What else could he do? If he stayed, he'd be killed and Patton would deal with that loss as well as the entire investigation surrounding him. If he left, maybe Patton wouldn't get involved, maybe he'd be saving his friend. Patton would have to be hurt either way, but maybe this was better. Either way, there was no going back. He'd have to move forward, but to where? He was aware that vampires were rumored to live in the dark forests that covered most of this continent, but he didn't know how to survive on his own. He didn't know how to start a fire or tie knots or other skills typically associated with Boy Scouts. He didn't know how to find other vampires or what their reaction to him would be. He didn't know how to live without his little luxuries and conveniences, and he'd be immersed in a new world of monsters, ones that fed on humans and infected the world with their existence.
It would be hard. Impossible, probably. What other choice was there? Stay and be killed or go and be probably killed. Stay and possibly traumatize Patton and ruin his life or leave and hurt him beyond measure, ruining his life.
He'd already made the choice. He made the choice a while ago, and this whole internal debate was mostly just to comfort him so he didn't have to be a bad person.
He gathered a few things when he finally left that alley, trying to figure out what he'd need in this new life. Clothes, fire starter, bandaids, food, a knife probably, a jacket or three, a picture of him and Patton and his mother, what else... a book or two because it had to be boring most likely, three backup pairs of socks, a water bottle, a sleeping bag, and oh god BUGSPRAY. Judging from how badly he was already sunburnt, he'd need a carp ton of sunscreen too. And that aloe Vera sunburn gel stuff. Things people need to survive... water, got that kinda, food, yeah sure, air, hopefully, shelter of some kind. Anything else? He figured he forgot at last three things and he'd have to improvise, but there wasn't much he could prepare for. He couldn't predict what would happen, just prepare for the unexpected. In fact, he wasn't sure how much he needed the things he'd packed. What if he didn't eat any food and only drank blood? What if he slept upside down like a bat? What if- no, there would always be mosquitoes. He paused for a moment to ponder the differences between mosquitoes and vampires. Vampirism was considered to have evolved from a disease carried by bats, but mosquitoes also preyed on humans and drank their blood for their lifestyles. Now he really wished he knew more about vampires, but it was probably too late. He checked the time on his phone, noticing Patton would get off soon. He had to leave now. He wrote a note to Patton explaining the situation and most of his spare money. He left his phone. He wouldn't have a way to charge it most likely, and it didn't have too much use in the woods anyway. He paused at the door, turning back to look at the remnants of the life he'd barely lived.
He continued forward, holding back a few tears. His life was over.
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