The Beginning
A/N: Italics will be when the narrator is speaking. ^^^That's the baby's Mark^^^
It was a normal day for two opposite women, One was a Witch pregnant with the offspring of her cold one mate. The other a Maiden Goddess, Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt, Wild Animals, The Moon, Vegetation, Chasity and Childbirth. Now you may be wondering what any of the two have to do with each other and to answer that question... Well you'll just have to read to find out.
Third Person's POV:
Adriel was sitting in her and her husband's home softly rubbing her round bump which was ready to pop out her beautiful baby any day soon. She was hoping her husband would be back from running errands as she was starting to feel weird, as though something important were to happen to them today. Which of course her instinct was right and it'd be more intense then she'd have ever thought.
Scouting in the woods with her huntresses, Artemis too thought that something deeply important was going to happen today. The feeling was so strong she pulled her lieutenant Zoe Nightshade over for a chat. "Zoe i don't want you to panic but if something happens to me, i will need you to contact my twin brother Apollo." Artemis said in a hushed tone eyes moving everywhere in a paranoid motion. "Of Course Mi'lady but if i may ask why are thou asking this?" Zoe responded in a confused tone "I just have a feeling that something important is going to happen to me, something huge. i just can't figure out what it is and it's driving me insane." Artemis confessed in a anxious tone eyes still racking around in a alert motion "Okay Mi'lady i shall do what you've asked of me and i'll keep this just between us unless i need to call upon Lord Apollo." Zoe said to her mistress easing her worries.
∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼Timeskip to Important Stuff∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼
Alessandro was in the process of running a warm bath for his wife when he heard a sudden splatting sound followed shortly by a scream. He froze in his spot then ran to his wife's aid "What's happening? What's Wrong? Are you hurt? Do you need the Hospital?" Alessandro fired question after question at his wife concerned for her safety which caused Adriel to chuckle breathlessly "I'm fine at the moment, it's just that my water has broke and the sun's still up so we can't go to the hospital." Adriel explained to him in a scarily calm yet panicked voice. Hearing this Alessandro stopped and stared at her in disbelief processing the fact that he's going to be a father soon. "Okay luckily i was already running you a bath and i took some emergency hospital equipment from my adopted brother when i last saw him, I can just guide you through it. Yeah that'll work, it will work, Oh shit okay let's do this." Alessandro said muttering towards the end as he could see his wife starting to grimace in pain. He carried her bridal style to where he had been running her bath, Stripping her of her clothes he looked down to see how dilated she was hoping that it'd be a good amount cause he can't stand to see her in pain, too bad for him he wasn't in any luck. She looked to be about only 1 to 2 Centimetres dilated, getting an idea he ran to get the pregnancy ball they had thinking it'd help to dilate her more which it would but the dilation is what hurts the most. Getting her situated on the ball and moving on it was harder than he thought. Her moves were sluggish the pain making it hard for her, with each cry and whimper of pain she let out Alessandro felt his heart break piece by piece. Unbeknownst to them a certain moon goddess was experiencing the same feelings as Adriel.
With Artemis.
The Hunt and their mistress were just heading back to their camp after getting rid of a few monsters in the area and hunting some game for their dinner when their Mistress Artemis suddenly dropped making them all freeze in shock. Zoe immediately knew what she had to do, she was about to start praying to Lord Apollo when Artemis suddenly opened her eyes and let out a deep pain filled scream. It was so loud that the Huntresses moved back in fear and Lord Apollo appeared beside them "Arty! What happened? What's Wrong with her?" Apollo asked tears in his eyes at his sisters current state, Zoe was about to speak when the three fates appeared alongside the Queen Of Olympus Lady Hera, Lady Hestia and Lady Hecate. Zoe and the rest immediately bowed in respect "Lord Apollo, Take your sister and come with us, We'll be able to explain to you what's going on and how to help her. Zoe Nightshade you may come along if you wish." The three fates said speaking in unison. Apollo quickly placed his sister inside his arms and went to stand by the fates and the other goddesses Zoe following in suit but not before placing Phoebe in Temporary Charge.
They each disappeared in a blinding light, appearing in a lovey bathroom of an even more beautiful home behind a beautiful couple. The wife saw them and became confused and worried "Babe am i hallucinating or are there 9 strange people standing behind you?" Adriel asked her husband in a hoarse voice causing him to swiftly turn around "How did you people get in here? Why are you here? What do you want?" Alessandro asked them all in a authoritative tone standing protectively in front of his wife. "We are here to explain some things to you and to help you alongside this unconscious lady here with us." The Three Fates said in unison "Can i at least know your names?" Alessandro asked exhausted noticing that they each had a powerful aura and seemed familiar in the way they carried themselves.
"I am Lady Hestia, Goddess of The Hearth, Home, Architecture, Domesticity, Family and The State." The Homely One stepped forward and Alessandro felt his eyes widen at the revelation of Greek Deities and Myths being real which also explained why they looked somewhat familiar he did research on the Greek myths when he was in Uni some time ago.
"I am Lady Hera Queen Of Olympus, Goddess Of Women, Marriage and Childbirth." "I am Lady Hecate Goddess Of Magic, Witchcraft, Passage/Doorways, Crossroads and Spells." "I am Lord Apollo God Of Archery, Healing, Music, Dance, Diseases, Truth, Prophecy and The Sun.
