Ellie: so how does it feel to Slivers Sis?
Me: weird but pretty cool...I will bad that I have arms and legs and he dosent least I can help him around...
LSliver: don't worry Amber don't worry about me..sometimes I get my Arms and legs back....just not all the time.
Jeff: this is've been with us for awhile and just now we find out you're his sister....
LSilver: feels good to me...I don't feel so lost now ^_^
Ben: that's good....
Me: ^_^
*knock knock!*
Me: SOMEONES at the door!
Ellie: hurry!
Z: Answer it!
Tiff: Yay!
me: I'm goin geez*goes to open*
*door gets kicked open*
Me: AH!*braces self*
???: sup Amber
Me: huh..*opens eyes* OH Hi Ellie!
Ellie: I'm right here..
Me: her name is Ellie too! But we can call her killer Ellie...
KillerEllie: I like it....
Jeff: sweet mother of knifes...look at those claws....
KillerEllie:huh...*holds up hands* oh these awesome things?
Jeff: *drools*
Ellie: -_-
Me: everyone meet Ellie_the_killer_ !
Tiff happypie427 : hello!
Z creepypasta_darkness : heyo!
Roxy Nyanners678 : hey!
Ellie EllieBrine : Hi!
KillerEllie: sup guys!
Me: creepypasta meet Killer Ellie!
Everyone: Hi killerEllie! *cheers*
KillerEllie: *waves*
Me: so killer Ellie? Any dares or questions for us to day?
KillerEllie: yea, what else would I come here for? I dare Jeff to wear a dress Extra puffy and sparkly...oh and he has to put his hair in a pony tail!
Jeff: WHAT NO WAY! Your claws may be awesome as heck! But ain't putting on no dress* turns around crossing arms*
Me: *sighs*
Ellie: relax I got this...
*Ellie goes up to Jeff mumbling some stuff*
Jeff: URG FINE!!!
killerEllie: good here's the dress*hands a big sparkly fluffy pink dress to Jeff out of no where*
LSilver: where did she get the dress from?
Dark link: more like..where was she keeping it?
LSliver: -_-
Jeff: *snatches dress and mumbles walking off* I'll be back....
*time skip brought to you by Sally playmates , the perfect friend to die for*
Jeff: *sighs*...this is ridiculous...
Ben: OH
me: MY
killer Ellie:GOLB
Everyone: *burst out laughing*
Dark link: don't worry Jeff it's all good...I had to wear a chicken least you didn't have wear makeup..
Jeff: eh....
Z: I can't take it I can't take! Im gonna burst!!
Ben: A-Amber don't die again! LMAO!!!!
Me: I KNOW RIGHT OMG *stilm laughing uncontrollably
Jeff: can I go take it off now?
Me: wait wait everybody stop!
Everyone: *stops laughing*
Me: Jeff you can take it off..I just want you too would make a great Disney princess! LMAO
Everyone: *starts laughing again*
Ben: Jeff don't forget you shoe! You don't want your Prince Charming to find it! LMAO!!!!
Me: okay okay I'm done....*breathes heavily*
Roxy: my heart hurts...
Me: I feel like I'm gonna die..
KillerEllie: you died from laughter Amber?
Yea when dark link did the funky chicken in a chicken went viral lol
Jeff: urg never doing that agin....*takes down pony tail*
LSilver: if your FANGIRLS don't want you too...
Jeff: shad up! Don't give them any ideas.
RandomFangirl: too late! *takes picture of Jeff and squeals before fainting*
Jeff: Slenderman! I thought you said FANGIRLS COULDN'T GET TO THE MANSION!!
Slenderman : um...I was wrong I guess...sneakily little things...Ticci go get the spray and the bomb repellent.
Me: O.O there's a repellent for FANGIRLS...
Slenderman: yea it's just like roach repellents just for fangirls...
Z: but repellent kills them off...
Slenderman: exactly
Ellie: O.O
At least none of you guys are fan girls....or fan guys ...that be bad..
Me: *looks at Ellie before whistling and scooting away*
Ben: I didn't know you could whistle Amber.
Me: I didn't know you sucked your thumb and snorted while sleeping...
Ben: touchè
Me: well we saw Jeff in a dress...a big fluffy one...*snickers* and found out that the creepypastas had FANGIRLS repellent...O.O...but we're ready for more question and dares.
Ellie,Z, Tiff, Roxy, and Killer Ellie: SO START ASKING AND DARING!
Everyone: BYEEEEEEE!
Me: so you like being in the mansion?
KillerEllie: yea it's great! Seeing Jeff in a dress made my day!
Me: that's great! And we all know what that means...KillerEllie is now available for questions and dares!
And I'll see you in the next chapter Buh bye!
Markipler: JUST STOP IT RIGHT NOW!! *pops out of nowhere and audience cheers*
me: Mark? What are you doing here?
Markiplier: came for a rematch with Slenderman....he will not scare me this time! I am the king of squirrels!!
Me: *smiled stupidly before fangirling!*
Slenderman: I sense a fangirlzz
Me: O.O *stops fangirling* well it was nice of you to stop by...and sorry for using your outro to bad your time here had to be short.
Markipler: was that a short joke?
Me: what? NO NO!! I didn't mean it like that!
Markipler: I'm watching you...
Me: your watching me?
Markipler: you know what I mean..
Me: *hiccups* :D *fangirls on the inside*
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