Chapter 12
Outside of Tyler's door, I hesitated. My hand hovered over the doorknob before I brought it back down to my side, over and over. I didn't know whether or not he was inside and I still couldn't decide if I should tell him. I didn't even know what the conversation was about. All I knew was that Cecil was lying to us about something, and covering that same thing up. Something that the guards may not believe, but us kids would.
No, if I tell Tyler anything, I have to be able to find out more. A touch on my lower backside causes me to jump forward, twisting around into a defensive stance.
It was only Tyler, "You ok?" he seemed confused at my reaction.
"You scared me, sorry," I relaxed my stance.
He was still reserved, holding his hands up to calm me down from whatever had me so hyperaware. "No, it's my fault. I snuck up on you and we teach you to be defensive...
I offer a small nod then look down at my hands.
"Is something on your mind?"
"No," I say too quickly.
"Mhmm. Nothing...bothering you?"
"I-uh nothing. It's nothing."
"Right..." he frowned, continuing to be suspicious.
"It really is, ok!" I say a little too quickly, and loudly. "You just, scared me is all."
"Yeah, you said that already," he opened up his door and walked inside. I was finding it increasingly difficult to be near him, growing anxious simply because I just overheard his father, and I had no idea what it meant. I really had to get over it. But still, he already knew something was up. Maybe I just needed to be straight with him.
"Hey," I call to him, taking a pause before continuing and following him inside. "About this whole thing... I don't think it's a good idea for me to keep sleeping here."
He stopped walking, his posture straightening at my words, yet he still faced away. "You don't have to sleep here tonight then," his gaze lowered down and to the side as he spoke.
I frown, unhappy with his reaction. Maybe I had hoped he would fight a little more? Well, we really should be having this conversation then. "Fine. I can go back to my room then... I just think it would be for the best. I-"
He rounded about, stepping very close to me very quickly. Well he was upset now. "Where is this even coming from?"
"Well, I-" I continue to struggle with my thoughts. "It just really doesn't seem like the best idea. And we never talked about it."
"Bad idea, for you or me?" He says as he throws his hands up, "And talk about what?"
"The fact that you're a VAMPIRE!" I scream.
He doesn't say anything, only nods at me as he goes to his bathroom and slams the door shut. I flinch at the loud noise and I hear the water turn on soon after.
Damn you Cecil. I hated that he was the reason I was pushing Tyler away. But I didn't really have a choice. Tell Tyler I think his dad is planning something? No, he'd never believe me, I had to find out more.
I turn and make my way over to the side of the castle I was more familiar with, going downstairs through the main foyer to the bathrooms. Walking all the way inside its expansive locker rooms helped me unwind. I took a long soothing hot shower as I thought about what I had overheard earlier. They were lying... but what about I didn't know. I ran the conversation through my head over and over and still found nothing.
They were lying to the kids, so they must have been talking about me, us. But why were they lying to the guards too? And what was the worry with telling the guards in the first place? And what, oh what, could they possibly even be lying about... My mind was swimming in circles, drowning in the infinite possibilities. Had someone escaped? Did it have to do with this mystery prisoner? Maybe a recruit did something they were trying to hide?
Feeling only slightly more relaxed, I walk to my room and look out the window. For some reason standing here for the first time since that night when Tyler had saved me, only made me feel more alone. I couldn't believe the feelings I was developing for him. He seemed to really care about me and we really got along well. He looked out for me, made me feel special here. And he was ridiculously attractive to boot. But he was also a vampire. One that held major clout here because of his dad.
I sat down on the edge of my bed in a sigh. I don't think I could ever really develop major feelings for him. Maybe whatever I was beginning to feel was just out of guilt, security. He had saved me, after all.
Before I knew it, I was leaning down as I found myself relaxing into unconsciousness. The next morning I jump out of bed to the alarm that I had grown used to not hearing. Sighing, I get ready for the morning run. Ever since I spent so much time with Tyler, I didn't have to worry about going on the runs if I didn't want to. If we did, he would go with me, showing me a different path every time. The countryside surrounding the castle really was beautiful, and by going on a different path, it was away from everyone else. But we were kidding ourselves, keeping everyone away and pretending like the obvious problems we had weren't real.
At breakfast, I don't even see Tyler at his usual table. Maybe he was running out with another girl, I joke to myself. Or maybe he had just slept in this morning. Wow, I really didn't think I would be this upset about him.
Chase and I practice separately as we swing against a manikin with swords. They had needed him to train more for himself, rather than help me. I guess that's what Tyler had come to tell him the other day. Which, as much as I hated to admit, had bothered me that he hadn't just come over to talk and apologize to me. It was a good thing though, because it meant they saw improvement with me.
"Hey, Chase," I call him.
"Is sword fighting your best skill?" An idea began brewing in my head.
