Dusk, Diego, Five, and Ben made their way back to the basement, silently hoping that the electric pain wouldn't be too severe. "Five, if something goes wrong with me, and I die, please don't feel like your responsible," Dusk begged as she sat down in one of the chairs. "I'll try, Dusk. But I can't promise that," Five sighed as he strapped her hands and legs to the chair. Five backed away from the chair, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw another note.
"Ben, come look at this," He called to his brother. Ben looked back at Diego hesitantly, hoping that this wouldn't be the last time he saw him alive and not in pain. Five showed him the note, and on the piece of paper were the rules and instructions for this death challenge. As they read through the rules, Dusk and Diego couldn't help but struggle in their chairs as the bindings got tighter around their ankles and wrists.
"Dusk, if I don't make it through this, I think you should know that your a smart girl," Diego smiled. Even though they were in a bad situation, the brown-haired girl couldn't help but smile at Diego's compliment. "Thanks Diego, your a good guy," she smiled.
"The partners must stand across from the chairs and throw metal rings towards one of the five electrical rods. Missed rings will give their partner a little shock. The first guest to have three rings around any of the rods will win the challenge. However, the loser will suffer a severe shock that will end their life. You both have thirty minutes before the chairs short circuit on their own and kill both of the guests. The timer will now start," Five read loud. Ben and Five rushed towards small boxes that were full of metal rings and began throwing them towards their partners.
Five tossed a ring towards one of Dusk's rods but missed, giving Dusk a small shock. "Oww!" she screamed. Ben threw a ring towards Diego, missing as well. The torture went on for a few minutes, until finally, Five tossed a metal ring, and it landed on one of the rods. "Good job, Five! You got this!" Dusk called out. Diego started cheering as one of Ben's rings landed on a rod.
"Come on, Five. You got this!" Dusk kept cheering as Five continued to throw the rings. Another ring landed on a rod, giving Five and Dusk two successful rings. "Come on, Ben! Please!" Diego begged as Ben missed. Five reached into one of the boxes and aimed it at one of the rods, silently praying that this one would guarantee Dusk's safety. The ring went through the air, and Five held his breath as the metal ring got closer to one of the rods.
The ring landed on a rod, giving Five and Dusk the three rings they needed to get Dusk out alive. "YES! You did it!" Dusk smiled. But, then Diego's chair began to short circuit, causing him to scream in pain as the electricity passed through his body. Ben collapsed onto the ground in defeat as he watched in partner die and slump back in his chair. Five couldn't believe that even though he had saved Dusk's life, he caused Diego to be electrocuted.
The three survivors panted as the voltage to Diego stopped, and a light turned on behind the chairs. "That's our next riddle," Five said as his heart pounded inside his chest. "I'll grab it, get Dusk out," Ben said to Five, still looking at the lifeless Diego. Five stood up and walked towards Dusk's chair and loosened the bindings, freeing Dusk from her chains. "Thank you, Five," Dusk sobbed as she got out of her chair. "It'll be okay. You're still alive," he whispered. "But at what cost? Diego lost his life!" She responded, trying her best to avoid looking at him.
Ben grabbed the envelope containing their next riddle, and the three friends ran up the stairs without looking back. "Someone's coming! Who do you think it is?" they heard Vanya ask. "I hope it's Dusk," The Creative Crew answered as Five and Ben stepped into the light. "Who is it? Who made it?" everyone started clamoring. Dusk stepped out into the light, and The Creative Crew started screaming with joy and embraced her tightly.
"D-Diego's dead," Dusk muffled into their shoulders, sobbing softly. "Shh, it's okay. You're still here, and we're so happy because of that," Maisie smiled, pulling apart from the group hug. The four girls sat down on the couch and watched as Ben opened the new envelope and found their next riddle.
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