Chapter 1: The Start
Michael's P.O.V
May 18 2018...
"MICHAEL JAMES B. FRIGHT! How many times do I have to tell you to stop taking my pasta!" Claire my closest friend exclaimed bursting trough the door of my messy room filled with parts of mechanical machinery causing me to jump up "jeez Claire do you know how to knock?!" I exclaimed almost electrocuting myself with the wiring of the project I was working on "then don't steel my pasta and could you clean up we got guest coming" Claire announced seeing my dirty body due to the work is was doing, I chuckled and smiled "sure but first lemme finish this wir-" I was cut off when Claire spoke "now!" She strictly spoke making me flinch and sigh standing up "sure sure....." I spoke in defeat as I walked pass Claire and into the bathroom sighing, Claire is a 5'6 platinum blonde haired girl with brown eyes and chubby yet slim body.
When I was done cleaning myself up I wrapped a towel around my waist as I looked at the mirror seeing my skinny yet muscular body filled with multiple scars, I sighed as I pulled back my brownish black hair back, I would always stare to myself thinking where would I be now without claire. I then walked out of the bathroom and into my room getting dressed in ripped jeans, white v-neck shirt and a black thick jacket with a large hoodie, as I was getting dressed I looked at my project seeing it was getting close to finish yet I stumbled, my vision getting cloudy as a black figure in a hood formed in front of me while a disoriented voice echoed in my head "Michael...." It spoke but I quickly shook my head as I heard Claire's voice "MICHAEL GET DOWN HERE OUR GUESTS ARE HERE!!'' Claire yelled making me sigh as I replied " Coming!".
As I walked down the stairs with a bag of things I see Claire talking with five more people with a backpack, Sebastian, Claire's boyfriend, chase my other friend who is addicted anything involving the military, Paula Claire's friend who is a total smartass , Natalie Claire's other friend who she hangs with the most yet I'm a bit cautious cause those two are yaoi lovers, and the last person is....MARY?!. "Claire why did you invite Mary?!" I whispered yelled as Claire looked at me and then to Mary then back to me "come on you two need to make up" she spoke smiling "she cheated on me six times!" I exclaimed my platinum blonde haired friend making her sigh "fine just let her stay for now and I won't invite her again" she said making me smiled and pet her head and looked at Claire's boyfriend, Sebastian, he smiled at me and I smiled back " so let's go!"Claire announced as she Natalie and Paula walked out to the van while me and chase catches up with the military things.
As we were heading to our destination which was a camp site all to ourselves we were talking to each other, Sebastian was on the wheel with Claire beside hkm, I was at the very back talking to chase about the project I was working on, I would occasionally shift due to the fact that my ex Mary would lean on my shoulder and be all clingy, I sighed and looked at the blonde hairs girl "what?" I asked obviously annoyed "when will you forgive me? I'm sorry for cheating on you alright?" Mary spoke making my eye twitch "when you become a sex slave" I coldly spoke, I saw her frown and looked down as the entire trip she stayed silent. "Hey Sebastian don't tell me you didn't pack the fun bag!" I yelled laughing as I see him look at me trough the mirror "I did!"he replied laughing but receive a light punch from claire " what did I do?"Sebastian asked laughing making claire smile softly "jerk" she muttered.
As we got to the camp site, Claire, Paula, and natalie was in awe seeing a two story modern cabin near a crystal clear lake, as the three girls talked checking the place out, Sebastian chase and myself were bringing the bags inside the large cabin yet I saw Mary standing by the van looking at the lake "Hey Mary get your fat ass moving and help!" I yelled making her look at me but was taken back when she noticed me smiling at her, I may hate her but I'm not cruel enough to be that mean to her.
When we settled in me and Sebastian noticed that the three girls hadn't come back to the cabin and it was almost sun down, and on that moment we heard a scream, me and Sebastian quickly ran out, me being first since Sebastian had to get flashlights, I kept running and running until I saw the three girls at the docks with a giant black furred wolf with emerald green eyes blocking the way, I didn't hesitate and tackled the wolf shouting "run!", I looked at the wolf to see not to fight back but just simply look at me, the wolf then moved quickly as it ran deep into the woods. I tilted my head in confusion but shrugged it off as I stood up and looked at the girls seeing Claire crying on Sebastian's chest, I smiled softly and walked to them " come on let's go back in the cabin"I spoke, Sebastian nodded as he picks Claire up bridal style making her blush and and held onto him, I chuckled as I saw this.
