Chapter Thirteen
Authors note: So sorry this chapter has taken me so long! I've been writing sporadically on all of my stories and this chapter required A LOT of planning.
Hope you enjoy!
Elizabeth POV
"Grampa Carlisle, what's wrong with me?" I cried as he continued to try to examine my eyes.
"Umm...I'm not sure to be honest with you sweetheart. You said you didn't bite anyone?"
"Of course not!" I gasped.
"Well, when did you notice your eyes were red?" He asked.
"I didn't. Edward did after I caught him kissing Tanya." I growled and his expression turned into one of complete shock.
"He did what now?" His eyebrow raised in my same gesture.
"You heard me correctly Grampa." I sighed.
"I'm sure it's not what you think Elizabeth. It can't be! Your father is so desperately in love with your mother, it would be impossible for him to do something like that with another woman. Maybe you should try to talk to him?" He suggested.
"I know he loves mom. But what I saw is undeniable. I'm just so confused..." I sighed, a sudden wave of sadness washing over me.
"Okay now that's strange..." Grandpa held my face in between his hands carefully moving my head at different angles.
"What? What's wrong?" I asked quickly.
"Your eyes are changing back to normal."
"Back to green?" I asked hopefully.
"A very very dark green." He sighed. "Are you thirsty?" He asked cautiously.
"What, do you mean for...blood?" I swallowed, a sudden lump formed in my throat and a slight burn crept up my esophagus.
"I'll be right back." He got that strange giddy look in his eyes he gets when curious and left quickly, calling for Grandma as he ran downstairs.
"Elizabeth, may I come in?" Dad knocked on the already open study door.
"I suppose so." I looked at the floor quickly, not feeling like I could meet his eyes.
He took a deep breath and sat in the chair Grampa Carlisle had occupied only moments ago.
"Elizabeth, about what you's not what you think." He sighed, sounding deeply troubled.
"I'm not even sure what I think about it." I mumbled.
"Tanya forced herself onto me." He spoke through his teeth, as if trying to keep his anger at bay.
It startled me.
"She did what?!" I exclaimed.
"Tanya knows we aren't mates but she's also not used to anyone...denying her, if that makes any sense."
"Perfect sense." I sighed, realizing how stupid it was for me to have jumped to the worst possible conclusions about him.
"I'm so sorry Dad." Tears sprang to my eyes and I buried my face in my hands.
"Hey now, no tears, please Elizabeth. You have nothing to apologize for, this is all my fault!" He took my hands away from my face and brushed my hair back as he wiped away my tears.
"I shouldn't have thought so poorly of you. I should've let you explain when you wanted too. I guess it just made me so angry to think you had moved on from mom and...and I." I shut my eyes tightly as rage soared through me at the thought of Tanya wrapping herself around my father.
"Elizabeth, please don't be upset with yourself darling. I'm not angry with you. You had every right to think that way of me!" He hugged me tightly and I looked at him as he sat back down.
He sucked in a deep breath, as if something had scared him. "Your eyes are red again." He stated, trying to calm himself down.
"Wait a minuet!" Grampa Carlisle exclaimed, coming into the room with a stainless steel travel cup. "Do your eyes change color due to extreme anger?" He asked, quickly rushing over to me.
I thought about it briefly, flashing through the first and now the second time my eyes have changed. Both times I was experiencing extreme anger!
"You're right!" I placed my hand on his cheek and showed him my memories of both events.
I saw how my emotions effected him deeply.
"I would say that's extreme anger." He coughed, trying to calm himself down as I took my hand off his cheek.
"So what exactly causes this?" Dad asked.
"Well...if I'm correct at my assumptions, I think this is one of Elizabeths defense mechanisms."
"A defense mechanism?" I questioned.
"Yes, see you're only half-human. You're vampire genes are strong but not as strong as a full blooded vampires physical capabilities. I think that, as a way of defense, your eyes change red to make you look like a vampire." He explained and everything made sense.
"So, if she were to be in a fight or a dangerous situation, her eyes would change to help her seem more dangerous?" Dad asked.
"Exactly." Grampa smiled, obviously proud of himself.
"Here, try this, I think it's just what the doctor ordered." Grampa smiled and I laughed at his joke as I took the cup from him.
"Is that..." Dad trailed off.
"Let her try it son, it may do wonders for her." Grampa grabbed onto Dads shoulders.
I took a cautious sip of the warm liquid, as soon as it hit my tongue I knew exactly was it was.
But it also soothed my now burning throat.
I drank more of it as Grampa hooked me up to a machine to monitor my heart rate.
"Her pulse is already stronger!" He laughed in delight and moved to look into my eyes.
"Look at that Edward!" He smiled so brightly I couldn't help but smile back.
