The final screen popped up between Yooni and Eunsung's gaming battle. The two ended up in the top after we all had competed. The surrounding group began to lean closer to see the victory pop up with Yooni's name.
She stood up with her hands in the air while the crowd applauded. Eunsung stood up next to her, defeated, but still smiled and give her a high-five.
Deiji snuck up and curled her arms around Eunsung. "Even though you didn't win, you're still the winner of my heart."
Hanji fake gagged, causing Deiji to flash her a quick annoyed glance. She quickly replaced it with a grin at Eunsung.
I looked down at the clock on my phone. "It's getting kind of late. I should get home to finish homework since we have school tomorrow." I quickly sent a text to my older brother so he could come and get me. The group returned upstairs and waiting in front of Sagang's house for everyone to head home.
I going to head out," Eunsung mentioned as he started for his car. "I would offer rides home, but I can't drive others yet. I'll see you all tomorrow."
"I'm going to head out as well. Let's go, Seunghyun," Seokcheol announced. He waved us all bye. I noticed his eyes glance in Mina's direction before he split away and to his car.
"Bye!" Seunghyun parted to follow his brother.
"I can't wait to be able to drive myself," I chuckled, watching the cars drive away.
"Wow, Yooni, I can't believe how good at video games you are." Deiji put her hand on Yooni's shoulder with a big smile on her face. "By the way, why have we not hung out before? You're such a fun person to be around!"
Yooni's expression showed that she was a bit confused by her actions.
"I'm going to this little party tomorrow with a couple of friends and you should totally come with us!" Deiji pulled out her phone. "Can I have your number so I can send you the details?"
Yooni hesitantly read off her number for Deiji, glancing in my direction. I only shrugged, also unsure as to why Deiji was suddenly becoming so friendly.
"Great! My ride is here, so I'll contact you later! Bye guys!" Deiji waved and made her way to the car pulling in. It looked like one of her friends in the driver's seat.
"What just happened?" Yooni questioned with lowered eyebrows.
Sagang let out a chuckle. "Honestly, I don't like Deiji."
"Can't we all agree on that?" I asked, starting to laugh. The group nodded.
"My ride is here," Woojin stated. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
After Woojin left, Yooni's ride and also Junwook's came to get them. I was the only one left.
"I'm going to head inside and get ready for bed," Hanji announced. "Good night." The door closed behind her.
I turned back to Sagang and flashed him a small smile. "You don't have to wait outside. It's cold out here."
Sagang shrugged, returning a smile to me. "I'm fine. Are you cold? I can get you a jacket."
I quickly shook my head. "No, I'm okay. Jaehyun is always late." I hugged myself, feeling the wind start to pick up.
"You are cold," Sagang said. He quickly opened the door and ran inside. I tried to stop him, but he was already on his way back with a jacket. "Please don't catch a cold, Jaehwa."
I let out a soft laugh, taking the jacket from his hands. "Thanks, Sagang." I slipped into the warm jacket and started to feel better in the outside weather.
"So, about the party you mentioned, I should plan so the band can play... Do you think we could arrange it together? Maybe you could help film some of our songs for the YouTube channel too?"
"That sounds great. Do you have band practice tomorrow?"
"Yeah, after I finish basketball practice I have about an hour before it. I'll send you a message when we're ready if you want to stop by."
"I'd love to."
A couple of lights started to brighten as my brother pulled up. I glanced at the car and then back to Sagang. "It looks like my ride is here. I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for inviting me, that was amazing!"
"Thank you for coming!" Sagang waved goodbye as I walked off.
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