Chapter 10
As was becoming way too normal here, I scarf down dinner. The conversation with Tyler in the hall, to meet my new roommate, only made me hungrier. When I was done, I realized how tired I really was and I excused myself from dinner early. But of course my friends wanted to know about my new roommate.
"So, you've met him and everything already right?"
I laugh at Bridget, "and what is the 'and everything' part of that?"
She laughs lightly, realizing her own mistake. "Just tell me, was he cute?"
"Is that really all you girls care about?" Chase asks next to her.
I eye Chase, "No, it's just what Bridget cares about," I tease her.
"I care about their personality," Tammy as usual suddenly speaks up.
"I think that's important..." I try to be nice.
"Nah, if were honest," Bridget looks at me. "Personality is what we care about after."
"Umm, after what, exactly?"
"After... we see them. But looks really do pull us in, sorry Chase." She nudges her shoulder to his next to her.
I smile at Chase, "you don't have anything to worry about buddy." He laughs and smiles back at me. "But I really am tired guys, so I'm gonna go back." I say as I pull my chair out and stand up.
Walking out, I notice Tyler eyeing me. The conversation with him earlier... Was he thinking about it too? What did he even mean by it? Like he only flirts with me? Somehow I really did doubt that. Or maybe, he could have been honest, maybe he really does flirt with just me...
I stop my thoughts as soon as they start in that direction. I did not feel that way about him and I most certainly did not need distractions. I lose track of where I'm going as I realize I am already outside of my door. Well, gotta be nice to the new roomie.
I walk in to see Trent staring out the window. "I did the same thing my first night here ya know. And I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it will get easier." I really did feel bad for the guy, he seemed so young.
But when he turns around I automatically switch to defense. His eyes were hooded as he blatantly stared at my chest, as he took his time meeting my eyes again.
"Eyes up here, buddy." I say firmly.
He saunters closer to me, "I never thought I'd be so lucky. From what I'd heard, they hardly ever pair guys with girls."
Boy did I have the wrong first impression about this guy. I laugh sarcastically, turning my bitch mode full on, "and who told you that, kid? Tooth fairy?"
He snickers at my joke, "you're so funny! We'll have fun together, you and me..." His hand brushes down my arm as I shiver and instantly smack him away.
I take a deep breath, "you're in for a wake-up call then. This place is not fun. And this room," I smile vindictively at him as I motion to the room around us, "is no exception."
"That's too bad, because..." he grabs my right forearm and quickly twists it behind my back painfully before grabbing my other, now flailing, arm. "I plan to play more than just games for fun," he is whispering in my ear now, his voice lower.
"Oh two can play at this game," I sardonically whisper back, freeing my left hand from his grasp. I then use my hand to push him away from me as I snap my right easily back in front of me. Both hands up, I throw my leg into him and he falls backward. I don't stop though as I swing a right hook across his face. Then use my left to do the same and continue until I see blood.
"Surprised?" I grab his chin to make him look at me, "don't ever pull anything like that again."
"Fine, fine. Crazy!" I watch him crawl back towards his bed, holding his bloody nose.
"Yeah, not tonight," I follow him and grab him forcefully by the back. "I think you need some time to think over what happened, don't you?" I drag him to the door and throw him into the hall.
"What the hell? You can't kick me out!" he screams.
I smirk at him, "just did," before slamming the door shut. I sigh as I turn around and get into bed.
I pull my knees to my chest and absentmindedly I begin rocking back and forth as I think about my mother. She would have been horrified about this and I would have told her all about it. I would have cried in her arms as she told me I was ok. God I miss her. I look up at the ceiling as I silently curse god for this happening to me. Not just for tonight but the incident with Zech and even being here, for being away from my family. It took me some time to fall asleep but I eventually am able to and in the morning I find myself still thinking about it. Still shaken.
I cannot believe that it even happened. All my life, I've never had a guy come on to me like that. Never so insistent, and so, physical. I was glad I was able to protect myself though. I guess I could thank this place for that, having learned such useful defensive skills. Weeks ago with Zech, I had no chance of fighting back, it had never crossed my mind, until Tyler saved me. And I wasn't as shaken then as I was now, maybe because I really did feel alone, or I was really beginning to miss my family. Sure, I had been away from them for longer periods of time at college, but nothing like this. Nothing that made me feel so vulnerable, and alone; yet so empowered and proud, because I was surviving here.
