*its a long epilogue, mostly a few bloopers, but I think it's a great ending! Leave me a comment if you guys want a sequel!
Edward POV
A few weeks after the Volturi
"They're so cute." Bella laughed at our daughter and Nahuel as they played in the rain outside.
"Very, he's good to her." I nodded, walking to the window to watch them over Bella's shoulder.
"He understands her, I told you they would be good friends." Bella nodded and I sighed.
"When are you going to accept that they're a couple Bella?" I asked.
"Have they said they're a couple? Are we just supposed to assume that they are?" She questioned, getting frustrated with this topic for the hundredth time.
"Why are you so against them being together? She couldn't have chosen a better person."
"I know that." She cut me off. "And I'm not against them being together."
"Then what's the problem?" I asked.
"I just don't want her to get hurt alright!?" Bella yelled. "I don't want her to become me!"
"I thought you said you forgave me? I thought we were back together, I thought you were happy?" I cried.
"I am happy with you Edward." Bella recovered. "But I can't let her get hurt like I did!" She panicked.
"Bella, calm down." I pleaded, wanting more then anything to hold her tightly.
"I can't let her get her heart broken Edward!" She continued to yell. "She is everything that is pure and good in this world! And if she gets hurt, then-then, well, then the whole world has gone to hell!" Bella screamed.
"Bella listen to me, Elizabeth and Nahuel are not you and I. We have to trust them to make better decisions. I trust Nahuel to make better decisions then I did!" I exclaimed, trying desperately to calm her down.
"May I speak to you both for a moment? I'm sure I can clear up this argument." Nahuel suddenly stood proudly in the doorway.
"Of course, come sit." I smiled softly, pulling Bella with me to the couch.
"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and so I sent Elizabeth to go shower and warm up from the rain." Nahuel paused. "I love your daughter and I always will. It's her laugh, her smile, the way she is so openly kind and overly compassionate. I couldn't and I would never be able to break her heart, and if I somehow manage to do that I beg you kill me quickly Edward, Bella will just make it long and painful." Nahuel and I both laughed at that.
"Thank you Nahuel, that means a lot to me. My biggest fear is her getting hurt like I did." Bella and I both cringed at her words.
"I love your daughter and I strongly believe we are meant to be together. I know she's only 17, though she acts much older, and she has another year of school and college and whatever else she plans to do while she's young to get out of the way first but...I am sincerely hoping you'll bless me with the honor of marrying your daughter when she's ready." Nahuel smiled widely.
Bella froze beside me, stiff and still as a beautiful statue while I smiled brightly in response.
"Bella?" I questioned her and she snapped out of it, looking at me with her deep golden eyes.
She nodded frantically and put down her mental shield enough to send me her thoughts. "Give him our blessing Edward. He said that they would wait until after school and not until she's ready. He won't hurt her...I hope."
"Nahuel, thank you for asking for our precious daughters hand, the gesture is very much appreciated. You have both of our blessings." I smiled and he looked like he might cry.
"Thank you both." He nodded.
"Come here." I smiled, standing up and offering him my hand.
He looked shocked for a moment and finally shook my hand, as he turned away I could tell that there were tears in his eyes.
"...what he should've been." I caught the last of Nahuel's train of thought.
"Nahuel, are you okay?" I asked, worried for him.
"Yes, I am fine, thank you. I'll go get changed now I-"
"You're not fine, sit down, lets talk." I motioned for him to come back. "Tell me what's wrong."
He sat down and sighed deeply. "Since you read minds anyway, you've probably already heard what's upsetting me."
"Something about 'what he should've been.' Right?" I asked. "What does that mean?"
"You'd think me to be childish." He shook his head.
"Nahuel, you can talk to us about anything. We're here for you, you're practically family now. Edwards not your father, he won't hurt you." Bella cooed.
"That's the problem." Nahuel cried, putting his face in his hands. "You're not my father, but you're exactly what he should've been!" He exclaimed and suddenly everything made sense.
"Nahuel, I'm sorry about your parents. No one should have to suffer like that." I sighed, not really knowing what to say to him. "The only thing I can really think to tell you is that, well, I'll always be here. I'm here for you, if you need to talk or just need a friend." I smiled.
"Plus, you know Elizabeth didn't have us until recently. I'm sure she can help." Bella smiled too.
"Thank you, it feels great to finally have that off my chest." Nahuel smiled.
"Have what off your chest?" Elizabeth bounced into the room and over to Nahuel.
"I'll tell you later." He smiled lovingly at her.
"Okay, hey, Alice wants to know if we want to try to beat her at chess." Elizabeth laughed.
