(A halloween special)
Happy Halloweeen guys! Here's the Special you've all been waiting for!
I know I have >•<....ENJOY!
Me: *jumps out of bed with clothes already on* ITS HALLOWEEN!! WOOHOOOI! *does backflips into the HALL*
Me: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Ready for the Halloween games tonight?
KillerEllie: Yea! I've been practicing killing techniques with Ben the whole month! What about you?
Me: well...a technique... Haven't thought of yet actually...but IM READY FOR HALLOWEEN!!!!
KillerEllie: okay den XD
Me: I'll be back *runs to the roof*
KillerElllie: O.O you weren't kidding...
Me: Nope! Anyway I'm gonna go get some breakfast..
KillerEllie: it's already ready actually I was heading down...
Me: cool, let's go my tummy keeps cussing out my brain...
KillerEllie: XD
*we go down stairs to see everyone sitting at a VEERRRRRY LONG TABLE chatting*
Me: FOOOOOD! *hurrys to seat*
Slenderman: *stands up* okay okay before we dig into the this creepy Halloween breakfast I just have to ask....who's READY FOR THE HALLOWEEN GAMES???
Everyone: MEEE!!!! *CHEERS LIKE BANSHIES and a pasta gets thrown into the wall*
Slenderman: GOOD! That's it stuff your faces... XD
Everyone: *digs in like there's no tomorrow*
Me: Tiff pass the pizza will ya?
Tiff: sure *passes Amber pizza*
Me: thanks, so what you gonna do for the Halloween games?
Tiff: well I'm going to open up a restaurant.
Me: a restaurant? Why?
Tiff: soooo I can kill more silly!
Tiff: yup, I'm gonna lure them in with water tasting foods people can't resist and ounces there's a enough people...give all a pill in there food...which knocks them out...and down to the basement they go for a Halloweeen nightmare they'll never forget...."Grind madly*
Me: Great plan!
Tiff: what about you?
Me: urg..i don't have a plan as good as that one..,I don't have a plan at all for that matter...
Oh well I'm sure you'll think of something *digs in*
Me: I hope so *digs in*
(Later A Little before Sunset)
*everyone is gathered in the living room of the mansion*
Slenderman: may I have your attention please?!
Everyone: *keeps quiet and pays attention to slenderman*
Slenderman: thank you, now as you all know it's Halloween...and that means the Halloween games we'll be held tonight.
Everyone: *Cheers*
Ellie: XD
Slenderamn: now let me just take attendance and we'll be all set..
Me: *walks up and stands next Slenderman and takes attendance of my peeps*
Ben: I'm sooo pumped right now it's not even funny....
Me: guys chill we'll have plenty of time to scare and kill okay?...*continues counting*
LZ: YEA!!!!!
Slendemam: has anyone seen Jane?
KillerEllie: *runs down stairs * nope but Benny can we target a certain house?
Ben: sure...what for?
KillerEllie: nooo special reason...just a little revenge ^_^
Ben: okay ^_^
Me: alright, Slenderman what's our target town?
Slenderman: not sure I'm still getting coordinates...
Me: alright...you guys ready to kill a whole town?
Everyone: HECK YEA
tails doll: you have no idea! I HAVENT KILLED IN ALMOST A YEAR...no one has been doing my curse but tonight will be different. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sonic.Exe: Same! It's time to show them who's Boss
Bloody Mary: I've been so bored its not even funny....mirror mirrors mirrors..
Me: Mary do you like Justin timber lake?
Bloody Mary: not really why?
Me: no reason...
Charlie Charlie: MUHAHAHAHA time to haunt some schools!
Me: is everyone here?
The rake: pretty much...*growls* Jane is missing though..
Me: huh she'll pop up soon I hope..
Freddy: *nods*
Purple guy: dude Amber how are you going to kill?
Glitchy Red:
Yea how?
Me: eh I haven't found a killing style yet...unfortunately...
