Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Argument
Unfortunately, my little Masquerade stunt didn't scare them off. They still stayed. They weren't around for the Final Lair scene, thankfully, but it was a little annoying that they didn't leave. Yes, I'm still questioning if leaving Bonnie's was the right choice but having my friends here to try and bring me back regardless isn't helping. But I did enjoy singing again. That was fun. But, I was playing my organ at the moment to pass the time when I noticed someone walk into t my lair. It was Woody.
"Go away," I said still playing
"Come home," Woody said
"I am home. I chose to be here and you can't change my mind."
"So you're happy in a collection of musical characters who do nothing all day but perform the shows they came from? You're happy with a toy you don't love anymore?"
I stopped playing at that comment. I looked at him to see that he had really had enough with this life I've chosen.
"I belong here," I said, "And I'm happy here. I can be me without being judged for it. Not that you'd know what that feels like."
"I would if you just told me! What's the difference between here and Bonnie's?" Woody asked, "You don't get played with here, you just sing and stand on display. And the last thing I know you were being judged about was you criticizing Jessie because she couldn't hit a note!"
"You think that's what's bugging me? The difference between here and Bonnie's is the fact that you lot don't understand what I was made to do."
"To promote a musical. We know that part."
"That's not the whole truth. Like everyone else here and in my musical, I would always have an urge to burst out in song because that's how I was made. I've had to keep those urges to myself because none of you have those same urges. I'd stick out like a sore thumb almost every day! Here, I can do that every day and everyone would let it happen or join in. The rest of you can't do that."
"We'll let you do that whenever! And Andy is counting on all of us to be there for him if he ever comes back! If he sees you gone, he will be upset thinking that Bonnie gave you away!"
"If I have to keep telling Pricklepants to stop his dramatics back in the creepy motel, someone is going to do the same thing when I have a musical moment! The only times I've been relieved of these urges was when I sang 'Music of the Night' during Buzz and Maddie's date and when I tried to scare Lotso and the other daycare toys that night! None of you stopped me then because those were planned. If I did it randomly, you'd keep telling me to shut up!"
"When did you sing Music of the Night? When was Buzz and Maddie's date?"
Oh no, "You weren't supposed to know that."
"Know when you helped Maddie and Buzz with their relationship and sang for them? I feel like that's an important detail I deserve to know, (Y/N)!"
"That's my secret that I will keep from you because you don't need to know what happened that night."
"Was that the day I randomly woke up back on the shelf?"
I went quiet.
"What did you do?" I didn't answer him, "(Y/N)! What did you do?!"
"I hypnotized you with my voice and you were put in a trance!" I snapped, "I had to knock you out of it when Bo walked back into the room! She would've thought you were cheating on her with me! I don't know why you forgot but I kept the secret from you both for your sakes!"
"So that's more secrets to add to the list!"
"List? How many secrets do you know I've kept from you?"
"This for one, the fact that you left without telling anyone apart from Maddie, what you hide under that mask, and that think we don't care that we want you to be yourself around us."
"All of those I did for good reason. And, trust me, there is one secret missing on that list that you will never know about. Now, if you're finished, you may leave."
"Not without you! I'm not letting you make the same mistake I almost made."
"At least you know where to find me now! At least I'm not going to Japan like a certain someone in this room!"
"I changed my mind, didn't I?"
"I'm not you, Woody! I want to be here and you will have to knock me out and drag me out of that door if you want me to go back to Bonnie's with you!"
Woody was quiet for a moment, "So you're more than happy to live a life of lies with a toy you don't love? Happier than you coming back with us to people who do love you and care for you."
"Yes. And it keeps me away from you."
I continued to play my organ, trying to ignore him.
"What do you mean by that?" Woody asked
"I love you, Woody," I said getting to the point, "I always have. But I can't have you because I know that you still love Bo. And I respect that. Will you go now?"
"Is that what this is about? You left because you loved me and you couldn't confess?"
"Even if I did, I couldn't have you. As I said, you love Bo and I'm not going to take that away from you."
"(Y/N), I love you too. Yes, I love Bo but I love you so much more."
"You can't love me. How can you love me when you don't even know what I look like?"
"Take it off then."
"Woody, just leave! I don't want you here and I don't want to go back! You're wasting your time trying to get me to come back! You will never see my face nor will you see me again! Just go now! Take our friends! Forget me! Forget all of this! Go back to Bonnie and live your life without me! GO!"
Woody backed away and left just like I told him. I hope I proved my point to him. How can he love me if he's never seen the monster behind the mask? I watched him and our friends sadly leave without me. It's for the best. They belong with Bonnie and I belong here.
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