Leaving This World
This song is amazing. 💗
Listen to it. 💗
Louis's POV
I almost turned the key as I looked back at Harry. He stared back at me with tears running down his face.
"Just open the door. Yaser will be sealed away the second that door opens and Zayn's contract with Yaser is gone." Harry said in a broken voice.
"But, Hazza, I just want you." I say tears flowing down my face.
"I'm sorry, love. " Harry pauses stepping closer and placing a kiss on my forehead then stepping away. "Open the door." Harry then stated bluntly.
I held back more tears as I turned the door knob and pulled it open. Zayn was the first to pass through. His jet black hair turned pure white as he walked through the door and waited for the others. Gemma was next. As she walked through the door, but she didn't change a bit. May was next to go, but just stood there.
"May, it's okay. You'll be fine." I mumble as she walked through the door. Her brown curly hair turned white as she stood beside Gemma.
"Love, you have to go." Harry said as I hovered at the door.
"What if I don't." I pause turning to face him. "What will happen if I don't go."
"My sister's souls will die." Harry paused cupping my cheek. "Imagine Lottie's soul never making it to heaven. It's like that, sorta. Their souls will be shredded and they will no longer exist." Harry said sadly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry I asked." I mumbled laying my head on his chest. "I'm leaving this world, I guess this is the end." I pause. "This can't be the end of everything Harry. I don't want it to be the end."
"I'm sorry, love. I wish I could say if you're leaving this world I'm not far behind, but I won't, I can't. I'm simply stuck here." Harry said tilting my head up.
Harry leaned his head down kissing my lips softly. Then Harry pulled away.
"I love you."
Then Harry pushed me through the door knowing I would never go, but I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him through with me.
As I fell through the door my clothes changed to white pants and a white button up. My chestnut hair got white swirls in it and my eyes seemed to get brighter.
Then Harry fell. He actually made it through the door. His tattoos faded away. His clothes were switched to the same as mine and the tips of his dark curly hair began to turn white as the door slammed behind Harry.
"Y-You got through." I mumbled in shock.
"Indeed he did."
I jump at the sound of the voice and turn around to see a blinding white light and a group of people.
Harry didn't pay attention to the group at first. He just pulled me into a hug and acted like if he let go he would never see me again.
"I love you Harry." I mumbled as I saw Zayn race to a woman standing in the group.
Harry pulls away from me as he turns to see two women and a man from the group standing in front of us.
"M-Mum! Dad!" He said hugging the woman then man.
"H-How am I here?" Harry asked almost sobbing.
"Your love was pure my dear." His mum said with a smile.
Then Harry turned to the second woman. "Who are you?" Harry asked her.
The woman smiled then spoke.
"You probably don't remember me. Just call me Lily."
Epilogue will be up soon. Xx
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