He shrugs, steadying a sword as he oriented himself to me to talk. "Yeah, I guess so. I mean it's what I became the best at first." He clearly was confused.
"Hmm, well I think I'm getting better too. Wanna fight?"
He snorted, raising his eyebrows at me before he realized I was actually serious. "Uhh," he seemed even more confused at my reckless proposal. "If you're sure you're ready?"
"Psh," I scoff, "Of course I am." Not.
Soon enough, we are facing each other with our swords swinging in readiness. I lunge first even though I know it's a dumb move. Unsurprisingly, I feel an immediate sting in my right forearm as I step back. My aim for his shoulder had been denied, he was untouched. I grunt, stepping sideways and aim for his waist. But once again, I am met with a stinging pain in my own left shoulder.
I steady my aim and wait for his move. Our dance around each other is broken when he steps forward. I take his move to my own benefit, blocking his hit and kicking him in the hip; my signature move. But I begin to lose strength in my block and his sword slowly slides downward. I grit my teeth as I feel it ease its way into the muscles between my collarbone and shoulder. I push him away as I grab my neck in pain.
"Argh! Ok, Chase. That was-," I continue gasping in pain. "That was a good fight."
"Yeah I told you I was good at this! But you did ok," he encouraged me.
"Well, I guess I'll go get this looked at. Thanks for letting me try though," I say as I walk away, placing my sword back on the rack.
Back in the infirmary, I stand in the middle of the entrance; in a state of elevated chaos. Blood stains smear the floor and various chairs. Kids are holding their arms and legs and other limbs in pain. Some look severely broken and others barely scratched the surface of their skin.
Unsure of the severity of my own injury, I sneak past the desk, where no one is posted anyways and into the first room I see. A kid sits on the stand holding a gauze to his head, moaning. I take the opportunity into my own hands, searching the cabinets and drawers. The poor kid was in so much pain, he barely noticed my presence. I find what I'm looking for as I grit my teeth and stab the syringe into my own shoulder. The pain subsides immediately as I back out of the room and into the hall.
Normally I would sit down to let the 'medicine' really take effect. But I was short on time. I take a different exit that leads me into the castle walls instead of the training grounds. A guard comes into view on my right as I step back against the wall to hide, waiting until he passes the intersection of hallways. Once I'm sure he is no longer a threat, I continue along the hallway, turning at various locations that upon my instincts may lead me towards the center of the castle. I slow down when I see a right turn leading to a wide hall, and take it.
It's impossibly dark, lit only by scarce light coming from various wooden doors, their small windows barred. I lose my sight as I step further into the darkness. I only continue because I catch sight of another light ahead of me. I'm sure the vampires would never suffer from such inadequate lighting. The light grows as I walk past even more empty rooms. I find myself practically running into the door as I realize why the light had been so small.
The window on this door was infinitely smaller than the others. My hands fumble as I reach around in the minimal lighting for a handle. Surprisingly, I find that the door swings open easily. The light from the room cascades around me as I peer inside. My eyes settle on the grotesque sight directly ahead of me.
A man hangs from his hands chained to the ceiling, bloodied, bruised and weak. I can't help the involuntary gasp that escapes my lips. Baby blue green eyes slowly rise to meet mine. His weakened state allows only a slight frown to form as I take one step closer.
This move suddenly forces him further awake, shaking his head. "No! Please, just - just don't come any further." He can barely talk, his voice raspy.
"Why not?" My voice is barely audible, as I still strive to take in his poor, weakened condition.
"You might begin to smell like me for one," he speaks plainly, clearly stronger somehow yet also sounds bored.
Barely even taking the time to look around the room at my surroundings, I take a second, larger step towards him. "And what exactly would that smell like?"
He shakes his head, lowering his gaze to the ground. "You already know what I am."
I blink, looking down. Could I really be talking to another one? Another supernatural? A creature I never thought to exist? He was their enemy; he was a werewolf. I take a deep breath and look back up at him, now taking more attention to his appearance as I step closer.
Cuts and gashes cover his entire body, of various shapes and sizes. I didn't even want to think of what kind of things would make these marks; what kind of people could inflict such wounds. Bruises were just as prominent, although his middle showed deeper shades of purple and blue, mixed with some red.
"...if you are what I think you are, those would have all healed by now."
"C'mon," he shot his head back up to face me. "You seem like a smart girl. Think they would let me heal? Whether I am capable of it or not?"
I was taken aback briefly by his scruffy beard that perfectly framed his square jaw. I opened and closed my mouth, unsure of what to say to that. Instead I let my eyes wander down to his puffing chest and carved abs. Even his arms were distinctly defined by bulging muscles. Ok, I need to stop.
"I, um-I'm sorry..." I trail off looking away. I now notice the bloodied tools on the stone table by the fireplace. I realize my mouth was still open as an involuntary shiver snakes its way all the way from my toes to my nose and I shut my mouth quickly.