Slenderman: don't worry Amber tonight all of you will prove how worthy you are to become or stay a Pasta...if you can make at least 15 kills by midnight you'll stay a pasta or become a pasta...last year we had a new record set....Jeff?
Jeff: YEA!
Ellie: how many kills?
Slenderman: 168
Everyone: WOOOHOO!
Ben: go Jeff!
Slenderman: Ben you did pretty good as well last year with 127
Everyone: WOOHOOO!
That's my Benny ^_^
Ben: ^_^
Jeff: I think the only reason I got the top score last year was because I accidentally stumbled into a slumber party...they just so happened to be talking about me...I was all like Heeeeeeeey. And they were all like AHHHH and then blood and death.......yea it was pretty cool..... :D
Slenderman: alright anyone gonna try to beat the scores this year?
Everyone: YEA!!!
Slenderman: alright I got the coordinates lets go! *get ready to teleport everyone to a city*
Everyone: *cheers like crazy!
Pip: Amber! *flies next to Amber and lands on her shoulder*
Me: ^_^ lets do this!
Jane: *runs in* sorry I'm late..
Slenderman: it's fine Jane asking as you made it..
Jane: *nods*
Roxy: WOHOO!*pulls out lightsaber*
Grace: This is gonna be awesome!
Tiff: dark link you gonna kill with me?
Dark link: of course babe why wouldn't I?
Tiff: ^_^
Slenderman: *telepors everyone on the outside of an city in a foggy dark woods* okay this is starting point for everyone! You must be back here by the twelfth stroke of twelve o'clock or your score won't be summited...is that clear?
Everyone: YEAAAA!! WOOOO
Slenderman: *looks toward a tall glowing clock in the distance* READY?
Everyone: *gets ready to run*
Slenderman: Set?
Sally: HEHEHAHAHA *laughes manically*
All pasta creatures: *growl roar or snarl*
Mindy: *checks her powers*
Jeff: *pulls out knife and spins it*
J.J : *has a mini knife*
Ellie: *checks fire powers*
Lyra: *tries out fire powers*
Tiff: *makes sure she has her pills*
Pinki: *practices pill rain on a plant*
Dark link: *checks glitching powers*
Z: *has special candy daggers sharper than a samurai sword*
LZ: *was giving mini Candy daggers*
Jill: *emerges sharp claws from her fingers*
Roxy: *spins Lightsaber*
Lucifer: *practices FlameThrower*
Masky and Hoodie: *load guns*
Ben: *checks fire and electricity powers*
Majora: *practices a special Glitch*
KillerEllie: *checks make sure claws are still Intact*
Midnight: *practices slash*
Snow: *changes into wolf form and snarls*
TicciToby: *pulls out Hatchets and swings them around for a second*
Grace: *checks her powers with a smirk*
Issac: *vampire mode O.O*
GlitchyRed: *has BRVR on his shoulder*
BRVR: *growls with a screech*
GlithcyRed: *smirks*
Lost Silver: *has his Pokemon and a DS in front of him ready to cyber travel*
Me: *checks telekinesis with Christopher on my shoulder*
Pip: how they heck am I gonna do this?
Mindy: *smirks and gives Pip shape shifting powers*
Pip: oh cool *shifts into a black horse*
me: *hops on pip* SOOO soft XD
Pip: XD
Slenderman: KILL!!
Everyone: *CHeers and runs in different directions heading for different houses*
Dark link: *summon Epona and pulls Tiff on*
Tiff: why are you always stealing links horse?
Dark link: cuz I like it...RIDE EPONA YA!
Epona: *neighs and takes off*
KillerEllie: Ben?
Ben: yea? *runs for a telephone pole*
KillerEllie: you can finally use your chainsaw!
Ben: *stops* O.O I can can't I? Heheheheh...hehe. Heheh.😈 HAHAHAHAH!!!!
KillerEllie: O.O
Ben: Come on! *picks up Killa bridal style and glitches to the telephone pole* this should be fun
Killa: O.O
Ben: *cyberspace travels through telephone pole*
Me: where to first Pip?
