you saw it happen?", further betrayal etched itself into Percy's heart, feeling like his whole world was turning upside down. Like he never really knew Selene and Grover at all. "Why didn't you say anything?".
"I saw some of it. The Mist kept her hidden even from us until it was too late"
Percy furrowed his brows, "Mist? What's a mist?".
Grover sighed, "The Mist. It's the veil that hides the magical world from the human world. My legs. Dodds' wings. Even Dodds' absence, but it isn't supposed to his things from me. That never happens. Something powerful is at work here. The sooner we get you to camp, the better off you're...", the words died on Grover's tongue when he saw Percy's face. He turned to Sally, who was driving, "You told him about camp, right?".
"Not yet, no".
Sally stole a look from her son but turned back to the road, "Camp is a sanctuary for half-bloods", Grover began to explain. "A safe space where you can learn who you are and what the world is like on the other side of the Mist. Uh, it's not far, actually, just a little ways past the bend up there".
"Mom, what else haven't we talked about?", Percy asked his mom, "What else haven't you told me?".
"Percy, she did her best, we were all just trying to do our best. Life as you know it is not life as we know it. It's dangerous and cruel and it's out to get you every single day. Camp is-", Selene was cut off when a loud explosion hit from behind them.
A gasp left her lips and she turned to see what had happened when Percy yells, "Is that the Minotaur?".
"Once the attacks start, they never let up", Grover told Percy, "Okay? Dodds was just the beginning. He is next. He- he is brutal. He is relentless".
"He is still wearing underpants".
Selene's face dropped as the beast ran from behind them. "Grover, my bag!", she yelled.
"What? Oh.. oh!", he grabbed the green backpack from underneath his hooves and passed it to the girl. Her hands fumbled inside until she found her black pen with a cat figurine on the top of it. Atlas had given it to her before she left for New York, he had said it reminded him of her and wanted something to keep her safe since he couldn't be with her anymore. When it's uncapped it would turn into a celestial bronze sword that could kill monsters that were out to get her or the Jacksons.
Growling and hooves trotting grew louder and louder, "The Mythomagic cards were training. Everything has been training for what's still ahead of you".
"What's ahead of me?", Percy exasperated.
"Boys", Sally called.
"I'm actually twenty four".
"Hold on, please".
The Minotaur growled loudly until it stopped right next to them, its hooves continued to chase after them as Sally pressed on the gas. Selene gripped her pen tightly in case they couldn't get away, eyes narrowing on the beast just outside the window of Grover's side of the car.
Then all of a sudden, Sally grunt and swerves the car into the beast, the four of them jolting as the car moved. In retaliation, the Minotaur crashes into them sending glass flying all over them. Grover screams loudly when a car light from in front of them shines over their scared faces.
Sally grips onto the wheel again after momentarily losing control and tries to steady the car away from the one approaching them. But the horn of the Minotaur is stuck on the inside of the wheel causing Sally to struggle. Her free hand comes forward and clutches the gear and she shifts it and presses on the gas again, the beast growls but then gets taken out by the car that was coming their way.
Selene grips onto the side of the car, "Watch out!", she screams as their own car flips off the side of the road. And everything goes black.
♘ ₊. 🏹 .₊ 𓏢
Rain and thunder rumbled into the nights sky, Selene stirs as a thumping is heard. A groan leaves her lips and her eyes open. Grover's hoove is hitting the car's back window until it flies off into the wet grass. The boy then groans and begins to climb out of the crashed vehicle.
"Careful, Grover", Selene mumbles as she tries to sit up. The pen in her hand hadn't left her grip and she was grateful because she wasn't sure what she was walking into.
Percy shifts in front of her with his bag in hand and looks at her worriedly. "I'm okay, you go", she says and tries to help him out of the car. Her eyes are still adjusting but she tries to find Sally to see if she's okay.
"Sally?", she calls but gets no reply at first. Then a sharp inhale is heard followed by a, "Yeah, I'm here".
"I'm gonna climb out and help you, okay?", Selene says and grabs her bag with her free hand. Her black boots hits the chairs while her leg shifts up against the broken window, beginning to climb herself out. She meets the boys helping each other up and the three walk over to the side of the car. The girl opens the car door for Sally and the woman climbs out slowly.
"Is everyone okay?".
Selene nods and Percy speaks, "Yeah, I'm okay".
"Okay", the mother groans and switches on a flashlight so they can see through the dark. The only light they had before were from the car headlights still being on. They begin to climb up the small grassy hill, trying to find a way out. "This way!".
Grover moves away from Percy's hold as lightening lights up the top of the hill. "We're here. That's the boundary. No monsters can cross it. Percy will be safe on the other side", he then turns to face the three.
"Percy will be...", the boy in question repeats, "But won't all of us be safe?", he looks to his mother, rain dripped from his hair and onto his face.
Sally walked over to Grover, momentarily ignoring her son, "Grover, I am entrusting you to protect my son, my only child".
