Knock knock!
Me: okay let's see he-
*knock knock!*
BEN: who could that be?
Me: I'm not sure lets find out.*opens door*
???: OMG AMBER!!!
Me: OMG!!!! ELLIE!!!
EllieBrine : hi I was wondering if I could join you guys!
Me: of course Ellie! Everyone this is my friend Ellie, say hi!
Everyone: hi Ellie!
Ellie: *waves*
Me: for some info she hates Pink! Don't make her wear anything pink! Or do anything that involves Pink!
Ben: no promises! >:D
Ellie: O.0
Me: so Ellie any dares or questions to start us off?
Ellie: actually yes I do have a dare!
I dare Hoodie and masky to do 7 minutes in heaven!
Everyone except masky and hoodie: oooooooooooo!
Masky: umm...what's that?..wait I think I know! Hoodie give me your gun.
Me: Whoa whoa! Wait a second! Not that heaven! Don't you know? The game. In the closet?
Dark link: *shoves Me* let someone experienced explain!
Me: *facepalms*
Dark link: 7 minutes in heaven is...
*after about 30 minutes of explaining hardcore of what 7 minutes in heaven is*
Masky and Hoodie: wait what?....
Me: *sighs*
7 minutes in heaven is just a game where you make out and stuff...
Masky and hoodie : oh..:
Dark link: really!
Me: look I know this stuff is your expertise and stuff but that was way too advance...even for you.
Ellie: I agree
Jeff: same....
Me: hey your not acting weird anymore Jeff.
Jeff: this is taking my mind off my knife....*twitches*
Me: okay.....
I'm not so sure about this...
Me: I'll throw in every cheesecake there is to offer!
Hoodie: Masky get in there! *kicks masky in the closet*
Whoa that's the first time Hoodie hasn't stuttered...
BEN: *closes closet door*
*7 minutes later*
Me: okay guys times up*opens door*
OH GODDDD *slams door leaning against it*
Ellie: whoa what?
Me: I feel sick...
Ellie: huh?
Me: *throws up*
Everyone: ewwwwwe
Eyeless jack: awesome!
Ellie: you okay now?
Me: yea I-I think s- *throws up*
Everyone: ewwwwwe
Eyeless jack: Yay!
Me: awww that was my funnel cake...
Seedeater: *eats vomit*
Me: NO SEEDEATER BAD SEEDEATER!!!! *tried to pull seedeater away but fails.*
Me: E.j! If you don't get your pet under control!!!!! I'll turn you from eyeless jack to faceless Jack!
Eyeless jack: what! I don't want to look like him!...*points to Slenderman*
Slenderman >:(
Eyeless Jack: I mean he's so handsome I don't want to steal his glory!
Slenderman >:>
Jeff: smooth
Eyeless Jack: I know right?
Jeff and eyeless Jack: *bro fist*
Masky and hoodie: * come out the closet*
Masky: Amber are you okay?
Hoodie: w-where t-the cheesecake??!!
Me: *sighs* Mindy!
Mindy: *summons every kind of cheesecake*
Hoodie and Masky: YUSSSSSSS
*govbles down cheesecake like there's no tomorrow*
Dark link : *leans next to ellie* so Ellie? want to take a trip to heaven? *wiggles eyebrows*
Ellie: NO! *elbows Dark link in the gut*
Dark link: Ouch! fiesty! *makes jaguar sound clawing at Ellie*
Ellie: *sighs*
Me: I think I have a question for someone....
Jeff: I didn't know hostess could ask questions...did you? *looks at Ellie*
Ellie: nope, no I didn't..*clears throat*
Me: never mind I just answered my own question :D
Me: Anyway! I have a big announcement!
BEN: really what is it?!
Me: if you shut up I'll tell you ~_~
BEN: ._.
Me: I would like to announce new characters!
You love them from the worlds top indie horror game! The Five Nights at Freddy Crew!!!
Everyone: *cheers*
Me: welcome Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle!
The original versions and Toy versions!
Animatronics: *waves*
Me: let's not forget Ballon boy!
Ballon boy: hi
Me: *hides behind Ellie* oooooh I hate that.....
Ellie: 0.0
Me: and of course the three special guests!
The Puppet Master ,Golden Freddy! And the amazing Purple Guy!
Golden Freddy: *waves*
Purple Guy: Sup
Me: golden Freddy please keep the music box winded up until there's a question or dare ready for him.......I really don't want to be ripped to shreds!
Golden Freddy: *nods*
Me: well I think that's all for today! Thanks for joining us Ellie! It's really appreciated!
Ellie: it's a pleasure!
Me: great and we all know what that means! Ellie is now available for Dares and Questions!
So start asking and daring!
Jeff: we don't do dares!!!!
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