"Yeah, sounds fun." Nahuel laughed in response.
"I told you they were going to be more then friends." I whispered into Bellas ear as Nahuel and Elizabeth left the room.
Nahuel POV
We were all having a relaxing afternoon. Carlilse and Edward were reading while Esme and Bella were talking happily in the kitchen. Emmett and Jasper were watching a baseball game while Rosalie and Alice looked through fashion magazines. And Elizabeth was lying out on the couch, partially curled up in my lap, reading a Jane Austen novel as I played with her beautiful, long copper hair
"Alice? Have you ever been a hair stylist?" I asked suddenly, an idea forming in my head.
"Are you kidding? Do you know how difficult it is was to keep short hair stylish in the fourties?" Alice laughed.
"Will you cut my hair?" I asked.
"Umm..." She looked up from her magazine and watched me tentatively for a moment "Sure. But doesn't your, father, have rules about that?"
"Yes, that's why I want you to cut it all off." I nodded.
"You want to cut your hair off?!" Elizabeth shot up and sat down beside me. "Are you sure?" She gaped.
"Yes, what guy do you know has this long of hair? It was okay when I stayed hidden all the time, but it's not practical to keep it now. I want it gone."
"Okay, okay." She nodded. "Let's not be too awfully drastic by cutting it all off though. Why don't you give him something a little longer Aunt Alice?" Elizabeth chirped.
"Sure, I have something in mind." Alice smiled, motioning me to follow her.
She had me sit at her vanity as she pulled out scissors and a spray bottle. Elizabeth took a seat on the edge of the bed behind me, a sad look crossing her face as she ran her fingers through my long dark hair one last time.
"Don't be sad." I told her, smiling at her in the reflection of the mirror.
"I can't help it. I love your hair." She sighed.
"Why is this affecting you so much dear?" I asked, noticing the grief on her face.
"I don't know, I guess, I guess it's just because everything else is changing too. Your hair makes you unique to me I guess, it's one of the things I love about you, and for you to be changing it...I guess it's just making me realize how much is changing." She sighed.
"What's changing?" I asked, feeling my own pain at seeing her so upset.
"Everything." She sighed. "My family, my social life, my home, even my school. My whole life is changing, even my outlook is getting effected." She sobbed quietly.
"Does this mean you've decided to move to Forks?" I asked happily.
"Yes." She smirked at me in the mirror. "Yes, of course. There's nothing left for me in Florida anymore. My family is here, and grandpa Charlie needs me more then he realizes or lets me know." She giggled.
"I'm sorry you're so upset over this. I'm so happy, I feel like I'm being unsympathetic." I chuckled.
"No, don't be sorry, it's me who's being silly." She giggled again, wiping tears from the corner of her eyes.
"I love you." I whispered, taking her hand from my shoulder and kissing it.
"I love you too." She whispered back, smiling brightly as Alice came back.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road!" Alice giggled.
Alice cut quickly and before I knew it, it was over. My hair was short, but not too short, and stuck out in random directions. It fit me well.
"What do you think?" Alice chirped.
"I like it, it's nice, thank you Alice." I smiled at her.
"Sure thing dude, anytime." She laughed.
"What do you think?" I asked Elizabeth.
She pushed herself up off of the bed and walked over to me, she slowly reached up with her hand and ran it through my hair several times with a thoughtful expression on her face.
"You hate it don't you?" I chuckled.
She suddenly kissed me quickly. "Yes." She giggled. "But I love you, so as long as you're happy with it, I'm happy with it."
"Thank you love." I smiled and kissed her back.
Elizabeth POV
"What's that sweetheart?" Grampa Carlisle asked as I looked through my book.
"Oh, I call it The Cullen Project. It's everything and anything I could find about you all and my mother. I've been working on it since I was ten." I sighed wistfully. "For seven years I searched, and never got anywhere. It seems so long ago that I first started, it's hard to think it's over, I don't have to search anymore." I laughed, wiping tears from the corner of my eyes.
"No, you don't." He smiled happily at me. "Mind if I take a look?"
"Yeah, of course not, come here." I patted the seat beside me and he joined me.
We looked through it for hours, happily laughing at how close I had been to finding out where they had lived in Oregon, and crying at some of the sadder pages, like the ones about my mothers death. We also laughed at how ironic it was that I ran right into my Grampa Carlisle the first day I was in Forks.
After awhile the rest of my family joined us in the living room and as they passed around my project book, I couldn't think of anything else that could make me happier then I am right now.
"Yes, The Cullen Project is finally complete." I smiled happily.
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