***Le time skip***
It was 11:47 as we were playing truth or dare, I was on the floor leaning against the couch, Claire was snuggling beside Sebastian, Natalie was eating popcorn, chase was next to me, Mary was behind me with her foot against me head while Paula spun the bottle that landed on Sebastian "OK Sebastian truth or dare?" Paula asked smirking "dare" Sebastian spoke smiling "I dare you to flirt with Michael!" Paula spoke making me chuckle and flipped her a middle finger, Claire laughed with Natalie and Paula, Sebastian sighed as he stood up and sat on my lap in a feminine way, the girls screech "those yaoi bastards" I thought in my head as I saw Sebastian's hand touch my cheek "hey there handsome~ I heard you like to get rough~" he spoke in a seductive way with a blush, the girls started to fan girl as Claire violently shakes Natalie. Soon Sebastian got back up and sat beside Claire chuckling, Sebastian then spun the bottle as it landed on me making me raise an eyebrow "truth or dare?" Sebastian asked smirking "truth" I spoke smiling "OK...tell us...." Sebastian stopped and looked at Claire who nodded "tell us what secret you're bidding from Claire" he spoke making me freeze at my spot, it took me a second before I sighed heavily "I don't know how to say this......bu-'' but before I could explain a knock can be heard from the front door, " I'll get it"Claire spoke as she stood up and walked to the door, as she opened the door we saw a woman dressed in ripped jeans and shirt that revealed some of her skin, she had Raven black hair and green eyes she also looked drenched as if she just walked trough a rainy day, Claire frowned "oh please come in...Natalie get the bath ready and Paula get some fresh new clothes for her!" Claire ordered
About an hour later Claire and Paula were tending to the woman named haley, I was behind the door by the hallway, hidden as I eavesdrops on their discussion, I sighed as I walked in seeing haley topless as she yelped and covered her breast, "Michael!" Claire yelled glaring at me making me sigh throwing my jacket at haley "wear this" I spoke looking at haley then to Claire "I'm going out for awhile" I spoke, Claire sighed "at this time of the night no, you go ahead and sleep" she said to me standing up "you know I'm just gonna go me I won't do anything stupid" I said raising my arms in defense "I'm just gonna go swim abit" I said making Claire sigh "fine just be carefully OK" she spoke as I nodded and left heading to the lake, as I got there I stripped to my trunks and stretched sighing before I dived in and floated on my back relaxing looking at the night sky, I glanced up at the moon frowning softly, closing my eyes as I remember all the promises we made..., I promised Claire that I would be there for her....and promised that she will be happy .....I promised chase that I'll modify our guns and would do a gun off.......Natalie promised me that if anyone would need blood transfusion or any medical thing use mine....and most of all......they promise me if I die....they would never forget me....I smiled softly before I felt something tug me, I opened my eyes looking around as I got pulled underwater hearing a deep disoriented voice, "Michael!" It yelled in my head as memories of my past started to flash before my eyes, some possible futures as I struggle to swim back up but to no use I found myself being held in place "no no NO I WONT!" I yelled basically wasting my air as I started to drown, "Say my name! Say my name and my power shall be yours, Listen to us, we can help you fight! Let me take you, expand your mind, we are carnage together our paths aligned! The world is mind and it can be yours in time and were climbing to the top when our worlds combine!!!, SAY MY NAME AND YOU WILL HAVE POWER LIKE NO OTHER!!!" it yelled in my head a word appearing before my eyes as I struggled and kept seeing possible futures of pain and agony,
I looked up to the surface to see the moon
A/N new book yay, so here's what is gonna happen, updates will be longer and won't be rushed, hope you like it and those who are knew this story will have messages and real life events that happened to me so if you see anything comment down saying you found one... Anyway hope you like it
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