Without restraint, I fire my gun into the downed body of the stray devil.
-35 HP
-45 HP
-55 HP
Rook damage reduction broken
-100 HP
-100 HP
The devil rolls out of the water of the next shot. "You leave me no choice!" He pants. He reaches to his back pocket and grabs a golden card. I fire a bullet into his hand, forcing him to drop the card
-10 HP
"FUCK!" He yells. I walk up to him and kick him over. "Game over." I fire one last bullet into his face.
Critical Hit! -200 HP
Level Up! You are now Level 8
All stats permanently increased by 2
120,000 yen obtained
Magic Crystal acquired
Class Card accuired
Damn, that's some pretty good loot. Wait..... A CLASS CARD!? How did a stray devil get its hand on one of those?
Class Card: Avenger
A card that houses a Heroic Spirit in it. It can be Installed, Included, or they can be summoned with a drop of blood
Better put that away for safe keeping. I pick up the Crystal and Observe activates again
Magic Crystal
A crystal that houses magic energy. This one differentiates elements and origins.
I mentally click yes, and the crystal flares to life, swirling colors for a few seconds before stopping
Your element is Fire/Electricity
Your Origin is Darkness
Not really sure what I expected. My name quite literally means "red lightning war". With a sigh, I chuck the crystal away and it disappears midair. "Huh. Interesting." With that done, a box pops up in front of my face
Quest complete!
Reward: 2,000 USD
Ah, I love getting money. As I look around for any more enemies, a black cat leaps onto my head. "There you are. Bit of a scaredy cat, aren't ya?" Kuroka hisses and slaps me on the nose with her paw. "Grumpy cat." Kuroka then curls up on my shoulder and I keep walking towards Kouh
10 minutes later
"What the fuck?" In front of me, is a shop. A shop that garners loads of attention, yet seems to be getting none. Gamer's Den. This may be a stretch, but if that doesn't set off a few red flags, signifying a Gamer related shop. I open the door and step inside. Once I cross the threshold, Kuroka disappears and a bell rings. "Yo!" A female voice says. I turn to the voice and I see a young blond woman with a black tube top and baggy pants. "The name's Leone! I'm here to help you get used to this shop." She says, introducing herself. "Uh, hi. What exactly is this place?" "This place is the Gamer's Den. It's a place where the Player can go to buy resources, weapons, armor, magic, or anything really." She responds bubbly.
Lv: 39
HP: 3,000/3,000
MP: 1,000/1,000
An Assassin of Night Raid/Owner of Gamer's Den
"Do you know whatever in here I can buy anything?" "Sure! Just go over to Sheele by the counter and ask to see whatever your looking for." She replies. I turn to my left and see a purple color schemed woman in her late teens sitting by a cash register while inspecting a pair of scissors. "Thanks." I walk over to Sheele and ring the bell on the counter. "Hello?" "Ah! Welcome to the Gamer's Den! I'm Sheele, how may I help you?" She says, as if remembering a script. "Yes, actually. I was wondering if I can see your books on martial arts?" "Of course!" She exclaims and a box pops up in front of my face.
Martial Arts:
Way of the Hermit- 500 currency
Turtle Hermit - 300 currency
Unlock more as you level up
I purchase the Way of the Hermit (also known as Sendo). Really useful skill to know. The Ripple is highly versitile and extremely effective against the undead.
Learned passive skill: Way of the Hermit
A martial art made by ancient warriors millennia ago to combat the forces of the undead. Utilizes special breathing to harness the power of the sun. Super effective against ghouls, zombies and Vampires
I take a deep breath in, and out. "Khooooo." A warm yellow glow surrounds me and I smirk. I feel that being a mercenary would be a good job for me once I level up more. Good money, and I get to train myself for more difficult fights along the way. First, I need to get identification, and make sure that no devils try to turn me. I look to be in my 20's/30's, so I can skip going to Kouh Academy, but without ID, I've got nothing. No chance at making it, and I'll be screwed.
Did you really think that the Game would leave that out? You've had identification on you the whole time.
I blink a couple of times before signing and patting my pockets. Sure enough, there's a wallet in my back pocket, and sure enough, there's a driver's licence in it. Before they fell into that pit of black slime, this body belonged to....... Kiritsugu Emiya. Oh shit. If the Nasuverse aspect goes farther than just Class cards, and I'm in Kiritsugu's body, does that mean that Irisviel von Einzbern is still alive? Is the series already I to the Stay Night aspect of it? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!
Somehow, you were able to pass Gamer's Mind and panic at a trivial thought. Your Intelligence and wisdom have permanently increased by 1
I quickly calm down and frown at the name and picture. "Gonna have to change those." I murmur, allowing prana to seep into the card, creating an illusion over it to fit to my current look. It could be an issue in the future, but for now it should do. Suddenly, my shoulder feels a bit lighter
Your companion has left
Kuroka must've gone back to the Grigori to report me to Azazel. Things may have gotten more complicated.
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