Pip: *neighs* I have no idea..
Christopher: *hoots*
Me: well we better find a house and fast!
Pip: okay! *runs toward the neighborhoods*
Jeff: *runs up to house of 4 and sees a light on in a teenagers room* babe here.
Ellie: okay
Jeff: *hoists Ellie up to the window*
Ellie: *latches onto window and sees a girl texting on her phone*
Jeff: what do you see?
Ellie: teenager texting...
Jeff: girl?
Ellie: yea..
Jeff: easy pickings
Ellie: heheh *soundlessly opens window and hops in side without the girl noticing*
Jeff:*hops to the window and climbs inside as well*
Ellie: *closes teenagers door locking it*
Girl: urg Daxter how many times soni have to tell you to sta- *sees Jeff and Ellie* O.O
Ellie: *powers up Fire*
Jeff: *smiled his CREEPY smile* Go to sleep...
Girl: *screams*
Dark link: *approaches abandoned restaurant* this one?
Tiff: yea! Thanks Dink *kisses his cheek before jumping form Epona*
Dark link: heheh welcome...*hiccups*
Tiff: *breaks down boarded door to the abandoned restaurant and walks inside*
Dark link: *follows Tiff inside*
Tiff: a little *sniff* dusty huh?
Dark link: yea nothing I can't fix though! *glitches Restaurant making it Halloween like and very welcoming, glitches waitress to appear and chefs.
Chairs and tables appear*
Tiff: YIPPIE! *jumps up and down clapping*
Dark link: hehe ^_^
Tiff: alright...put up a free candy sign will you please :)
Dark link: *summons a free candy sign that reads : Say the phrase that pays free candy*
Tiff: heheh Kids we'll be pouring in now
Dark link: no kidding here some come now O.O
Tiff: O.O
Z:*runs up to a small house window and sees a family of three happily eating candy while watching a movie*
LZ: *pops a lollipop in his mouth* hehe they won't know what hit them..
Jill: hehe
Z: let's go *opens window drawing attention on purpose*
Dad: what the- HEY!
Mom: *screams*
Son: *drops his candy and tried to run*
LZ: *flies over to the Son and pulls out his Candy daggers stabbing the boy*
Dad: LUKE!*grabs shotgun from nowhere*
Mom: *crying as her son drops dead*
Z: *knocks the gun out of the dads hand with amazing strength, and grabs the dad by the neck holding him up a few inches off the ground*
Jill: *kills the mom slowly*
Z: *pops a lollipop in his mouth* and pop goes the lollipop! *sticks lollipop in the mans eyes making him scream in agony*
Jill: *digs her claws into the mans stomach*
LZ: *scratches into the mans head killing him*
All three of them: *laughs manically*
LZ: well my bad I guess they dId know what hit them..
Z and Jill: XD
Ben and KillerEliie: *cyberspace travel into a boys room*
Boy: Huh?!
Ben: YOU'VE MET WITH A TERRIBLE FATE HAVEN'T YOU! *pulls chainsaw from thin air and turns it on shredding Into the boy*
KillerEllie: O.O
Ben: *covered in blood* here ya go *smiles crazily handing KillerEllie the boys eyeballs*
KillerEllie: Oh Thanks! ^_^ *eat them*
Ben: CHAINSAW KILLING SPREE MUHAHAHAHAHAH *runs into the parents room*
*all you hear is the chainsaw starting and screams*
KillerEllie: O.O
Roxy: *stalking trick or treaters from behind a bush*
Masky: hehe*pulls out gun*
Hoodie: *pulls out his gun*
Maksy and Hoodie: *shoots all the tricker treaters in the legs so they can't run*
Roxy: hehe *jumps from bush and walks up to the crying trick or treaters twirling her lightsaber* don't worry kiddos it'll only hurt...ALOT *smiles evily before slowly cutting each kid open slowlly and letting them die from blood lost*
Masky and hoodie: O.O
Roxy: what? Free candy! *picks up pumpkin buckets and eats out of them* HA ITS MY LUCKY DAY! CHEESECAKE BITES!