He chuckles lightly beside me, "that's not the normal reaction I'm used to. Those dang leaches love those things."
My head snaps back in his direction, "that's just awful. I can't believe they would do that. That anyone would..." I take in a deep breath, attempting to bring myself back to reality. He was their prisoner, of course they would torture him. He only looks morosely at me.
"Wait, how long have you been here? I think I saw when they brought you in here-"
"If someone could tell me how long I've been here, that would be great. They beat me in and out of consciousness constantly. How am I supposed to know? There's not even light in here..." He practically shouts at me, indignant.
"Right," I decide against giving him some lip back due to his state and instead answer him. "Well that would have been about a week and a half ago..."
This seems to upset him, understandably. "Agh." He grinds his teeth and clenches his jaw. "I just hope- wait," his head looks towards the door, waiting for something almost before looking back at me, alarmed. "You need to leave, now."
My heart picks up as I look towards the door as well. "But..." I know I have to leave but I can't help it, "What's your name?"
He looks back at me, motioning his head towards the door, "Go. Go now!"
I shake my head, making him impatient. "Fine, it's Derek... Will you go now?"
I nod my head, not entirely sure why I even really wanted that bit of information. Nearly at the door, my hand stops turning the handle when he asks me back, "What's yours?"
Offering him a small smile, more as pity, I turn around to meet his eyes which seemed much more alive than when I had first entered. "Alexis," I breathe before turning the knob and running down the hall.
I decide to go the way I came which would have been left but stop when I hear the voices in that direction. Not being able to afford any more time, I dart right and continue only part of the way when I decide I wouldn't make it the entire stretch. I take cover in a small cove lit by a candle. Daring a peek, I see none other than Cecil, as he leads a several other guards behind him, holding something in his hands.
My heart is beating way too fast, and must be impossibly loud. I once again take cover in the inlet as I listen to his footsteps get louder before fading again. Luckily I wasn't caught nor did I get lost on the way back to the foyer. I steady my breathing as I step back outside.
"Oh, I-" I let out a few words upon running smack into someone. My wide eyes meet Chase's green ones.
He looks concerned for some reason... "My god, are you ok?"
"Um, yeah," I phrased it like a question. What was he so upset about?
His expression wavers when he doesn't seem to believe me, "but, how? I mean, what took you so long? And now you're on this side of the castle..."
"Oh, yeah! Well the infirmary was really crowded so I kinda just took a syringe and walked back to my room to let it work for a little." I eye him in hopes that my lie had worked.
His frown never faltered, and only got worse. My shoulders are shaken by his hands that are suddenly holding them tight. "Crap, I'm so sorry. That's my fault. I know you don't really like that medicine..."
I calmly take his hands and lower them from my shoulders, holding them in my hands. "Chase," I emphasize by shaking his hands slightly. "I am fine. You really don't have to feel bad. I was the one who provoked you anyways to fight."
He seems to shrug it off, nodding before something else troubling mars his face. I had loosened my grip on his hands but his were now grasping mine, tighter than ever. His gaze lowered before he looked back at me again.
"Chase..." I couldn't tell what was bothering him.
"Alexis, please don't get upset but," He seemed to analyze my expression before he continued. "I have to try..." he leans towards me, his hand pulling me towards him and the other moving to hold my face.
Crap. I can't let him just kiss me! I think to myself as he leans closer still. But this all happens in mere seconds and I am caught off guard when his lips reach mine. They remain still at first but then he begins to twist his face. I move my hands to his chest and pull away immediately.
"Chase, please." I say quietly, unsure of what else to say.
"Right. Well, sorry. I guess..." he trails off, bringing a hand behind his head to scratch it awkwardly.
"Yeah," I nod my head and rock back and forth on my heels. "Were friends, right?"
"Well yeah, I-of, of course." He struggles to continue conversation now. But he surprises me when he continues talking. "Look, this doesn't have to mean anything more than that I want you to be able to give me a chance," he shrugged. "To know that I'm here, and that I care about you, Alex."
"Oh, well um," was all I could manage from the scrambled thoughts now running around my head. "Chase, I appreciate that. I really do, but... I'm just really overwhelmed with this place and everything they're having us do. I really like you as a-"
"Well I kinda like you, too. And I know this is a really horrible place for it, but I think we can be happy, here."
I take a deep sigh, trying to help my thinning patience. He clearly wasn't hearing me. "I appreciate what you're telling me. I think of you as one of my closer friends here. We spend so much time together. But, I just, I cannot handle this right now. With everything going on, I can't even think about much else."
He looked sad, his expression now distant. "I understand that Alex. I just hope you trust someone here." I stand there watching him while he walks away. I take a deep breath and open the door, walking towards the ring to take a few swings at the heavy bag.
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