Dad looked into my eyes and smiled. "All those little specks of gold."
"She's gone without a basic necessity for who knows how long. The first sip she takes and her body immediately responds to it!" Grampa laughed again. "Wait! I wonder what changes this will give you physically?" He rushed to get a portable monitor that he put around my wrist.
"When you finish I think Eleazer might like to get you back into training." He smiled mischievously.
"Look at her go!" I could hear Grampa cheer back at the house as my amazed family members stood around him, witnessing the effects blood has had on my system.
I've been running for a solid hour and I'm not even winded, the last lap I made I clocked in running at a steady 60mph, the fastest I've ever gone! I feel like I can run faster but Eleazer doesn't want me to push myself any further for today.
"She's amazing!" Eleazer laughed, clapping as I finished another lap around my forest course.
"Alright Elizabeth! Time to stop for today darling, your Grampa Charlie will be expecting you home!" Dad called and I cut across the woods running up to the house of throwing myself into Grampa Carlisles arms.
"That was exhilarating!" I laughed as I slid out of his embrace.
"I'm so glad that helped." He smiled at me.
"Thank you so much." I hugged him tightly and he swung me around in a circle.
"My absolute pleasure." He smiled as he set me back down carefully.
I hugged everyone goodbye and Dad walked me out to moms truck.
"Sorry for your birthday kinda falling apart." I smiled sadly and he laughed.
"Today has frankly been the best birthday I've had in a long time." He smiled at my shocked expression.
"It's the first birthday I've had being a dad, and there is nothing better for a dad then seeing his daughter happy and now very very healthy." He smiled, I threw my arms around his neck and he wound his tightly around me.
Edward POV
"She's really something special son." Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder as I watched Elizabeth pull that death trap of a truck down the driveway.
"She is." I smiled at him.
"Strange how someone can just seemingly show up and become so crucial to your existence." He pondered, speaking his thoughts.
"She really means a lot to everyone doesn't she?" I asked.
I knew she was everything to me, but my family is a different story. They didn't always understand my fascination and love for Bella, I didn't expect them to be so loving towards the product of our relationship.
"Oh I'm positive anyone of us are prepared to die before something happened to her."
"I just wish Bella was here. If she was here I'm sure she would know exactly how to handle everything. I'm clueless." I sighed.
"Edward, there's something we haven't told you." He suddenly took on a guilty tone.
"What?" I asked cautiously.
Did he discover something wrong with Elizabeth he hasn't communicated to me yet? Is she in she dying.
"We think we know what happened to Bella." He sighed and I froze dead in my tracks.
"Where is she?" I asked, physically I was calm while mentally I was prepared to find out where my love is no matter what.
"We think Aro has something to do with her disappearance. When Elizabeth first came to us and accidentally triggered her gift, she showed us her memories. One of which featured Bella and herself as a small infant but as they were leaving the meadow...Aro caught their scents." He explained and rage burned through me.
"What can we do?"
"Well, I might be able to call Aro and cautiously bring her up."
"No. No, you can not let Aro know Elizabeth is with us." I shook my head, putting my daughter first and foremost, just like Bella would.
"I think I can bring Bella up in another way then revealing Elizabeths location." He chuckled.
"Are you positive?" I asked, panicked for her well being.
"I think mentioning my very gifted suicidal son, still grieving over the lost love of his life is enough to make Aro think twice about his decisions." Carlisle laughed again.
"We both know how upsetting it would be to Aro to hear someone with such a unique gift is wasting away." I laughed along.
It would drive Aro mad if my gift went to waste. Someone like me could be a benefit to him in ways more then one.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to make a very important call." Carlisle winked and rushed off to his office.
I decided to go into the living room and join the rest of my family.
It wasn't long before the Denalies returned from their hunt however.
"I have some very troubling news, where is Carlisle?" Eleazer came in quickly.
"Up in his study, speaking with Aro." I answered.
"Very well, I need to tell you all immediately that I came across a foreign scent in the woods just now. A vampire scent." He sighed and my whole system shut down.
"What?!" Esme cried.
"It was very near to the little Cullen's track too. I fear for her. Edward, you need get her and bring her here, now." He spoke in a rush.
"I...I can't. Charlie will know, he'll miss her in the morning." My mind races to try to figure out a way to get Elizabeth here with me safely.
"Edward." Alice called my attention.
Call Jacob.
"What?" I shouted, standing up as I did so.
"Call Jacob Black. Sams mate, Emily, has a niece that adores Elizabeth. The whole pack loves her, they'll do anything to protect her, including smuggling her over to us." Alice explained and my mind continued to race.
"What other choice do I have?"
"None. Absolutely none." She barked.
I pulled out my phone as Alice went to get a phone book.
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