Maksy and Hoodie: WHAT LET ME SEE! *digs in the buckets*
Snow: *in her regular form and whistles at a teenager boy*
Boy: huh?
Snow: hai hai!
Boy: ^_^ hi!
Snow: what a happened to the wolf that swallowed a clock?
Boy: um..I don't know what?
Snow: it got ticks!
TicciToby: *comes out of nowhere* hehe that was funny Fluffy ^_^
Boy: O.O
Snow: thanks Toby! ^_^
TicciToby: Hey I got one what do you call a boy without a weapon?
Snow: I don't know, what?
TicciToby: *smiled evily* Easy pickings
Snow: *grins evily before shifting into a Wolf* hehehe
Boy: AHHHHHH *tries to run but gets tackled by Snow*
TicciToby: *tears to the boy to shreds*
Grace: *tackles a running Gil
From mid Air*
Girl: *screams and tried to fight back* NO NO LET ME GO
Grace: What's the fun in that? *grins evily*
Issac: *walks up to the girl and Grace*
Feeding time heheh.....
Girl: no no PLEASE NO!
Grace: sorry I don't show mercy...
Issac and Grace: *kills the girl tearing her open*
Me: *riding ontop of Horse pip* mans almost all the people in the town have been killed and we still haven't found one..,
Pip: don't worry Amber I'm sure there's someone around here somewhere...*wonders in front of an open hotel*
Christopher: *hoots with delight*
Me: *hops from pip and runs up to the hotel*
Pip: *shape shifts into a human 7 year old kid* whoa...
Me: O.O awwww YOU ADORABLE!!
Pip: -_- don't call me adorable...
Me: but ya are Heheh *walks in the hotel*
Woman at front desk: Ma'am there's no animals allowed in here.
Me: oh that's a shame..Christopher is such a good bird *pets Christopher*
Christopher: *coos*
Me: well I guess it'll be our little secret *uses telekinesis to break a near by vase and Stab the woman with the broken pieces killing her*
Pip: HA that's was awesome!
Me: yea but ..it was missing something...
Pip: what?
Me: I need a motto...
Pip: well that sounded like a good one to me..
Me: no I need something that fits every situation...hmmmmm eh it'll come to me lets go..*walks to the first hotel room and uses telekinesis to unlock the door.* um hi..
Man: what how did you get in here? Are you with the service?
Me: no not really....
Man: than what are you doing in here?
Me: nothing much, just gotta feed Chrsitopher...
Man: who is your little brother? *motions toward pip*
Me: no...my owl..
Man: oh...well I don't recall any barn owl food in here...
Me: oh but there is...Chrsitopher is on a strict diet....I'm calling it! Bone! APPETITE!
Man: huh?
Me: Christopher feeding time!
Christopher: *feathers flood black and eyes turn Red with a screech before attacking the man and digging out his eyes and guts eating them*
Me: hmm....
Christopher: *flys back to Me covered in blood*
Me: nice job...even though you didn't eat your bones mister.
Chrsitopher: O..O
Me: I'll let it slide just this once..but you gotta eat your bones if you wanna stay strong...
Pip: O.O
Me: *kills like 12 more POEPLE*
Urrrrg no catchphrase popped up...crap....
Pip: well at leAst you have one more kill to make before you stay a pasta ^_^
Me: yea lets see.....*looks toward the clock* OH CHEESE AND MUFFINS ITS ALMOST 12!!!
Pip: uh oh! Come on there's one more room!
*runs to the next hotel
Room and uses telekinesis to open door* hello? *looks around seems emoty*
Huh.. No ones home..
Pip: wait who's that?
Me: who's who?
Pip: that figure in he corner!
