The History
Karasu grabbed the hand of the man and squeezed tight. Tears began to fall out of his eyes, but he was laughing and smiling. The man smiled back and pushed Karasu's bangs out of his eyes. "I haven't seen you in so long. You've grown to be so handsome just like your father. I'm assuming that [Name] is with..."
"Yes, [Name] is with Itachi. Safe with him. Karasu is with me, and his friend, Ronome, is with Buki." Shisui had kneeled down in front of the man, showing his signs of respect.
The man chuckled. "Shisui, you do not have to be so formal with me. It's just us three." Awkwardly, the Uchiha stood up.
The man let go of Karasu's hand and patted his shoulder. "Your emotions tell me that you must recognize me, but I am definitely sure that you don't know my name." He looked down and saw Karasu nod a little.
"My name is Kujaku Satsujin, your uncle. I have been waiting for so long to finally meet you after twelve years."
Karasu mildly panicked. Satsujin, the clan that was trying to kill him and his onee-chan. But, he recalled what the Fourth Hokage told him. One Satsujin had made contact with him in order to find Karasu.
"That's a long time to be waiting for someone. I'm really glad to meet another family member who, you know, isn't dead."
Kujaku smiled. "Of course. I haven't met with many of my family members for a while because they wouldn't accept me. Of course, my nephew wouldn't want to see me at all since that happened. But, that doesn't matter."
He looked over at Shisui who jumped up. "Right! Uh... Karasu, Kujaku-san has something for you. He has recovered many of the Cho family scrolls. You'll be able to learn many things with these scrolls, and Kujaku-san also has memorized many other undocumented jutsus."
Shisui had pulled out a small, rectangular box out of his satchel. He gave it to Karasu. "I only possessed one, but I'm sure Kujaku-san has plenty somewhere else." Shisui turned towards the older man and bowed. "I now leave Karasu in your care, Kujaku-san." Ending with that, Shisui waved good-bye to Karasu, promising that he would check up on him before vanishing into thin air.
Karasu looked at the box. It was trimmed with gold foil and had the engravings of clouds on a metallic purple. It fit nicely in between his two hands, but it was so short in length. How could it fit a scroll?
"Kujaku-san, can you tell me more about yourself? And, my family?" He hesitated. He wasn't sure if his uncle would be okay discussing his family.
Kujaku smiled. "You can call me 'Oji-san.' Calling me by my first name is a little formal, especially for my nephew whom I adore so much." He walked towards Karasu and embraced him in a tight hug. Karasu pressed his head against his uncle's chest.
It was weird feeling the warmth of another family member since [Name] was the only family he had ever really known. Kujaku caressed his nephew's blue-black hair.
"Uh... Oji-san, how are we related?"
Kujaku let go of the adolescent and moved over to a rock that was hidden in the bushes. He sat there; Karasu moved in from of him.
"If I tell you, it's going to be very complicated. I hope you won't be upset at me if I tell you what I can."
"Your mother is my older sister. She was already a toddler when I was born. Her name was Kuki Satsujin, and everyone who was born as a cursed Satsujin hid it if you were the descendant of Taka Satsujin. Our other family members from our grandfather Washi bore that name proudly, as big as the foreheads on the face.
"We were scared for our lives, thinking that the descendants and allies of the Cho clan were going to come and murder us. A good sum of the Cho clan still existed, and your mother had fallen in love with your father, whose name also shared the name of the shameful Taka Satsujin.
"Their love was forbidden and a scandal. They met in the dark nights, promising to be with one another when times were safer. Your mother was caught by my father, and he demanded to know about this Taka Cho. Had he wanted to murder his daughter? Did he want to know where everyone was to call for an ambush? He was infuriated with your father, Karasu.
"Your father was a brave man. I have never seen such a man who was as strong as him. He knelt before my father and told him that if he did not believe his love for your mother was true, he had the right to cut off his head then and there.
"Your mother was frightened and begged her father to not kill him, but your father did not flinch or move. He was willing to sacrifice him for your mother. My father believed him and had told him to come home that evening to discuss 'important matters.'
"I remember your father coming home with your mother. I was 15 when I first saw your father. He had your ebony hair and eyes as dark as the deep ocean waters. He walked in with a humble aura. There he sat in the main room with my sister at his side.
"There, he formally asked for my sister's hand in marriage. After some talk between the three of them, my father agreed that my sister would be his. The wedding was beautiful and full of love. It was something new for everyone, a wedding between a Cho and Satsujin. We all thought that this would change history.
