Restoring her memory
Candce are sure you don't know us
No .
Well I am Phineas and this is ferb . We are your brothers.
I have siblings?
Yes .
You remember Isabella right ?
She is my girlfriend.
Well that's cool .
Balljeet You rember him ?
No I don't know him
I don't know him
Who is that ? Point linda ?
That's our mom
Hum . Is that a platypus?
Yes his name is perry.
Hum I don't like him
You never did .
Do still want to bust
What is that ?
You really don't know what busting is ?
No .
This worse than I thought bro
Can you guys remind me what busting is ?
Yes . It is When you try to get us in trouble. Do you still want to do that ?
I don't want that , I don't know you guys , why would I do that ?
Ok . Good question why would you bust us if we did nothing?
Stop ferb . She meant It , she doesn't remember anything.
Ok . I thought she was messing with me !
No she is Not!
Ok calm down Phineas!
No I wilL not . what's your name sis ?
Candce . I know that one . I am not your sister!
Ok we got her to remember something . Phineas is hurt she said that and crys
F ; Yes , I am building that ray , it will be ok.
The one used to help you remember things ?
Yes bro .
Ok . They build it . Thsn they shoot her with it .
I don't know you still.
Can't believe she doesn't know us . He crys
Phineas ? Yes
Are ok ? No my sister doesn't know me !
O Phineas . Just let ferb fix it .
We tried to build something but it has worked!
Phineas ?
Yes. It is me .
Hum I remember you guys . I remember everything now .
You do ?
Yes stop crying.
Ok . I. Am glad you do . They hug . Thsn perry comes home .
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