The boy nods, "Don't worry, Mrs. Jackson, Percy will be totally safe at camp-".
"Swear it".
"What's happening?", Percy questions and Selene looks away from the scene.
"Swear it, Grover! Keep him safe from anyone or anything that comes for him, that wants to do him harm, that looks at him the wrong way. Do you understand stand me?", Sally proclaims, the need to protect her son washed over her more than the rain.
"I swear!".
Sally nods then looks at Selene, "Selene...",
The girl looks back and nods with sad glazed eyes but she didn't cry, "I know. And I swear". She already knew what the mother was going to ask and she would do whatever it took to protect Percy. Even if it meant giving up her own life in return for his.
The Minotaur roars behind them, it had found them. They all turn and Selene grips her pen even tighter. Sally begins to breathe heavily and wanders over to her son, "I gotta go now, sweetheart".
Percy's eyes widen, "Go? What do you mean go?".
"I can't go with you".
"Why can't you?".
Selene puts her hand on the boys shoulder from beside him, "Percy, she's human... she can't cross".
Sally puts on a brave face for her son but Selene can tell it's eating her up inside. She looks away from Percy's sad eyes looking back at her and begins to walk away and over to Grover so the mother and son can say their goodbyes.
She knew this day would come. Eventually. That one day this would happen and Sally wouldn't be able to come with them. But she didn't think it would hurt as much as it did. She hasn't anticipated her role within the family and how much they would mean to her in the short two years she had known them. But it did hurt. And Sally needed her to protect Percy, and she would.
"You're gonna need to be brave now. Remember what I taught you. Remember the stories I told you. Especially the stories, they will tell...".
"... you everything".
"No way! Mom, I'm not leaving you!".
"Perseus! Listen to me", the mothers voice was stern and pleading, she took her sons face into her hands and gazed at him like it was the last time she would see him... and maybe it would be. "You... are not broken", she shook her head. "You are singular. You're a miracle. And you are my son. Hold fast. Brave the storm", she spoke softly despite the boy shaking his head with tears in his eyes. "I love you".
The Minotaur roared again but it was closer, a gasp left the mother's lips and Selene turned back around. "We need to go!", she yelled.
"Give me your coat", Sally said to her son.
Percy began taking it off as requested, "Why? What are you gonna do?".
"He smells half-blood, that's what he's tracking, yeah?", Sally asked Grover and the boy nodded, "So if he smells you in two directions at once, maybe I can confuse him, buy us both a little time to get away", she grabs the red coat.
Percy steps forward with pleading eyes, "Mom, please, don't-",
"Hey! It'll be okay". The pair stare at each other softly but branches crackling makes them look away to see the beast coming it's way. Percy's eyes widen in fright and Selene pushes him behind her with Grover. Sally reaches for him and kisses his head. "Go! Now!".
Grover grabs Percy and they help each other begin to run up the hill while Sally runs in the other direction towards the beast. Selene watches her go for a moment, the reality of the situation really sinking in now. A roar snaps her out of her daze and she takes off after the boys (pushing them forward).
A scream rips into the air and Percy stops to see his mom and the beast, "No, no, no", he repeats and tries to run back to her but Selene grips his arm and pulls her to him. He tries to break free but her arms wrap tightly around his waist. "Let go!".
"I can't! We have to go, Percy. Please!".
"Mom!", he screams when the beast picks Sally up and raises her into the air. Selene's lips part and chest tightens but her grip on the boy doesn't falter. But then she disappears. Dust into the air and she's gone.
It got her?
Selene had never seen anything like that before. She wasn't sure if the mother was dead or not. Percy's attempt of breaking free stop as he stares in shock, like he couldn't believe what he had just seen. A tear runs down his cheek then a rumble is heard. The girl lets go of the boy and Percy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pen.
"Where did you get that from?".
Percy says nothing as the pen turns into a sword, it's golden light reflects off his face. "Per- Percy! Percy, no!", Grover tells and Selene goes to hold him back but he slips past her fingers and begins to run towards the beast.
The beast and Percy collide and both fall into the wet grass. Selene grips her pen and holds it tightly, the black pen turns gold as her own sword appears and she runs off after him, leaving Grover on the floor.
She had one job and that was to protect Percy and she was already failing. The Minotaur growls loudly and smacks Percy away after he manages to hit the beast with his sword. The boy grunts as he collides with the floor. Selene comes up behind the monster when it holds up a huge rock over the boy on the ground and smacks her sword down against it's fur causing it to bleed. It drops the rock onto the ground whilst Percy tries to stand back up.
The Minotaur turns to Selene and she hold her sword up, ready for it to come for her but it turns back around when Percy climbs on it's back. The monster crashes into a tree to try and get the boy off him but Percy holds on. Selene gasps when Percy rips off the beasts horn and slams it into it's head. Turning the beast into nothing but dust.
Percy falls to the ground, Selene runs over and hovers over him, "Percy!", and the last thing he sees is her brown hair falling over her face as she lands next to him. Then, everything goes dark.
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