"A year into their marriage, your sister [Name] was born. I was 16 when I first held [Name]. Her tiny fingers wrapped around my index finger. I loved her dearly. She was the bond between our two estranged clans."
Kujaku smiled as tears began to fill his waterline. He let them roll down. "I had so much fun playing with [Name], and eventually you came along, too. But, right after you were born, our dreaded cousins from the cursed Washi-san had found out about the forbidden and sacred marriage of your parents.
"They plotted against them one day. All of them ambushed your parents while they were visiting your father's clan. At their most vulnerable, the Cho clan could not defend themselves from the prepared Satsujin elites.
"I was horrified to learn of the news. We could not stop our twisted other halves; we could only watch from the sidelines. Your father fought long and hard, trying to preserve every last second. But, it was too late. I had learned that my once-close cousin, Kirigirisu, had murdered your parents. How could he? He loved his family; he had great pride in them. But, maybe it was because the Satsujin line now mixed with Cho blood.
"I was infuriated. It was Kirigirisu who had planned this. He had become too radical. He truly hated the Cho."
Kujaku looked at Karasu with kind eyes. "I know this is a lot. But, I'm not done yet. Are you okay?" Karasu nodded. He was eager to hear more about his history.
"I took you and your sister to live under the care of Kazuo Hato, a friend of your father's. They raised you and your sister with their only son and loved you both dearly. That is why you have been on your journey.
"But, I had done the unforgivable. I had walked into the palace of Washi Satsujin where Kirigirisu ruled. He wore his ego on his shoulders, boasting about his successful near-extinction of the Cho clan. I walked in with my head low. He eyed me.
" 'What do you want, cousin?' he asked me. He sat high on his regal throne. 'Only your forgiveness. I am a fool for not following your steps, your Highness.' Oh, what a fool he was for accepting my idiotic apology, and what a fool I was for doing what I had done next.
"Kirigirisu had told me to come close and kneel before him. I did, and when I had stood up, I had placed a paper bomb on him. I made that myself after testing for months on end. This was a large explosion that I even got injured. The palace was mostly in ruins. A few meager servants found their escape after being treated cruelly.
"I was bleeding from my hands." He held his hands up showing the thin scars that were embroidered throughout his fingers. "I managed to make it to the front of the palace when I felt a tug on my coat.
"This small boy of the name Kamakiri had looked at me with wide eyes full of revenge. 'I will come back and do what my father will do,' he demanded. He was only 8 or so, but I knew that I had done the worst anyone could have done.
"Who in their right mind would set up a horrible pathway for a child who could have changed the world? Now, I live miserably. I know what my nephew, Kamakiri, is doing. I know what he is like. Exactly like Washi and Kirigirisu. I know that he attacked you and your sister, and now I know that it is my turn to teach you how to stop him."
Kujaku lifted his hands once more. "I have lost some nerves in my hands. My chakra is not as strong as it was since that bombing, but I've mustered enough just for you." Kujaku stood, his bones cracking.
"Let us go. I must show you while I still can. I'll show you the powers that may stop that dreaded nephew of mine kill the niece whom I have cared for since forever."
[Name] sneezed, startling a couple of birds in the nearby trees. "I wonder if you have hay fever," muttered Itachi.
"I think I'm allergic to you. It would be best if you weren't so close to me." She rubbed her nose. Itachi pressed his shoulder against hers like an over-obsessed dog.
"Really? I think I'm more attracted to you," he joked. [Name] flipped her hair. She was getting frustrated at his less-than-subtle hints of affection.
Why was he like this? It was flattering, but still quite embarrassing.
"[Name], I'd like to ask you something."
"What would that be?"
"If... If we were able to reach safety together, would you stay by my side?"
"It... It depends on what you mean by that."
Itachi grabbed [Name]'s hand and clutched it tight. "I'll never let you go. I'll shower you in endless waves of love. I'll provide the protection you need. I swear I'll bring you security and happiness."
[Name] pulled her hand away. "I don't know... I need to focus on saving my brother. I need to protect him first before protecting myself."
"But, I want to be there for y-"
"Itachi. I need to protect my brother before falling in love with you."
[Name] had said those words, but her heart throbbed.
I have fallen in love with you. I am scared of losing you, too, her heart said with every throb. I also want to protect you because I love you.
.:End - The History:.
A/N: I swear there will be more [Name] and Itachi scenes. I just really like writing about the clan history.
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