Chapter 10
Authors Note: AHHH! I'm SO incredibly excited for these next few chapters! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you think or feel about them?
Elizabeth POV
"Ten minuets." Alice updated us on the arrival of my father.
Yesterday afternoon the Cullens told me all about my father so I would know what to expect. I've been a bundle of constant nervous energy since then. Even Grampa noticed I seemed jumpy this morning.
They had some very lovely memories of him, but, they also had some terrifying ones.
I learned that the dream I had had about him, Alice, and the man named 'Aro' had really been about my father trying to kill himself.
I was shocked. Alice said his guilt of leaving my mother ate him alive to the point where he couldn't live without her. Of course she couldn't convince him to go back to her so he went and tried to get himself killed.
"I need some fresh air." I gasped as I paced back and forth in the living room.
"Okay, go out the back door though, and please stay on the porch. I'll get you when it's time." Carlisle hugged me tightly and I quickly left and sat on a bench right outside the door.
I took deep breaths and pulled massive amounts of clean air into my lungs. One major thing about Forks I love is literally everything. The clean air, the forest practically call my name for running, and also the fact that my blood originates from here.
Suddenly a weird sense of calm settled over me.
"Hello Elizabeth." Jasper smiled at me, kinda, as he shut the back door behind him.
"Hi Jasper." I smiled back.
"Can I sit?" He asked and I nodded.
His voice was soothing and nice but I could feel how uncomfortable he was around me. There was some unspoken thing between us, something big and huge, but he wasn't going to tell me about it.
"I feel like I owe it to her." He spoke suddenly, surprising me.
Maybe he's going to tell me after all...
"Owe what to who?" I asked, shifting sideways to look at him.
"I feel like I should make up for the damage I caused by looking out for you. I owe that at least to Bella." He sighed and looked out over the forests tree line.
"What happened?" I asked and he sighed, sounding deeply disturbed he answered.
"On your mothers eighteenth birthday, while she was opening a gift, she got a paper cut. My bloodlust soared and I couldn't help it and I..." He violently cringed up as if suffering from PTSD.
"It's okay! It's okay!" I tried to sooth him. "You tried to attack her?" I prompted him to keep going, showing him I wasn't mad.
"I got close but the others dragged me away. Edward saw how dangerous we all were to your mom and that's why he left. He left because me trying to attack her finally scared him enough to leave her. Except, by leaving her we ruined lives." He cringed up again and I hugged him, tightly.
"It's okay." I cooed.
"It's not okay, if he hadn't have left, if I hadn't have forced him to leave..."
"You all would have known about me, my mother probably wouldn't be missing, and we would all be a happy family." I finished that thought for him, relaxed in the idea of how happy that sounded, and then moved on.
"But that's not how it happened, and focusing on the past does nothing for us now. It's a lovely thought but it's impossible now. You shouldn't blame yourself. I'm sure she wouldn't." I smiled at him and he hugged me so tight I thought he might break my neck.
"You're extraordinary." He smiled brightly at me.
"Jasper, Hun, 2 minuets." Alice poked her head out and smiled at our interaction.
"If you'll excuse me." He smiled and followed Alice inside.
Deep breaths Elizabeth, deep breaths.
Edward POV
My excitement soared as I raced home.
My family wants me home, they actually want to spend time with me, I still can't believe it.
I don't even want to spend time with myself.
No Edward. Stop with the self hate. You're here to fix yourself not to make things worst.
I rushed up to the door and hesitated momentarily, in that same instant Esme opened the door and threw herself into my arms.
"Oh! My boy! Edward dear, we're so glad you're here!" She laughed as I swung her around happily.
"I'm happy to be home too mom, but squeezing me to death may not be the answer." I laughed and she let go of me immediately and pulled me inside.
I thought I saw something big and rusty out of the corner of my eye but before I could think too much about it my family swarmed me.
Alice and Rosalie both latched onto me, smiling and giggling the whole time, while Emmet and Jasper both messed with my hair and picked on me.
"It's nice to see you all too." I smiled, letting this happiness sink into my every thought.
"Son." Carlisle smiled, opening his arms wide.
I immediately ran to him and threw my arms around him and hugged as tight as I possibly could. He stumbled back in shock and then hugged me back just as tight.
"Thank you." I spoke quietly, so the others wouldn't hear.
A flash of a camera went off and Carlisle pulled back, smiling at me like nothing had ever happened. I love my family.
"So, Edward, how was your trip home?" Esme asked.
"Good. I had let myself get too thirsty, the hunting did a lot of good, I'm so happy to be home." I smiled and her eyes melted.
"We're glad you're home son. It was time." Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed.
"Oh, I should've been back a long time ago. I feel so horrible the way I've treated you all for so long." I sighed.
"Enough of that, let's talk." Alice skipped forward and grabbed my arm, hugging it tightly.
"Are you going to be alright here?" She asked.
"I'll be okay. I've got to come to terms with things. It's about time I do that. For Bella's sake at least."
Saying her name out loud hurt. It hurt a lot. I didn't mean for my voice to crack or my face to grimace in pain in front of my family, but it did, and they definitely saw it.
"Oh, Edward, it will be okay. I'm sure she's happy wherever she is. It's not like you were the type of boy to just use her and leave." Alice dismissed and went to Jaspers side.
Use her?
Use her.
Oh my god, does Alice know? Of course I would never have just used Bella! I didn't even want to touch her for fear of hurting her, but it was her birthday...and she was just so tempting...
Edward stop thinking about that night. You promised yourself that that night was your goodbye. It didn't mean anything to her, not near as much as it meant to you.
"Edward? You okay?" Alice glared at me.
"What do you know." I demanded.
"Just the aftermath, not the details. I just want to know if you did what we think you did." Alice shrugged.
I took a deep breath, and prepared myself for my families hatred.
"Yes." I sighed.
"Well, that's conformation enough for me." Carlisle smiled and left out the back door behind me.
A stab of pain went through me when he left. Is he ashamed of me? Is this it? Is this the thing that pushes him over the edge? The thing that finally shows him how truly terrible I am?
"How did you find out?" I asked, suddenly remembering that I slept with Bella nearly eighteen years ago. How would Alice know that? She sees the future, not the past.
"Through me." A sweet, velvety voice spoke behind me.
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