30 Random Facts
France can't burn toast. He tried to once with a lighter but failed.
China hates My Little Pony with literally all his heart
England will never accept defeat in a game of hangman, who ever he's playing against
Hong Kong likes Panic at the Disco
Canada is allergic to peanut butter (don't know if that means nuts in total but still)
America is rubbish at Dragon Quest
Scotland can drink everything and hold it down, except for white wine
Japan once ate cucumber flavoured scones when he was drunk. That's why he never gets drunk, because the memory of food poisoning haunts him
Prussia once woke up tied to the top of the Empire State building
Hungary buys her frying pans from Sweden
Poland buys most of his clothes from France
Sweden hates cats
Iceland hates red liquorice
England likes Elton John
Belarus likes One Direction, but not as much as she likes Russia
Latvia is addicted to Charmed the T.V. show
Germany once got given a plush of Squirtle from Japan. He still has it
Romano is always tripping over his tomato plants. He still loves them
Austria can actually play the drums as well as the piano, he just prefers the piano
Estonia reads fanfiction because he thinks it shows people's emotions
Romania hates Twilight because he likes Cedric Diggory
Last year, Switzerland's secret Santa was Poland. He had to get Liechtenstein to help him
Lithuania takes care of all of Russia's sunflowers. He loves gardening
Greece can play the violin, but only uses it to play cat songs, like from the Aristocats
Turkey is really good friends with Seychelles, who teaches him how to fish with a spear
China has never seen Howl's Moving Castle, but really wants to
Japan has a slight crush on Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean
Spain doesn't like artichoke anywhere near as much as he used to, before England made a soup out of all the artichoke in his house and forced him to eat it
Finland thinks of Norway as a big brother, but will never admit it
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