White Walls
Louis's POV
I wake up and saw I was in some random bed. I look up and saw white walls even if it was pitch dark. What happened? The last thing I remember is picking those plates up . I sit up and a lighten bolt of pain shot down my spine making me yell in pain.
By now I could tell I was in the hospital. But why? I sit up again very slowly and saw I was hooked to some random beeping things. I look to my side and saw Zayn asleep beside me with Liam and Niall. I look around and found my call button. A nurse and doctor rush in to the room turning on the blinding light.
"Mr.Tomlinson?" The nurse asked flashing some light in my eyes.
"Ouch. Why did you do that?" I ask rubbing my eyes.
"D-Doctor, He is fine why did he go into a coma?" The nurse asked taking my pulse.
"Almost fine. Louis please turn on your stomach." He said.
I turn and lay on my stomach really confused. The commotion had woken the three sleeping boys up. They looked really worried ,but why? I'm fine ,right? He untied the back of the hospital gown and pulled the blanket off me. Thankfully I had boxers on. He ran his hand down my spine making me whimper in pain.
"Mr. Tomlinson do you smoke?" The Doctor asked.
"No. Why?" I asked really confused.
"It looks like you have been burned by the tip of a cigarette multiple times down your spine ,and your heart seems to be beating a bit slow which made you fall into a coma for five days. You can go home in two days ,but if you get a blood transplant you can go home tomorrow morning since it's one in the morning. Wait it says right here that you have a twin. Can she donate blood?" He asked as I turned over.
"A twin? Sir, I'm sorry ,but you have something wrong." I say really confused.
"Louis, It's says right here Baby B Louis Tomlinson born December, 24 1998 at 1:47pm. Baby A Liza Tomlinson born December, 24 1998 at 1:56pm ....... Oh my I'm so sorry I didn't see this, born 1:41 death 1:41." He finished looking up at me sadly.
I could feel my heart drop. I had a twin? had.
My gaze quickly moves to the door where my mum stood. She didn't hear it.
"I had left to get some coffee. I was so worried about you!" She ran over to me smiling
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask feeling betrayed.
"About what sweets." She asks sitting on the side of my bed
"That I had a twin." I say sitting up in the bed slowly.
Her smile dropped.
"I tried so hard to keep Liza a secret. I didn't want you to know." She said sadly. "The reason I wanted to keep her a secret is because I was only planning for one baby. In every ultrasound we only saw Liza and only heard one heart beat. You do know you were a month premature ,but I never told you why. I was in a car accident. A motorcycle had swerved in front of my car and when I tried to not hit it another car hit me. The accident made me have an early labor. So I had a c-section. The first baby was Liza ,but she didn't cry. I got so guilty thinking the wreak had killed her ,but she was never alive. It was your heart beat we heard in the ultrasound." She spoke sadly.
I was in shock. Millions of things were going through my mind ,but only one word came out as a response.
She got up sadly and left with the doctor and nurse who turned the light off as my thoughts flooded my mind.
Was I not suppose to be the chosen one?
Did I kill her?
I was never suppose to be here.
"Shh. It's ok Louis."
That voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I look up and saw Zayn had pulled me into his lap to calm me down as hot tears ran down my face.
"Shh. Lou, It's ok. Don't cry." He said looking down at me as something flashed in his eyes.
"Louis, Did I tell you that our project won?" Zayn asked.
"But I didn't do anything for it." I say glancing over at Niall and Liam who had fallen back asleep, Niall in Liam's lap. Awe.
"You took the pictures,princess." He said.
"Why do you call me that?" I ask.
"What?" He asked playing dumb.
"Because you're my princess." He said.
A blush spread across my cheeks quickly.
"When is the dance?" I ask changing the subject.
"Friday Boo." He said as I yawned.
"I'll go back to the chair you need some sleep it's almost three in the morning." He said laying me back down and walking back to the chair.
I cuddle into the bed as I heard something.
"Goodnight Boo."
The weird thing was the voice was in my head. And it wasn't Harry. Not thinking much of it I fell into a dreamless sleep.
:) How do you like it? Zouis? Larry? The voice? Please go read my new book Notes. <3 Love y'all. My army of Turtles!
Questions of the day.
Favorite Bands?
Have y'all seen Red Band Society?
What's your zodiac sign?
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