Brown Eyes
Louis's POV
"He's here."
"Did you not listen to the story? It's-
Zayn didn't even get to finish before my eyes meet with a pair of brown eyes exactly like Zayns.
"You still haven't figured it out have you?" The man asked.
"Who do you think burned you with a cigarette? Who do you think caused that car crash? Who do you think tried to kill you when you were 13? It sure as h*ll wasn't Zayn because he's a f**king pansy." The man yelled at Louis.
Then it hit me. Who else signed the contract? Who else would look just like Zayn? Who else has the last name Malik?
"You're Zayn's dad." I whimper out.
"Correct, Any last words Lily?" He said holding a knife to my neck.
"Yaser let go of him!"
I look up and saw Harry and Gemma standing on the other side of the cemetery.
"It's too late Harold." Yaser said pushing the knife to me neck making my squeeze my eyes shut.
It seemed the pain was only there for a second then it was gone. I open them to see Harry had Yaser pinned to a tree and Gemma was behind me untying Zayn. A few minutes later Gemma had both Zayn and I untied while Harry was holding a knife to Yasers neck.
"Louis watch out!"
I didn't even get to see what was happening before Zayn pushed me to the ground. I look up at him and saw Yaser had thrown the knife at me ,but it hit Zayn.
"Louis, I'm fine. Gemma take him away from here, here take my bike." He said throwing the keys to his motorcycle at Gemma.
"Gemma keep him safe." Zayn yelled as Gemma dragged me to Zayns bike.
"Why?" I ask getting on the bike with Gemma.
"Harry is distracting him I need to get you out of here. Never underestimate Yaser, he is stronger than he seems" Gemma said before starting the motorcycle driving into the darkness.
Update YAY! Short I know. Please go check out my other book hospitals. Please go vote for me in the Larry story awards. LarryStoryAwards
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