New Home
Louis's POV
I'm standing at the front of a old three story house with vines growing around the windows. My mom, siblings, and I moved to get away from Mark, my father.
"Loubear!" My mum screams from the moving truck.
"What?" I question turning around.
"Can you watch your sisters and brother while the workers are unpacking the boxes?" She yells back to me.
"Sure" I reply with a small smile.
"Lottie,Georgia,Fizzy,Daisy,Phoebe,Ernest, Doris! Meet me in the backyard!" I scream running to the backyard.
I ran to the back and saw the so called "backyard" was a forest. Then I felt two three year olds hug my legs and giggles from a few other girls. I turn and saw all my siblings.
" Can we play hide and go seek?" Daisy asked.
"Sure, Do you want to be it?" I ask trying to get Doris and Ernest off my legs.
"Yes!" Daisy said smiling.
"Ok. Count to twenty and we will hide." I say finally getting Doris and Ernest of my legs.
She closes her eyes and started to count.
" One........Two.......Three"
I ran to the trees and got behind one. After a few minutes I heard rushing water and my curiosity got the best of me. I followed the sound and came across a meadow. I saw a patch of wild flowers and ran over to them. I sat down and made a flower crown. I was almost done when I heard giggling. I look up thinking it was one of my sisters. I saw a girl with chocolate brown curly hair who looked about five or six swinging back and forth on a swing tied to a tree at the other side of the meadow. I quickly finish my crown and put it on then walk over to her.
"Hey, I'm Louis." I say when I reached her.
She stopped swinging and looked shocked.
" You can see me?" She asked.
"Why wouldn't I be able to see you?" I asked confused.
"Gemma!" The little girl started to scream as tears began to run down her face.
"I'm sorry, here." I say giving her my crown.
She stops crying and took the crown.
"Why are you so nice?" She asked
"Why w-"
The next thing I know I'm pushed against a tree. I looked at who had me pined. It was a girl with brown curly hair and blood red eyes.
"What did you do to my sister demon?" She said with her hand around my neck cutting off my air.
Her grip on my neck tightened making me see black dots in my vision. The last thing I saw was a boy with curly hair and green eyes trying to pull her off me.
First Chapter YaY! I'll try to get another chapter up by the end of the day. This is my first Larry Stylinson fanfic! If someone says I'm a fake directioner or fan because I ship Larry read this. I'm not an Eleanor shipper ,but I know she has feelings and people shouldn't call her a beard or any other names. She's only human. Eleanor isn't a beard and she shouldn't get all this hate even if you don't like her JUST HOLD YOUR TONGUE. I don't go around making fun of Eleanor shippers. I feel bad for her. Even if Eleanor is fake or real , she shouldn't get all this hate. You don't have to tell me I'm a fake fan or I'm hurting the boys or anything like that I don't really care. Why can't Larry Shippers and Eleanor Shippers just get along?
Posted: April 14, 2014
Edited: December 17, 2016
P.S.: That rant hurts me 😂😂
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