*9 months later from previous chapter*
Me: *growls at the wall scratching at it*
Mindy: Amber? You okay?
Me: I'm fine...*growls lower*
Mindy: O.O
Jeff: HOLY FU** HOLY FU** *runs up stairs*
Everyone: O.O where's Ellie? *runs up stairs after Jeff*
Jeff: *runs in Dr.Smiley Hospital emergency ROOM thingy*
Ben: wtf is going on...,
Tiff: *gasp* DA BABY COMIN?!
Everyone: *cheers*
Mindy: did you not notice the huge belly Ellie had?
Ben: no I was too busy being grouchy that the Fanboy was in my room..
Me: that's was nine months ago..
Ben: still....not if you excuse I gotta faint..,*faints*
Everyone: XD
*2 hours later*
???: *wailing*
Me: *wakes up from sleeping outside the hall* huh?
Jeff: *pops his head out* Guys..come in here...
Everyone: *wakes up and crowds at the door before Seeing Ellie laying in a bed holding a little bundle.
Me: *gasps* I have seen the baby..well not its face...hold up *walks up to Ellie and sees the baby*
Baby: *black hair with brown highlights and place skin and the cutest little button nose EVA and it opens its eyes to have gray eyes like Jeffs put glows like Ellies*
Me: *gasps again* it's a girl?
Dr.Smiley: *nods*
Everyone: *crowds around Ellie and her new baby*
Me: *sqeals* I can die now
Mindy: don't you dare.
Me: IM GONNA DO IT! Get this blasted PDV out of my head.....
Mindy: NU!
Baby: *squeals with delight*
Me: *jumps at Mindy Scooby doo style* O.O baby's aren't suppose to squeal at that age...
Mindy: she's a pastas Amber..not human remember?
Me: Oh whatcha gonna name-
*Mansion starts shaking Violently *
Everyone: *gets down screaming*
Me: *eyes glow a dark purple*
Mindy: AMBER?!!
Me: *roars a creature roar looking around*
Dark link: WTF AMBER GET DOWN!!!
Snow: AMBER!
Me: *roars again before looking up to see the roof about to come down*
Everyone: *screams*
Me: *eyes go reptile like, but still purple*
*the floor and ground collapses under neath us creating a giant sink hole*
Everyone: *screams and starts falling*
Mindy: *is about to create a force field but sees Amber already using her telekinesis to stop everyone from falling*
Jeff: *hanging onto to Ellie and the baby* huh?
Me: *keeps everyone and place in side a big force field as the roof breaks over the forcefield*
Me: *growls and replies in a monster like voice* I can't my powers won't work on my dark self... *looks up to see a piece of underground rock coming straight for her but uses her telekinesis to guide everyone to a near by ledge*
Mindy: AMBER!!!!
Me: *transforms into some reptile dragon like creature and gets hit with a loud dragon screech*
Everyone: AMBER NO!!
*forcefield breaks but everyone lands on a ledge safely and Unharmed*
Mindy: *looks over ledge* AMBERRR!!!!!!!!
Baby: *eyes start glowing lighting up the underground*
Mindy: Amber...
*screech is heard*
Everyone: huh?
Dragon me: *flys up to the ledge wounded badly but grabs everyone using telekinesis and takes them back to the surface*
Dragon me: *collapses as soon I touch ground*
Everyone: O.O
*manically laughter is heard in the distance*
Mindy: *looks behind her to see someone she thought she got rid of* NOPICLOUS!! YOU DID THIS!!
Nopi: one and only baby....hehe..did you really think a jar could stop me?
I've grown stronger! And I've almost defeated my dad or..your uncle..all I need now is...that..*points to Dragon Amber*
Dragon Me: *Roars*
Nopi: oh shut up! You belong to me anyways...that little bug that's in your brain? Not only a PDV but a mind control other pasta could have detected that part of the bug with a PDV sent covering it....
Nopi: God Mindy we have already been through I have to go over it again?
Everyone: Yea!/ DIE/ I HAVE TO PEE!!
Nopi: well..okay..ill give you a chance..*the world changes around us in a huge Arena* in the Creepypasta Arena of Horrors.....
Everyone: O.O
Slenderman: this is were they decided would would become the top pasta of them all....
Jeff: you how they chose Mr.Creepypasta?
Slenderman: *nods slowly*
Everyone: O.O
Nopi: okay *looks behind him to see Mr.Creepypasta about to break a barrier* you guys all think Amber here Is a level 8 correct? Wrong...She's a level 15:..
Everyone: Level 15?!
Nopi: yup I came up with a little concoction to boost her above the The level of a the super pasta...hehe I. Am. A GENIUS!
Mindy: if your such a genius why didn't you give the concoction to yourself?