Me: *looks to see a person rocking in a corner* oh hello! Hi I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer wanna be meh friend?
???: Go away you're not welcome here....
Me: talk about a good first impression...
Pip: O.O I don't like this...
Me: make some guts shift into you system will ya? *walk to person*
You seem like your life sucks SOOO I'll make it quick for ya okay?
???: *hisses*
Me: DA F-
???: *tackles Me*
Me: AH *growls and uses Telekinesis but it has no effect* what the...*kicks ??? Off*
???: heheh Amber..tsk tsk tsk..YOU BIT OFF MORE THAN YOU COULD CHEW!!
Me: how do you know my name?!
???: oh Amber we all know your name! *haunted chuckles fill the room as ??? Multiplies*
Pip: WHATS HAPPNening!
Me: Pip turn back into a fairy!
Pip: but I'm useless as a fairy!
Me: Pip do it!
???s *black must rises from*
Pip: *changes back to a fairy*
Me: *coughs violently* Christopher G-get pip out of h-here..*coughs and falls to my kneez*
Pip: I'm not leaving you!
Christopher: *grabs Pip in his class and flys out*
*clock struck 12 has everyone gathered back at the meeting post*
Slenderman: okay did everyone enjoy there Halloween?
Everyone: YEA!!!
Slenderman: okay I have everyones score except.......Amber...has anyone seen her?
Ellie: not side we all split up...
Snow: maybe she's on her way back now...
GlitchyRed:*sees Christopher carrying pip* I don't think so guys Look!
Everyone: *looks to see Christopher*
Slenderman: Pip?! Where's Amber?!
Pip: I d-don't know, w-we were at the hotel and then - rocking in the corner and m-mist and and and...
Slenderman: whoa slow down where were you?
Pip: At the hotel down on Elm street!...
Slenderman: everyone stay here I'll be back..
Tiff: we're coming she's our friend!
Slenderman: no it's too dangerous..
Roxy: we're not asking...
Snow: Ya!
Slenderman: fine....
Ben: YUS!
KillerEllie: and your coming too! *grabs GlitchyRed*
GlithyRed: what why?
KillerEllie: cuz if anyone's dies its you.
GlitchyRed: OH COME ON!!
Slenderman: *teleports the gang to the hotel*
Jeff: O.O
Dark link: welcome to the nightmare on Elm street....
Ba dum tish
Grace: Pip what room whereupon guys in?
*scream comes from room 666*
Grace: O.O never mind..
Slenderman: *teleports gang to room 666, the room is dark and empty*
Ben and Ellie: *eyes glow lighting up the room*
Maksy: yuck...what ever happened to the service?
Slenderman: something not right here....
TicciToby: yea the room is covered in black Ozz and SOME ONE FORGOT TO FLUSH!
Ba dum tish
Slenderman: ew no there's a familiar presence here...and I don't like it..one bit....
Snow: O.O um did anyone else notice the hanging body from the ceiling or do I need to see an eye doctor and therapist?
Everyone: *looks to see hanging body from the ceiling, a girl with long black hair and a yellow dress.
Jeff: huh I haven't seen one of those suicides in ages....
Ellie: *nudges Jeff*
Jeff: Ow.....oh gee what a horrible sight...
Ellie: •~•
Issac: but where Amber?
Dark link: right there...
Everyone: huh? *looks to see Amber staring without her hat and blacked out eyes with dark purple pupils.*
Ellie: Amber? What happened to you?
Me: (distorted voice) Oh I'm not Amber...
Ben: you look like Amber to me..
Me: *black ooze floods from mouth and nose and whole faces changes to a boy version of Mindy*
Ben: but your sure not acting like her...Amber you on that stuff again?
I am Nopicolus! The Demon of that Stupid Mortal! *points to hanging girl*
GlitchyRed: what did you do with Amber?!
Nopicolus: Heheh she fine..just in a little confinement that's all.
Slenderman: She not yours to confine!
Nopicolus: Heheh Finders Keepers Slendy.
