Chapter 1 - The Prince
"Roman, are you even listening to me?"
The young prince blinked, zoning back into reality. His history lectures had been getting increasingly more dull as the days drew on. He felt that he knew more than enough about his kingdom's past. These lectures used to be his favorite to listen to when he was younger, as he was a curious child back then.
However, he was an adult now, and he'd much rather be listening to one of Remy's strategy lectures. He tried to do what his father requested, but the brunette couldn't take five more minutes of his professor drudging on about how the humans defeated the avians in yet another battle.
"Sure thing, teach."
The old man narrowed his eyes at the boy and sighed. "Alright then, if you're truly telling the truth, then what did I just say?"
"Hmm...youuu were talking about how you've been dying to see the new play downtown, am I right?" the old man frowned, not taking the joke well at all. Still, Roman continued. "I've been dying to see it too, you know. Perhaps we can make it a date?"
The old man threw down his pencil and pen on the table that was far too expensive. His chair ground against the floor as he stood. He straightened out his coat that, Roman noticed, hate a few threads sticking out.
"Fourteen years with you is quite enough. You tell your father that he can find you another professor. I can't spend another minute talking to a boy who won't even listen!"
Roman couldn't help but smirk as his former professor stormed out of the room. He leaned back in his chair, the white cushions making it feel as though he's sitting on a cloud. A chuckle escaped his lips as he leaned his head up to stare at the ceiling.
A familiar face came into his view and looked down at him.
"Ya know, he really was a nice guy."
Roman rolled his eyes and poked his gentleman in waiting on the nose. "Come now, Patton. I see you falling asleep at all of my lectures. You're just as bored as I am, though the only difference is I'm willing to fess up. You, however, are just too kind."
"Just because his lectures were a bit...tiring," Roman chuckled as Patton continued, "Doesn't mean what I said wasn't true. I've had a few conversations with him, and he's a lot more nice when he's--"
"Not going over the battle of Blood Mountain? Yeah, I'd wager you'd be right on that one, my friend. However, what's done is done. And me? I am done listening to those lectures."
Roman stood up from his seat and placed his arm around Patton's shoulder. The two have been close since Roman was all but six years old. His mother had just passed away, and the previous royal advisor had insisted the young prince have someone his age to talk to. So, his father promoted a lowly maid's son to become prince Roman's gentleman in waiting. At first, Roman didn't like being followed everywhere. However, the curly haired blonde continued to be nothing but nice. He cracked jokes, talked to the prince despite never getting a response, and always did as the prince wished.
One night, when the prince finally cried over his mother, Patton was there to comfort him. Even when Roman tried to push him away, he stayed. Roman eventually broke, and hugged the blonde boy with all he had. Ever since that day, the two became inseparable.
"Now, how about you and I pop down to the kitchen and steal some pastries."
Patton tried to hide a smile. "We haven't done that since we were kids."
Roman nodded. "I know. Old habits truly do die hard. It is," Roman paused as he looked down at his watch, "a quarter past noon. If memory serves me right, the baker is on break until half past. Sooo?"
The gears in Patton's head turned as he tossed around the idea. He didn't like being dishonest--he never has--but something in Roman's mischievous smirk was contagious.
"So we'd better hurry."
Roman's smirk widened to a full smile. He grabbed his friend's hand and the two began to race for the door. The freshly greased door didn't make a sound as they entered the main hallway. The sunlight shined through the many large windows that lined the western wall. Various exotic plants were thriving in the garden just outside. To anyone else, it would be absolutely breathtaking.
For the prince? Well, that was nothing special.
The lush, extravagant rug muted the boys' footsteps as they giggled amongst themselves. A few maids and servants passed them as they made their way to the kitchen. Patton smiled and waved quickly to everyone as they went past, while Roman didn't spare them a second glance. His mind was on nothing but those pastries. He could practically taste them.
After winding through the long castle halls, they finally made it to the small, narrow staircase that led to the kitchen. Naturally, the prince went first, and Patton followed. Though the baker was not there, countless other servants and cooks were in there doing their job. The two boys made their way swiftly past them all. Both smiled when they reached the pastry shelf. Macaroons sat daintily atop the simple white plates along with cupcakes layered with frosting and all sorts of sprinkles and fruits on top. In the far back were cakes that had yet to be frosted.
Roman opened the glass door and wasted no time to take a few macaroons and place them in his pockets. Patton, who was a bit more hesitant at first, took two cupcakes. They shut the door and planned to make as swift of an escape as possible.
Before they could turn around..
"Well, well. I cannot say I am surprised to find the two of you running from your duties to indulge in sweets."
The familiar monotone voice brought a smile to Patton's lips, and a frown to Roman's. Both boys turned to see their black haired friend staring unamused at them. He lifted his hand and pushed his glasses up on his face. The frames had been broken many times, and now was mostly held together with tape.
"Logan!" Patton exclaimed, hugging his friend, "I know you say you don't like sweets, buut I snagged a cupcake just in case."
Logan hummed and observed the cupcake in the shorter boy's hand. He tried to suppress a smile, but Roman noticed the side of his lips curl up just for a second. The prince knew that the simple gesture meant so much more to Logan than Patton could ever know. The young nerd has been obsessed with his gentleman in waiting ever since he arrived to the palace as the royal scientist's apprentice.
"Thank you, Patton," Logan said simply as he took the cupcake from his friend, sucking in a breath when their hands grazed each other, "P-perhaps I might indulge myself just this once. Since you've gone through the trouble of retrieving it for me."
Patton beamed. He had a soft spot for almost everyone, but it was always different when it came to Logan. Anyone could see that the two were obviously infatuated with each other. Anyone, of course, except the two themselves.
Logan cleared his throat. "Anyway, I was requested to bring my master his lunch. I can't be too long, or else he gets rather cross. I hope to see you soon, Patton. You as well, your majesty. I bid you both adieu."
The young apprentice turned on his heel and quickly walked out of the kitchen, grabbing a small plate on the counter on his way out. The two boys decided they'd best leave as well, so they did. They made their way back up the stairs and walked speedily back down the hall. They didn't get very far before the front doors to the palace swung open.
Instinctively, Roman put an arm in front of Patton and drew the sword from its sheath on the prince's belt. Various guards ran past, and four of them pulled ropes into the throne room. The two friends watched from a distance as they saw another boy their age struggle against the very ropes the guards were holding; the ropes that restrained him.
His roughed up appearance was not what got Roman's attention. Yes, even from afar the prince could tell that this boy was gorgeous. His black hair fell down to his shoulders and in front of his golden eyes that shone only for a second. His jawline was firm as he clenched his teeth. Even in his struggle the boy was beautiful. But that's not what Roman was staring at.
He was staring at the long wings that were tied behind him. The wings he had only heard of in tales, in whispers, in his history lectures.
He was an avian.
(Hope you enjoyed that nice little intro chapter. It'll get a lot more interesting from here, I promise. Hopefully I won't lose motivation lol ;P -Manzana)
Word Count: 1497
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