chapter 12: confrontation
Author's P.O.V
Since the incident, everyone had gone back to america, including ayame and red, Paula was buried, as the numbers of deaths increases, Haley was currently in a cell as a informant at a government facility along with ayame and red, Haley had never lost faith in Michael, but she was worried,she had a frown on her face as she laid on a bed , ayame was programing red as they shared the same room with Haley, all three of them were wearing shock collars to prevent them from trying to escape or use force
Oliver watched them from a one sided mirror having files on the table, he had arrested them since the attack on Japan while Natalie and Claire were on secret surveillance 24/7 "report" oliver spoke hearing Ferdinand walk in "last located sighting of Michael was near the empire state building where he had murdered two couples" the tall bald man responded "near the site is Chase Blood heart however he got away..." He added making oliver nod "watch these two...." He ordered as Ferdinand nodded walking inside, "report immidietely if something happens" oliver announced before walking outside, he looked around before heading to the garage and got in his car, he then drove to the scene of the murder to investigate, he felt different lately, he was able to determine what is the next location or where the suspect is, able to replay the scenes of murder or accident in his head which he can't do before, once he got to the empire state building he saw a figure jumping from building to building, he then decided to follow it ,
Claire sighed as she was alone in the apartment, Sebastian was at work and her boss gave her some time off to recover, however she felt something odd, "Claire....let me take control...he's near..." Hybrid spoke in her head making Claire jumped "geez you scared me....whose near?" Claire asked looking out the window "carnage....." Hybrid replied making Claire sigh "Michael....fine I'll let you control me....but don't kill that and we have a deal" Claire spoke looking at her reflection trough the glass as she saw hybrid staring back who nodded, the lights in the room flickered making Claire look around "this is gonna hurt" hybrid announced "what do you me-" Claire was cut off when she fell to he knees, screaming in pain, she felt her arms bleed that turn into red fur, her fingers growing longer turning into purple sharp claws, she also felt something forming on her tail bone and on her head,she panted looking at the glass seeing bone like substance form on her face forming a cat like hockey mask, before she let out a loud feline like roar,
"We got someone in our tail~" carnage spoke in Michaels head as he swings around the buildings before he got tackled by a figure with cat ears and tail that wore a black jacket as her arms were covered in red fur into one of the buildings causing the occupants to panic and ran to the exit, Michael groaned as he slowly stood up "let me out I'll take care off her!"carnage announced making Michaels eyes turn pure white but Michael refused to let carnage take over " no!"he yelled at him before he stood up, his mask helping him scan the figure who was crouching, ready to attack, Michael made his blades pop out of his armoured fore arm, Hybrid growled before pouncing at him but Michael managed to slash at her but to his surprise the blade broke upon impact causing hybrid to tackle him to the floor, Michael growled before kicking her off him as he quickly stood up, the sound of gunshot echoed as Michael felt something bounce off his mask, he looked at the source of the gunshot to see oliver holding a pistol as he reloaded it, Michael growled at him before running at him but got hit by a desk which was thrown by hybrid , "leeeettt mmmeeesee out!" Carnage purred in Michaels head but he ignored him and shook his head seeing the mask fall off his face, he quickly threw a punch at hybrid once she was near only to get his fist to hit hybrids fists causing the armour to break and fall off his arms, this caused Michael to fall back and watch hybrid grab him by the chest plate and threw him trough several rooms , ripping off his armor , hybrid then looked at the armor and dropped it before walking to Michael, she felt bullets bounced off her back making her look at oliver, she then back hands him sending him to a wall , hybrid looked back at the multiple holes Michael had just crashed trough only to get tackled by carnage who had taken over "Let's play kitty!" Carnage roared as his hand moved up turning into silver blades, but before he could slash down on hybrid they both felt mechanical arms wrap around them and pull them away from each other, they look at who it was to see a slender robot like figure having four mechanical tendrils coming out of his back as his face was nothing but a eyehole shaped like a blade "ahh look at the Calvary!,all of this for me? I am flattered truly!" Carnage spoke before his hands glowed purple ripping the tentacle off him "you two are full of heart but not very smart" carnage announced before ramming his hands to the floor and slash upwards causing blades to come out of the ground hitting them "You two can't defeat me! You will die trying!" Carnage yelled before kicking hybrid out causing her to fall to the floor below and the mechanical figure got thrown to a different building
"I am carnage! And I will kill everyone who dares to come cross my path!"
A/N new chap....sorry got mind blocked since.....I keep having dreams about her nonestop....sorry if this had no sense....but I still hope you guys like it
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