Ben: huh how does he know your name Slenderman?
Nopicolus: haven't you heard? I'm the prince I'm the son, the one who was trapped behind doors of the underworld because all I wanted was power?
Jeff: nooo and if we did WE WOULDNT BE TALKING TO YOU ABOUT IT!!!
Nopicolus: hehe Father haven't shared my legend how sad...well...what do you call him...Mr.Creepypasta?
Everyone: O.O
Roxy: your Mr, Creepypastas Son?
Nopicolus: ding ding! We have a winner! What has she won? NOTHING just Ensalvement MUHAHAHAHAHAH *lightning clashes.*
Everyone: -_-
Z: is it me or are we in a cheesy horror movie?
Ba dum tish
Nopicolus: SILENCE!!!!
*A blue portal is formed on the floor and Mindy comes through*
Nopicolus: cousin long time no see....
Nopicolus: tsk tsk that's no way to treat family...
Mindy: says that one that tried to kill his own father!
Nopicolus: THATS ONLY BECAUSE I HAD TO FIGHT FOR WHAT I WANTED! YOU ALWAYS GET IT HANDED TO YOU AND YOUR NOT EVEN HIS FULL BLOOD!! You were always his favorite...even after all I did to try to impress him...
Mindy: well maybe if you tried to talk to him instead of taking over other pasta bodies we wouldn't have to go through this!
Nopicolus: No I'm tired of talking nothing come out of it! And I'm done talking to you...*uses a very VERRY strong and powerful power to crash Mindy through the wall*
Everyone: MINDY!
Nopicolus: *laughs wildly* good luck defeating me pastas...you don't stand a chance!
Everyone: *growls*
Nopicolus: hehe uurrgg *starts acting funny*
Z: huh?
Nopicolus: no! STOP
Me :Guys Help!
Nopicolus: NO! It's just me....hehehe
Slenderman: *growls*
Jeff: *pulls out knife*
Nopicoulus: *takes a good look at everyone* how do expect to fight me? If your too busy fighting yourselves!!! *makes dark mist clones of everyone with purple eyes*
Jeff: *twirls knife than grips it*
Mist Jeff: you look tired why don't you....GO TO SLEEP!! *fights Jeff*
Ellie: *fire power emerge*
Mist Ellie: *purple fire Emerge*
Tiff: *gasps*
Dark link: *glitches Tiff a sword*
Tiff: Thanks Dink ^_^ *growls at Mist Tiff*
Mist Dark Link: *summons Mist Tiff a sword*
Tiff: You little DUCK!!! *fights Mist Tiff*
Dark link: *fights Mist Dark link*
Everyone: *fights mist self*
Nopiclous: MUHAHAHAHA!
Mindy: *slides in with a bruised head*
Nopicolus: *growls*
Mindy: *growls before tackling Nopiclous # ME!*
Nopiclous: *kicks Mindy off*
Mindy: *stopped her self in mid air before tried power kicking Nopiclous*
Nopicolus: *dodges*
Mindy: *summons blue must wolves against Nopiclous*
Nopiclous: *summons purple mist tiger against Mindy Wolves*
Mindy: *punches Nopiclous why he was distracted*
Nipicolus: OW FOUL PLAY!
Mindy: YOUR WHOLE LIFE IS FOUL PLAY *kicks Nopiclous*
Nopiclous: *growls summoning blue and purple clouds and a great Portal over the hotel sucking up the roof of the hotel just leaving half of it*
Everyone (including mists*: AHHHH!!'
Mindy: *gasps as everyone is about sucked up Into the sky but hangs on for dear life in the left over building*
Jeff: HOLY SNAP!!!!
Ellie: *groans hanging onto to the building*
Nopiclous: finally it's just me and you Mindy.....and we already know who's gonna come out ontop.....
Mindy :*floats there staring at Nopiclous her eyes flooding with blue ooze.
