Chapter Eleven: Another Buzz
We walked down the aisle just looking for any sign of Woddy or Al. But nothing yet.
"So, were you really strapped to a rocket?" Maddie suddenly asked me.
"I was," I said looking around the aisle.
"Wow. I'm surprised you weren't scared."
"Oh, I was at first. But I just started to accept that this was my fate and just waited for Sid to light the fuse. But Woody and Buzz saved me and went back to Andy. Honestly, they could've just left me there. Andy only ever cared about where they were at the time. I'll never know if he was concerned about me when I jumped out the window."
"See, that's the old you talking there. You think people don't care about you because of your past experience or because of what's under your mask. But no one knows either of those things. You don't talk about it or show your face."
"And I never will. It's better that way."
I stood still for a moment, thinking that I heard something. Just to be sure, I took out my sword, just so I was ready. The two of us looked around until we found another aisle. It was full of dolls like Maddie and me. Gender-bent characters. Maddie looked at her section while I tried to look for mine. Well, I did find my people along with a whole set that I was missing. I had bigger accessories that I had never seen before.
Like an Organ, a boat, mirrors, the swan bed, everything that you would find in my lair in the show. Oh, if only Andy could get all this for me. It would be amazing. But something caught my eye that I didn't realise I had. A white horse. I didn't know I had a horse. Amazing! Maddie soon called my name saying we should keep looking for Woody and Al. Oh yeah, that's what we're here for. I came to her side and we kept looking around.
We went to the next aisle to see nothing but Buzz. So many Buzz Lightyears on display. How popular is he? We saw a box on the bottom shelf moving so we went over to see what was going on. It was a Buzz trying to shake himself off the shelf. But he recognised us. Wait, that's our Buzz! How did he get like that? We took him off the shelf and took him out of the box. He explained that another Buzz with a utility belt thought our Buzz escaped and put him in the box.
We untied him and followed him to the end of the aisle. We looked around the corner to see Al slide out of his office chanting 'rich'. What? But we saw Rex's tail coming out of his bag. What is he doing with our friends? We ran down one of the aisles after Al only to slip and fall on some bouncy balls. What did we miss here? Buzz got up and started climbing up the display. Using a bat, he put it down, stood on it, and let it fall towards a trampoline.
And using that, he grabbed onto a monkey on a string and used it to rush over to the opening doors and Al. Maddie and I just ran for the door. But we were way too late. The doors closed and Al drove off. Now we'll never find Woody or the guys. Or so I thought. Al drove to the flats across the road from here. Talk about living close to work. Why does he even drive back and forth? Well, we know where they are now.
Let's get out of here and go. Maddie saw a display of things and knocked it down, activating the doors to open up. Yay! Now let's go! We ran out the door and to the road again. Using the traffic cones again, we made our way safely across the road. But, just as we headed for the front door, we heard some banging sounds coming from the vent outside along with footprints leading to it. One of our friends yelled out to the other Buzz to stop and slow down.
What's he doing? Well, only one way to find out. Let's go in. Really we just listened out for our friends yelling about what the other Buzz was doing. I need to call him something because me calling him 'the other Buzz' is going to get annoying. Buzz one and Buzz two. That's how I'll tell them apart. Or at least try to. Anyway, we listened for our friends only to see the lift ready to go up.
So, we quickly went underneath it and held on. When we arrived at the top, we carefully made our way into another vent and made our way to the very top floor. Everyone wouldn't stop yelling so it wasn't hard to find them. But we sound found out why they were yelling. Everyone was attacking three new toys. So, we crawled out of the vent and stopped our friends and Buzz two from stealing Woody. But then that started a whole 'who is our Buzz' with the two Buzzs'.
There are too many Buzzs'! One is enough! The two of them argued over who the real Buzz was until Buzz Two told us not to let Buzz One fool us since he was the imposter. But Buzz One put Buzz Two's helmet down and he started choking on air. Well, that looks familiar. Buzz One showed everyone Andy's signature on his foot and everyone knew who our Buzz was. Finally! But the rest of this I'll leave for the next chapter.
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