Chapter 1
Eleanor POV
"But why do you have to go?" I ask while looking at my father who gave me a small smile caressing my cheek. We stood in front of a house in the middle of the woods, a house we have never been to when he suddenly told me he had to go.
"The time I spent with you have been the best 15 years of my life, I have broken a promise just to stay a few more years with you. I love you Lea, I hope you know that." His red eyes looked into my light blue ones. I know he loves me, he told me that every day, he told me how I was so special to him, how I was special and different to this world.
"I know.. I love you too." I say before he kisses my forehead just as a blond man comes to our view after coming out of the house. His eyes were golden as he looked at me and my father.
"This is Carlisle.. you'll be staying with him from now on." Dad says causing me to look at him.
"But what about you?" I ask and dad gave me a small smile.
"I have to go, you knew this day would come." He says petting my head as I shake it.
"You can't leave me.. dad I'm only 15." I say as he smiles nodding again.
"I know, you'll be alright Lea." He says giving me a sad smile before hugging me tightly. My father was a big man, intimidating even with a scar on his right eyebrow and median length light brown hair.
"I'll miss you." He says as I hug him tightly letting a tear fall.
"I'll miss you too daddy." I mumble to his chest before he pulls away kissing my forehead one last time.
"Goodbye." He whispers and just like that he's gone.. like he was never there.
"Bye.." I mumble before turning to the man who's named Carlisle before cleaning my tears.
"Hi." I whisper my voice breaking a little as he smiles softly.
"It's good to see you again Eleanor." He says confusing me.
"Again?" I've never met anyone before, only a few humans here and there only for me to get used to their smell and not attack. But I've never met other vampires at least not a lot of them those who I met were killed.. but I'd remember one with golden eyes.
"Yes, I was the one that helped your mother give birth to you.. I was the first to hold you." He says making me blink. I never asked about my birth, or my mother, it was always just me and dad against the world but now he left.. and I'm left with this man.
"You were?" I ask knowing he wasn't lying. Over the years I've learned to follow my instincts and right now nothing was ringing or telling me this vampire in front of me was dangerous.
"I was, now come." He says with a smile and extending his hand to me.
"Where?" I ask.
"To meet your new family." He says smiling and I look at his hand before slowly taking it and he lead us inside. There I saw 4 more people seating around before his eyes land on me.
"Everyone this is Eleanor Hunter. She will be part of our little family." Carlisle says.
"Is this a joke? Carlisle she has a heart beat." The blond woman said and I look at her.
"No Rosalie, she's.. different." Carlisle says as I look at him and back at the others.
"Different how?" The one with bronze hair asked.
"She's half human, half vampire." Carlisle answered.
"That's impossible." The one Carlisle called Rosalie answered.
"Her father has a special gift to which allows his to turn into any animal and have their characteristics, even human. Humans are able to reproduce and her mother was human, however she died giving birth to her." Carlisle explained.
"So in other words she's an unknown." The guy with dark hair says.
"Yes." Carlisle answers.
"Won't the Volturi come for us if they find out?" A woman with black hair asked.
"No, they don't know where she is and even if they did they will not cross her father." Carlisle explained.
"In that case, welcome to the family. I'm Esme." The same woman who spoke before answered with a kind smile.
"Thank you." I say giving her a small smile.
"I have a little sister now." The guy with black hair said with a smirk getting up, he was big but didn't look as intimidating as dad.
"I'm Emmett by the way, this is Rosalie." He says as I nod before looking at the last one who just stood there looking at me.
"I'm Edward." He said simply as I nodded.
"Eleanor you'll be sharing a room with Edward for the time being." Carlisle said causing both Edward and me to look at him before looking at each other again.
"Alright.." I say softly before heading outside again. A habit I had of sitting in the middle of the forest taking all the energy I could from the nature around me concentrating, breathing in all the smells.. that's when a certain smell hit me. It was numbing, the smell was simply too good to resist. I found myself running, running towards the smell and when I got there I understood why, a woman was there her back was to me while the green eyes of the boy she was biting locked with mine.. he was in pain and my instincts all jumped too action. I ran towards the woman basically ripping her off him.
Her red eyes glare at my blue ones as I glare back. I could hear his rapid heart beat, his breathing, his cries of pain and his blood was just calling to me but I knew better than to give in to that urge.
"You should leave." I warn the woman.
"I'll kill you." She says moving to attack me but I moved faster turning into a wolf growling at her taking the chance of her slight hesitation caused by surprise and jump towards her ripping her head off before turning back to normal and looking at her intensely causing her body to light on fire and with that I go back to the guy who was breathing rapidly.
"It hurts." His voice was raspy and in pain.
"I.." I didn't know what to do but I knew I had to save him. I picked him up and raced towards Carlisle house. As if waiting for me all of them were outside watching as I brought him.
"What happened?" Carlisle asked.
"She bit him." I say simply as the boy was screaming in pain.
"Who's she?" Emmett asked.
"I've never seen her before, maybe a nomad." Edward answered confusing me, why did he answer? Or how?
"I can read minds." Edwards answers.
"We're too late to stop it, if we try he'll die." Carlisle says while looking at the boy and I noticed his hand and leg were hurt. I extend my hand touching the area using the energy around me to heal him as much as I could. As I do I hear his heartbeat slow down and his screams stopped.
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