Janes First Dare and she dosent like it...
Me: guys guys!
Z: yea Amber?
Ellie: hm?
Jeff: AHHHHHHHHH!!!*runs past Everyone*
me: huh....
Jeff: It wasn't me I swear!*jumps behind a chair*
Jane: you little Liar I saw you!!
Jeff: heh that wasent me that was..,,.that was uh..
Jane: ARRRRGGGG!!*charges at Jeff*
Jane: WHAT!!
me: we have a dare and a question!
Jeff: saved by the bell..,,phew...,
Me: *sighs* okay..wait where's Ben?
Ben: *runs in* sorry I'm late I was just about to beat space invaders!
Me: that old game...well did you win?
Ben: no final boss got me..,
Me: aww well better luck next time, come and sit we gotta a dare and question!
Jeff: is it from NitmareShed? She has crazy dares just like Ellie...
Me: no we have a new questioner and darer! And her name is @happypie427
Ellie: Yay!
Z: let's hear it!
Me: okay this question is for Jane and Jeff..
Jeff: oh no...No I don't like her!
Me: Jeff that's not the question...
Jeff: I was just making sure....I just went to the store to get a knife sharpener and a this fan girls just came up to me asked if I like Jane....HELLI NO!!
Me: okay then...,,lol
Ellie: lol
Z: lol
Ben: :D
Me: okay the question is...Are you guys Frienemeies?
Jane: Frienemeies? Frienemeies!! ARE KIDDING ME!?!! THIS FOOL KILLED MY PARENTS OF COURSE WE'RE NOT, PURE ENIMEIES!!! He's pure eviiiiiil....
Jeff: me? EVIL?!!! At least I'm not trying to kill you every second of my life!
Me: GUYS!!
Jane and Jeff: WHAT!
Ellie: you guys sound like an old married couple.....
Jeff: O.O
Jane: >:|
Me: lol any way there's a dare as well...
Jane: *crosses finger* please let me torture him for a whole year....please let me torture him for a whole year!
Jeff: O.O help....me....
Me: no....the dare is Jane don't hit Jeff for a whole two days!
Jeff: WOOOOHOOOO!*jumps in his chair and starts dancing* I LOVE MY FANGIRLS!!
Jane: I hate all of you.......
Ellie: lol
Z: lmao..
Ben: Hahahahaha
Jane: I don't know why you laughing...she said I can't hit you she didn't say anything about shooting you...
Jeff: *freezes in safe poses wide eyed* dang it.....
Jane: *pulls out huge gun from nowhere*
Me: what the heck...
Ellie: o.o
Z: O.O
Ben: uh oh....
Jeff: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!*runs*
Jane: GET BACK HERE!! *fires gun*
Me: whoa! Whoa whoa!
Jane: what...
Me: Jane..,,please....I think we all know what HappyPie meant.....
Jane: *growls*...urg fine....
Me: okay everyone back to what ever you guys where doing...
~Day 1~
Jane: *hums to her self walking into her room*
Jeff: *goes through her make up* you only where black what is wrong with you? You never want to set a mood?
Jane: JEFFF!!!*balls up fists*
Jeff: uh uh uh...you can't hit me remember...
Jane: *Screams at the top of her lungs*
me: what was that...
Z: I don't know but checkmate!
Me: dang it!
~Day 2~
Jane: *paints outside in all black*
Ben: Jeff go long!*throws football from porch*
Jeff: I got it I got it!*runs over Jane and her painting*
Jane: Ow! *looks at her painting...ruined* JEFFFF!! *balls fist*
Jeff: ah aha ha...no hitting Jane..*football lands on his stomach*
Told you I got it Ben!
Ben: O.O....
~Day 3~
Jane: *wakes up crAzy* MUHAHAHAHAHAHSHS *grabs shot Gun*
Me: so Jeff did you enjoy your two days of no hitting?
Jeff: yea it was great!
Jane: *busts in with Gun aimed*GO TO SLEEP JEFF!!!
Everyone: O.O
Jeff: AHHHHHHH! *runs*
Jane: *fires repeatedly using all the ammo theTakes out knife and chases Jeff*
Jane: *tackles Jeff*
Jane: *crackles evilly* YOUR MINE!!*starts cutting and beating up Jeff*
Me: whoa!
Ben and me: *grabs Jane and holds her back*
Jane: *growls like a jaguar* NO NO LET ME AT HIM!!
Ben: you know the rule Jane you can't beat up Jeff when your raging like mad...
Jane: *breaths heavily*
Jeff: O.O
Ben: can't hold her much longer!!!
Me: Ellie, Z hurry the outro THE OUTRO!!!!
Ellie and Z: Jane didn't hurt Jeff for two whole days and now she's a raging bull, but we're ready for more Questions and Dares! So start asking and daring!
Jane: RAAAAAA! *breaks free and tackles jeff*
(In the background) Jane no! Jane stop ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
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