The weight of my overflowing backpack pulled my shoulders down uncomfortably. At least it was finally time to leave school and go home. I continued down the hall with my nose in my phone, checking all my notifications.
(1) Follow request...
Accept | Decline
I shook my head, unable to hide a smile as I accepted. Then, I waited for him to accept mine.
While staring at my screen, I didn't see anyone approach me. I only felt my backpack being lifted off my shoulders, which caused me to jump a little at the sudden action.
"Do you mind if I carry it for you?" Sagang asked me with a friendly grin. "It looks like you're struggling with it."
"You don't have to," I told the boy, but he was already sliding his arms through the loops. He seemed to have just as much of a struggle as I did. I chuckled at the whole situation.
"What do you carry in here?" Sagang laughed while finally getting the bag all the way on. "Is there a person in here?"
I playfully pushed his shoulder. "I just have a lot to work on tonight. Where's your bag anyway?"
"In my locker." Sagang shyly held onto the straps while walking down the hall beside me. "I have basketball practice so I can get it later."
"You should probably get to practice then." I started reaching for my bag, but Sagang turned it away.
"I'll make it. Let me walk you to the bus first."
I rolled my eyes in an amused way before ruffling his hair. "You're too sweet."
When leaving the building, Sagang even pulled the door open for me like a gentleman. It was obvious he was trying, which I found to be flattering and quite adorable, but I wouldn't be able to see him as anymore than a cute, younger boy.
"Thanks for carrying my bag, Sagang," I thanked. "Have fun at practice."
Sagang gave a small and polite bow before jogging back into the building. I watched him as he came to the doors, glancing back in my direction through the groups of other students making their way to the buses. I sent him and wave that he quickly returned before disappearing into the school.
I stepped onto the bus, making my way to the back section where my regular seat is. I stopped, seeing a figure already in the spot. The person had a black sweatshirt on with the hood up, covering their face. Instead of bothering them, I took the seat beside my normal one.
My eyes locked to the outside world through the small buss window. Occasionally, I would glance to the side to see if I could make out who it was in the black hoodie, but their face would be covered and nearly impossible to see. It wasn't until the bus started that I could finally get a peek.
I whipped my head around to completely face the stranger. That's when I realized, they weren't so strange after all. I recognized them from my fifth period study hall. He's a new kid that transferred after Christmas break. I'm just wondering how I never noticed him riding the bus until now.
"Oh, hey!" I greeted. "It's Junwook, right?"
The boy nodded. "Study hall."
"Yeah, exactly." I scouted closer to the edge of my seat. "Do you ride the bus often?"
"No, this is my first time. My mom took up a new job and can't pick me up from school anymore."
I nodded. "Cool. I finally have someone to talk to one the bus. It's also nice to officially meet you."
"You too." Junwook gave a tiny head bow, his bangs falling over his eyes.
"What made you move here in the first place?" I questioned, feeling a bit curious since my school was fairly small and not as great as a few surrounding areas.
"My mom went to this school when she was younger, so she knew she could trust enrolling me."
"Well, I'm glad it turned out that way." I shot a grin to show that I genuinely meant it.
A couple buzzes came from my phone, so I fished it out of my pocket.
Follow request accepted by J_Sagang.02
Message from J_Sagang.02: See you tomorrow. Part 2 :3
I let my head fall to the side in confusion. Part 2?
(A/N): it's been a little bit, but I'm back with another part ~ I Got You started playing when I got to the middle of this chapter XD also, Walk You Home by NCT Dream started playing while Sagang was carrying her backpack and walking her to the bus. I just thought that was funny
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