Like a good neighbor state farm is there! WITH A SURPRISE!!
Me: hey Jeff
Jeff: *lays in bed staring at the ceiling* sup...
Me: whatcha doin..
Jeff: nothing just thinking...
Me: about?
Jeff: shut up..
Me: hehe...okay..
Jeff:...I'm gonna do it...
Me:'do what?
Jeff: ask her..
Me: ask her what?! IM NOT A MIND READER!! that's Slenderman and Mindy.....
Jeff: I'm gonna ask her out..
Me: didn't you already do that?
Jeff: that was a wasn't the real thing..
Me: Ben and Killa are was a dare...
Jeff:'yea but...I didn't want to ask Ellie the way I did....
Me: ohhhh you just want..
Jeff: yea...
Me: hmm how do you wanna ask her? And when?
Jeff: not sure yet...
Me: huh...JELLIE...
Jeff: what? Amber...why you always hungry..
Me: I don't know ...but I wasn't talking about that JELLIE....
Jeff: how many JELLIE are there?
Me: not many just you and Ellie...
Jeff: oh...Ship name..
Me: only took you a million years...
Jeff: shad up...
Me: hehe...hmm..
Jeff: what?
Me: Dariff...
Jeff: Dariff?
Me: Dark link and Tiff..
Jeff: their together too?
Me: no but they should be..
Jeff:...hehe Dariff.....XD
Me: XD
Jeff: what about Masky hoodie and Roxy?
Me: have no idea...MOXY?
Jeff: MOXY....hehe but that just Maksy and Roxy.,,,
Me: MOXY....I haven't lost meh MOXY!
Jeff: lol...
Me huh I don't know..mooskie...XD
me: hehe..
Jeff: MoooooooSkie..XD
Me: lmao..XD
Jeff: lol...
Me: *pokes Jeff*
Jeff: what was that for?
Me: me being me...haven't poked anybody in over three months..
Jeff: you didn't poke Mindy?
Me: Last time I poked Mindy it was during a pillow fight and she didn't give me Pizza for a whole week.....I'm surprised I don't kill meh self...
Jeff: heh...that must have been to hell to you..
Me: it was.... haven't had a pillow fight since Sally was new to the pastas..
Me: really?
Jeff: yea....
Me: good times..
Jeff: never did test out this pillow gun though...*pulls out small pillow bazooka from nowhere*
Me: O.O DUDE where the heck did you get that?
Jeff: stole it from a nerd...
Me: hehe...SHOOT ME!
Jeff: why?
Me: I wanna see if it hurtS!
Jeff: wow...what if you die?
Me: then I'll know...
Jeff: ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?
Me: yea but satisfaction brought it back! NOW SHOOT ME!!
Jeff: alright then...* Fire bazooka at Amber*
Me: ouch!...*holds pillow...* hehe PILLOW FIGHT!
Jeff: NO! XD
Me: *throws pillow at Jeff*
Jeff: stop it don't make me shoot you again! XD
me: *gets another pillow and throws it at Jeff*
Jeff: Dang it woman! *shoots Amber repeatedly*
Me: *gets buried in pillows with only meh head sticking out*
Jeff: pfft..
Me: *feather falls on meh nose making me sneeze* XD
Me: great *sneezes* my allergies are back *sneezes*. Jeff...I'm gonna*sneezed*
Kill ya...XD
Jeff: I'd love to see you try...and fail miserably...XD
Me: *gets out of pillow mountain* DIE!!
Jeff: AH XD *pulls out knife* SOMEONES ready to a dirt nap!
Me: *sneezes on Jeff and smirks*
Jeff: *wipes face* I can't close my eye or my mouth...THATS DISGUSTING!
Me: HahahahaXD
Me: AH! XD *runs*
Jeff: Get back here! XD
Me: *runs to read end* dang it...
Jeff: *throws knife which hit wall*
Me: meeep XD
Jeff: i missed...
Me: O.O
Jeff: pfft XD
me: *pulls on knife* what is this? Thor's knife?
Jeff: *approaches Knife* no your just too wimp..
Me: Hey! I have powers!
Jeff: powers are for wimps...except for Ellie she knows how to use them..
Me: *sneezes...smirks*
Jeff: I know you didn't just sneeze on my hoodie...
Me: news flash I JUST DID!!!
Jeff: why do you and Ben say that..
Me: Ben says that? That copy crap..I mean copy cat..
Jeff: XD copycrap...
Me: shad up!
Jeff: XD *walks off laughing* I should tell him you called him that...XD
me: don't...*makes pouty face*
Jeff: aww is Amber gonna cry? Better call jake from State Farm, cuz theirs flash flooding!!! XD
Me: shad up XD
Jeff: *sings* like a good neighbor State Farm is derrrrrrrrr XD
*Jake from State Farm pops out of nowhere*
Jeff: whoa what the heck..,
Jake: hey Jeff..
Jeff: how do you know my name?
Jake: you forgot you had our insurance?
Jeff: uhhhhhh
Me: whoa cool! The jingle actually works...
Jeff:hmm like a good neighbor State Farm is there...With a knife sharpener..and mcRib!
*jake hands Jeff a knife Sharpener and mc rib and Amber a hot ready pizza*
Me: oh my gosh this is Sooo good..*noms on pizza* Mindy's is better though...*walks off with pizza*
Jake: so what up with the *moves finger around his face*
Jeff: don't ask....*noms on the McRib *
Jake: okay...
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