Nopiclous: *has a stare off with Mindy*
Mindy: *starts fighting Nopiclous like off the Matrix*
Nopiclous: *fights back like in the Matrix*
(Does everyone know what movie I'm talking about? And the sene I'm talking about???? You know the part where neo fights Morpheus in the rain with all the copies of Morpheus watching....no?...okay)
Mindy: *starts power punching Nopiclous in the stomach heifer finally kicking up higher through the air*
Nopiclous: *stops himself and uses power wave on Mindy*
Mindy: *blocks out power wave, a lightning strike touches the ground near by and Mindy uses her powers to aim the Lightning Strike on Nopiclous*
Nopiclous: AAAAAAARRRRRG!! *screeches deomonic roar* uses my telekinesis to pick up building pieces and smash them into Mindy*
Mindy: *gets hit and is badly wounded but keeps fighting*
Nopiclous; we can stop this Mindy and rise against Mr.Creepypasta only if you just admit it Mindy...I'm more powerful...
Snow: *her piece of building breaks and she starts flying to it the air* AHH!
TicciToby: SNOW!!! * drops his hatchet which gets sucked up and grabs snow wrist* HANG ON!
Snow: *grabs Tobys arm with her free hand*
Pip: *gets sucked up* AHHH!!!!
Everyone: PIP!!
Pip: HEEEELLPPPP MEEEE!!*disappears in the portal*
Mindy: *sees the gang struggling to hang on* n-never....and your as powerful as you think....
Nopiclous: Oh? Well you just lost a friend....you still think so?
Mindy: hehe...or trust it's just getting started.
Nopiclous: huh?*face switches form his to mine violently*
Me: PI-
Nopiclous: No you fool! STOP! IM YOU NOW!
Me: NO-
Nopiclous : *growls* NOOOOOO-
Me: PIP!!!*tried to take over Body*
Nopiclous: NO I'm will not tolerate this! *uses Power wave again knocking Mindy into the broken hotel building*
Mindy: *groans*
Nopiclous: *growls*
Me: PIZZA?!-
Nopiclous: NO...*growls*
Mindy: *chuckles and summons an All meat pizza with stuff crust* WANT IT? Then you gotta fight Nopi!
Nopiclous : *growls*
Me: *fights Nopiclous mentally*
*body swings around like there's a war going on in there*
Mindy: O.O
Everyone: O.O
Me: *a black mist escapes Ambers body in the form of Nopiclous*
Mindy: *summons a special jar and traps Nopiclous inside it* you forgot your weakness cousin....YOU CANT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT A BODY OR SHELL...
Mindy: *teleports jar to a barren wasteland*
Me: *drops from the sky and lands hard in the hotel*
*great portal stops sucking up everything and Pip flies out of it*
Everyone: OOF/ phew ...
Mindy: Amber!*floats to her*
Me: *knocked out with bruises and large cuts*
Mindy: O.O uh oh...
Slenderman: come on we better get her to Dr. Smiley and fast...
Everyone: O.O
*time skip brought to you by HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Eat REESES!!!*
*several days later*
Ellie: Amber still hasn't awaken I hope she's okay...
Mindy: *sighs* her reading aren't normal...but I'm not sure what that means.....
Jeff: what was up with that Nopiclous guy, if was behind bars from his father how did he get out?
Who knows.....
Tiff: that was crazy but fun Halloween...
Z: yup...
Snow:*snuggles up with TicciToby* it was Scary....
Dark link: if Amber is okay that was the best HALLLOWEEEN EVER!!
Jeff: agreed
KillerEllie: yup...
Grace: defiantly
Roxy: *nods*
Dr.Smiley: *rushes in* you guys have to see this..
Slenderman: O.O
Everyone: *rushes into Ambers room*
Dr.Smiley: Vital signs are normal but her physical and power state has changed dramatically...her eyes have shifted from red to a neon purple and blue, and her power range has increased....and the scary part is...I don't think she's fully alone in her body still....
Everyone: O.O
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