Because. MIN-DY I'm already a high level pasta if I boosted myself I'd kill myself instantly...I need a low leveled ...dumb minded girl like her*points to dragon me*
Dragon me: *growls*
Nopi: anyway let the fun begin! *pushes pastas behind a unbreakable nor teleportation barrier only living Dragon me in the arena*
Mr.Creepypasta: *breaks barriers* NOPICLOUS!!! YOU HALF WITTED MIND OF A SON! ILL TURN YOU TO ASH!!!
Nopi: uh uh..I brought a challenger!
Dragon Me: *whimpers*
MR.Creepypsta: HA! Pathetic! Nothing can defeat me!
Nopi: did you not just hear what I just told them! *motions to Everyone* you know what I'm done talking...AMBER *says some a ancient Pasta language*
Dragon me: *eyes flood with Purple*
Nopi: *ancient language*
Dragon Me: *Roars before tackling Mr.Creepypasta effortlessly*
Nopi: HAHAHAHA....this is too easy..
Dragon me: *Claws and cuts at Mr.Creepypasta*
Mr.Creepypasta: *stops my claws and rolls to where he's ontop and starts picking Dragon me in the face crushing my skull killing me* see told you pathetic...
Nopi: oh we're just getting started...
Dragon me: *skull comes back together but different and more horrifying with a unheard earners int screech no one has ever heard before*
Nopi: the more damage you cause...the more she comes back even more terrifying then the last...and more powerful....*ancient language*
Dragon me: *bites into Mr.Creepypatas face and slinging him into a near by wall*
Mr,Creeepypasta: That's it enough playing around! *grabs my mouth pulling it open breaking my jaw and starts sucking out my Creepypasta soul*
Everyone: AMBER!!!!
Nopi: wow..did he not hear what I just said? Oh well...
Mr.C: *holds my soul in his hand only for its to slip through his fingertips like water and seep back into the body*
Dragon me: *jaw is repaired but looks horrifying and bigger, jumps at Mr.Creepypasta biting and thrashing at his head*
Mindy: I DONT KNOW WHO TO ROOT FOR!!! *starts flipping out*
Mr.C: *tried to get a good grip but can't due to the adaptation of Dragon Ambers Skin*
Dragon me: *starts crushing Mr.Creepypastas skull and hind claws dig into his chest revealing his blue pounding heart*
Mr.C: *screams in agony before just grabbing my tail and head and ripping me in half*
Nopi: *yawn*
Dragon me: *repairs self*
Nopi: okay I'm bored...*ancient language*
Dragon me: *stand before Mr.Creepypasta, eyes change to a dark blue*
Mr.C: *soul is absorbed along with all the other pasta souls he collected*
Everyone: *gasps*
Dragon me: *just sits there*
Mindy: YOU'Ve put a monster inside my best friend that could destroy you in a heart beat!
Nopi: I'm controlling her remember?
Baby: *cries*
Dragon me: *roars turning my attention toward the source of the sound*
Mindy: keep her quiet hurry!
Ellie: shhh *rocks the baby to stop her crying*
Dragon me: *whimpers and paws at the ground*
Mindy: huh?...
Dragon me: *still looks in direction*
Mindy: Ellie...stop rocking her..
Ellie: what?! Why!
Just do it..
Ellie: *stops rocking the baby making her cry*
Dragon me: *roars and trots to where the pastas are with the baby*
Baby: *keeps crying*
Everyone: O.O/not so sure about this/
Dragon me: *blindly coos a dragon song*
Baby: *stops crying and coos before eventually drifting to sleep*
Dragon me: *stops dragon song*
Mindy: *gets put in the ring simultaneously*
Baby: *starts crying again at the sound of Nopis booming voice*
Dragon me: *growls*
Nopi: *ancient language*
Dragon me: *eyes flood black before trotting toward Mindy*
Mindy: I'm not going to fight you Amber...,
Dragon me: *growls baring my sharp razor teeth sharp enough to slice through metal like butter*
Mindy: *sniffs* your my best friend..*closed her eyes*
Dragon me: *snarls swinging reptile tail*
Mindy: *places her hand on my dragon snout*
Dragon Me: *snarling dies down*
Mindy: *opens one eye*
Dragon me: *eye color returned back to her regular red color*
Mindy: humph I guess not only pizza can break you out of trances huh?
Nopi: NO *ancient language*
Dragon me: *is not affected and roars before charging at Nopi*
Nopi: fine..I can take my cousin easily...*uses his own telekinesis to rip the PDV right out of Ambers skull*
Dragons Me: *collapses and never gets back up*
Mindy: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!*runs to Amber*
Nopi: *uses a force to push Mindy to the other side of the Arena*
Mindy: *hits the arena wall breaking it knocking her out*
Nopi: *floats to unconscious Mindy* since father is dead..I'll become the new Mr.Creepypasta..and there's no one to stop me!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
To be continued......
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