This is my Twin Sister Artemis Goddess Of The Hunt, The Moon, Chasity, Wild Animals, Vegetation, and Childbirth." Lord Apollo explained gesturing to the lady who was in his arms unconscious.
"Thou is Zoe Nightshade Daughter of Atlas :( and Pleione, Former Hesperide and Lieutenant Of The Hunters Of Artemis." The Young looking girl introduced herself. "I am Clotho (the spinner), I am Lachesis (the Alloter), and I am Atropos (the inflexible). We are The Three Fates and we've come here due to the birth of your shared baby." The Three Fates introduced themselves last causing Alessandro and Adriel to cower in fear and question why they were here for their baby. By now Artemis had woken up and was confused as to what was going on and why she were in a stranger's home alongside her brother, her lieutenant, her aunt and stepmom, Lady Hecate and The Fates. "What Do You Mean Our Sh-?" Alessandro started to ask but got cuff off as his wife let out a scream at the same time as the goddess Lady Artemis did. None of them noticing the storm brewing outside or the mysterious purple sapling that had appeared.
Everything was moving too fast, Apollo snapped his fingers and immediately a hospital set had appeared, he placed his sister on a bed and started checking for anything wrong as Alessandro along with the two Goddesses Lady Hestia and Lady Hera helped him with placing his wife in the surprisingly still quite warm tub urging her to push. With each push she made the more screams Adriel alongside Artemis let out. When they could see the head the screams lessened until the last push and the baby came through causing Artemis to let out a huge scream as a sign appeared on her. The Storm Worsened outside, The sky flashing purple, black and silver and the mystical purple sapling had grown into a full tree. It was the signifying of a powerful creature being born.
"It's a Girl." Alessandro said happily until he noticed his wife being still, thinking quickly he started biting her everywhere he could, He went into the draw and took out a huge syringe filled with his venom and stabbed it straight into her chest. The Goddesses that knew what was going on had looked on shocked, They thought that with their help Adriel would've survived and wouldn't have to be changed. Hestia was currently holding the baby after cleaning it she was going to give the baby back to Alessandro when Apollo cut through the silence "What is that on my sister and what is that on the baby?" He asked in a confused tone causing Alessandro to take his daughter into his hands and examine her, Doing so he saw a rather peculiar mark on her shoulder blade, it looked like a tattoo he didn't understand so he turned to look at Artemis and he saw this Mark on her Shoulder Blade in the Same Place as the Baby's.
A/N: i know the drawing is trash, i'm not an artist.
He stepped back in shock "What is the meaning of this?" Alessandro asked in a gruff voice. "It is the reason for why we are here." Clotho one of the fates said stepping forward. "The reason why they both bear different marks in the same place is because Lady Artemis is the Mother Of Your Daughter's Soul and Your Daughter's Soul is the offspring of Artemis's Soul." Atropos said stepping beside Clotho. "What? What does this mean? How is this possible?" Alessandro and Apollo asked in unison furrowing their eyebrows at each other afterwards.
"It means dearies that Artemis is bound to this baby by soul and is essentially the baby's second mother. This is possible because of Artemis's Soul having broken itself into a tiny little baby which was then conveniently sent to you and your wife after engaging in intercourse." Lachesis explained stepping beside her sisters.
"Before you ask Apollo and Zoe, yes this means she is a half-blood" Clotho said already knowing that's what they were going to ask. "Artemis will have to stay here for a week or so just so she can bond with the little one and solidify the connection between them so it wouldn't hurt excruciatingly when she has to leave." Lachesis says to which Zoe and Apollo look ready to protest only to shut down at the look Hestia gives them. "The mark on Artemis signifies her bond with the baby and the other symbols signify who currently would be bonded with the baby it would grow as more bonds are formed." Atropos explained as she and her sisters got ready to leave.
"Wait, She won't be in pain if she's not with who she's bonded with right." Surprisingly it was Artemis who had spoke she had just woke up from the pain induced sleep "No Artemis she won't, but she will feel a bit of pain if who she's bonded with is in a lot of pain as well." Lachesis said in response. "Young Man, I trust you will take good care of your daughter and her second mum." Clotho said towards Alessandro in a warning tone as if to say 'I can f up your life' "Yes Lady Clotho and Please call me Alessandro." He said to her in the politest tone he could muster.
"Very Well, We must be off then. Sorry Apollo and Zoe but you can't stay here especially with a cold one newborn waking up soon." Atropis told them to which they begrudgingly walked to stand next to the fates and three goddesses and flashed out leaving a New and Confused Father and 2 new mothers. "I guess i'll show you where you'll be staying Lady Artemis." Alessandro said breaking the occurring silence between the two, He showed her to the guest room that was surprisingly in her taste. "Thank you, i guess you're not all too bad for a male." Artemis said in serious yet light hearted way in which Alessandro just smiled softly remembering that Artemis was wildly known as a man-hating goddess.
He laid his baby down on the crib next to his and his wife's bed, quickly washing to clean somethings up, He hoped in the shower himself then got out and sat on his bed. Though Cold Ones can't sleep, they can get exhausted and laying on a nice comfortable bed helps that. As he laid and closed his eyes, he let out a sigh not knowing of the pure chaos that would become of his life alongside his daughter.
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