The Emerald Kingdom: Ai
Middle school cringe updated in 2024. I started this story way back in the day when I was a kid playing Neopets. All the popular users had custom art and stories for their pets, and I wanted the same. I just came back to touch this up and finally post it on Neopets (yes, I still play). It was originally written for a Neopets Petpage, but I have reworked it into a proper story for submission to the Neopian Times. I thought it would be fun to put it up here in case anybody wants to indulge in some nostalgia with me.
"Isn't she beautiful?" The Yellow Acara purred happily, looking at the newborn kitten cuddled at her side.
"She is indeed. I think she favors you." Her husband, a Blue Acara, gently nuzzled his mate's cheek.
"No, she definitely has your eyes," his wife replied with a smile.
It was a clear, starry night. The little family rested under a large oak tree at the edge of a field of green. The only sound, beyond the couples' soft voices, was the soft rippling of a nearby stream. Across the stream, Neopia Central was dark and quiet. All were asleep, except for the two proud Acaras.
"You must be tired," the Blue Acara said to his wife.
"I am, but I just can't stop looking at her."
"She'll still be here in the morning, dear. Go on, get some rest.."
The Yellow Acara wrapped herself around the tiny Green kitten, laying her head on her back feet and closing her eyes. "Goodnight, little princess."
The Blue Acara watched as his wife closed her eyes and her breathing slowed. When he was sure she was asleep, he curled up next to her and licked her cheek. Soon his heavy eyes closed as well.
A faerie, hidden in the tree above them, watched with a smile. Her green dress blended in perfectly with the leaves. She flicked her wand and disappeared, reappearing silently on the ground beside the family. The little Green kitten opened her eyes. "Shh, little one," the faerie said, putting a finger to her lips. She bent over, her red hair brushing the kitten's Green fur. "You have the blessing of Illusen," she said, gently touching the kitten's forehead. "Go back to sleep now. We will see each other again when you are older." Illusen stood, her green eyes warm, and flicked her wand again. The family was alone again. The kitten closed her eyes and snuggled into her mother's warm fur, joining her in sleep.
The kitten grew quickly under her parents' loving care. They named her Ai because of their love for her. She was a shy little thing, preferring the company of her parents to other juvenile Neopets. They told her the most wonderful stories, stories about the faraway ocean. She tried to imagine what it would be like, living in the ocean. She knew her parents used to live there, before Captain Scarblade began his terror of the seas. They had been forced from their homes and, along with the other Neopets in their kingdom, they had moved to Mystery Island to try to acclimate to terrestrial living. After a while, everybody gradually spread to other areas of Neopia, and her parents had moved here to this field.
"Do you ever think about going back home, Mother? Now that Captain Scarblade is gone?" Ai asked one sunny day.
Her mother shook her head sadly. "There's nothing to go back to, Ai. He destroyed everything."
"But Maraqua was rebuilt. Can't your old kingdom be rebuilt, too?"
"It's not that simple." There was a wistful look in her mother's eyes as she sighed. "It's just not that simple."
Ai didn't ask anymore questions. She hadn't meant to upset her mother, but she knew her mother wasn't telling her everything, and she really was curious about her parents' old home.
Her father had gone to Neopia Central for supplies and news. When he returned, Ai and her mother were both still quiet, thinking their own private thoughts. "Why all the sad faces?" he asked.
"I was asking Mother about your old home," I said.
"Any news in the city, dear?" Her mother gave a rather forced smile.
"Big news, actually. We're going to have a visitor soon." Her father's smile was not forced at all, and his blue eyes sparkled.
"A visitor?" Ai asked nervously.
"It's about time you found an owner, Ai. I met a very nice lady who may want to adopt you." He beamed at her, but she shook her head.
"I'm not ready yet, Father."
"Yes, you are," her mother chimed in. "It's high time you go out into the world and explore it for yourself."
"We'll still see each other," her mother interrupted, rubbing her cheek against her daughter's. "But we have owners, too, and we haven't seen them for a while. I have to confess, I am missing mine."
"I'm missing mine, too," her father agreed. "Don't you worry. I think you're really going to like this lady."
"What's she like?"
"She's very nice. She's fairly quiet, but very friendly once you get talking to her. I know she's got another Neopet, another Acara actually, but he wasn't with her when we met. She said he was at home reading - he loves to read."
"She sounds perfect for Ai," her mother cried, delighted.
"I thought so. I invited her here for lunch. She should be here soon."
"Oh, goodness, I'd better get cooking then. Ai, I'll need your help if we're to be ready in time." Her mother was suddenly flustered, hurrying to and fro as she readied the ingredients she would need.
Ai was just finishing arranging the place settings, and her mother had just finished cooking, when an unfamiliar voice called from across the field.
"Hello over there!" A human jogged over to the family, smiling and out of breath. She was probably a teenager, with warm gray eyes and long, straight brown hair. "My name is Katie. And you must be Ai."
Ai nodded shyly.
"Is it alright for me to join you?"
"Of course," Ai's mother said. "I was just getting lunch ready."
Ai's father had made a good choice. Katie was kind and calm, and gradually Ai opened up to her as they ate. By the time all the food was gone, Ai was happy to accompany Katie back to Neopia Central to finalize the adoption.
"Oh, we'll miss you," Ai's mother said, licking her cheek. "Here, I want you to have this." She rummaged around in their belongings for a moment, and then came back with a green tiara. Katie took it from her and studied it.
"This is beautiful," she said. "I think it will look great on you, Ai."
"Where did it come from?" Ai asked. She'd never seen it before.
Her father interrupted before her mother could reply. "I almost forgot! There's more good news, about our old home."
Ai's mother gasped. "Really? You don't mean-"
"The danger is past." He licked Ai's cheek fondly. "We can go home now, to the Emerald Kingdom."
"The Emerald Kingdom?" Katie asked. "I've never heard of it."
"I can tell you all about it," Ai volunteered. "Bye, Mother and Father! We'll be back soon!"
She followed Katie back to Neopia Central, recounting the stories her parents had told her. After the adoption was finalized, they returned to the field to show her parents the certificate. They were nowhere to be found.
"I'm sure they're okay," Katie said reassuringly. "They probably went looking for their owners, or maybe they went back to the Emerald Kingdom."
Ai tried to smile back at Katie, but she had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Her parents had known she would be coming right back. They wouldn't have left before that. What if their owners were frozen, or disabled? What if she never saw them again?
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