Opening my door, I laugh to myself upon seeing the blood stains on the floor. Kid deserved it. The swarm of kids exiting their rooms were headed on their morning runs but I decided I would be justified in skipping that so I turn the other direction when they reach the doors. I needed to find Tyler. He would understand I'm sure and maybe let me get a new roommate. But where was Tyler this early in the mornings? I check the dining hall and the foyer, the showers and the storage, before giving up.
Back outside, I notice a small huddle of guards with whom Tyler is amongst. When they see me I brace myself for a fight since I had purposely skipped the run.
Tyler frowns as he turns around, storming in my direction. "Why aren't you running?" He crosses his arms when he reaches me.
"Because I needed to talk to you about something," I play with my hands.
"And what's so important it couldn't wait?"
I lean around him eyeing the guards in earshot. "Can we talk somewhere, a little more...private?"
His frown fades as his countenance turns into one of confusion and wariness and I can tell his curiosity is piqued. "Fine," he nods his head pointing subtly towards the indoors, "inside."
"Thank you," I let out a breath and follow him as he reluctantly walks ahead of me.
As he holds the door open for me our eyes meet, "is this about what I told you the other day? Because I-"
Not wanting to hear where he was heading with that, I cut him off. "No it's not that. I need a new roommate."
His once wary expression now becomes quizzical, comical almost. "And why do you think you can just get a new roommate? We don't make accommodations for just anyone here."
"I know that, and I'm not asking for special privileges or anything. But I just cannot put up with the one you gave me anymore. Tyler, he..." I didn't know how to say it. Tried to rape me? Came on to me? "he just-I" I continued with my struggle for words as Tyler waited impatiently.
"I don't have all day. Unless," he stopped midsentence as he looked at the door. He held his hand to his ear and walked closer to it. Looking back at me, "I'm sorry Alexis, something has happened... I have to go, but..."
"Wait what do you mean what happened?" I frown. I should have just told him.
"New prisoners come at this time, that's why we have you go on the runs in the morning." He shakes his head, "look just wait for everyone else in the dining hall and we'll talk about whatever this is later."
Now alone in the quiet hall, I slowly begin to wander back but stop myself. New prisoners huh? I bet I could find where they had held me again... I head towards the expansive foyer that I remember had so caught my attention the first time I'd seen it. Retracing my steps Zech had lead me on before, I head out to the greens, and past the infirmary as I near the gate. The lack of guards causes me to continue warily.
Then I hear them; something heavy dragging on the ground. Distinct sounds of metal against metal. Men shouting and grunting. I approach the second gate and peek my head around the corner to peer through it. At least 15 guards were moving in a pack surrounding something, someone. Someone heavily drudged up in chains. What kind of prisoner needed chains like that?
Tyler's authoritative, booming voice forces my gaze to him at the head of the pack. "Bring him inside, c'mon!"
Inside - Why wouldn't they take him where the others go? Where I went? I watch as they drag the man inside the castle walls and as the guards begin to disperse. I run backwards before stumbling and turning to continue on back to the dining hall.
At breakfast, I absently listen to the conversation as my thoughts wander to what was so important about the prisoner...
"Alexis!" Bridget shouts at me, forcing me out of my own head.
"Oh, sorry. What?"
"You never listen, do you?" Tammy asks beside me.
"Just a lot on my mind..."
"Agh, as always," Chase rolls his eyes across from me. I frown at him, recalling our last deep conversation. Was he still bitter about it?
"Whatever, what do you think though about the new guy?"
My heart skips a beat, "new guy?" They couldn't be talking about the prisoner...
Tammy grabs my shoulder, "yes! The hot new guy, Markis?"
"Oh," I let out a sigh, relaxing. "Well he's not that new. But what, like if I think he's hot or not?"
"Or that he is actually talented," Chase rolls his eyes.
"Well, I haven't watched him much in training but he is sorta good looking, if you're into the long hair look," I shrug.
"Oh my god! He is so cute! I love the man bun look," Tammy gushes.
"I honestly would have never pegged you as a man bun woman," Bridget laughs.
"Should I know what that is?" Chase asks innocently.
"It just means that he has a man bun, Chase," I answer him.
"Well I watch him train, because of course I see him in the ring... and I'd say he's pretty talented. Like you were Alexis," Bridget states.
"Like I was?"
Chase laughs, and Bridget corrects herself, "Sorry sorry, you're right. You still are talented but just with how you were when you first started."
"Wait, did you guys talk about me when I started?"
"Well we would have if you hadn't sat with us your first day," Bridget says.
I laugh as Tammy states beside me that she has to leave to train. "I guess we better get going too Alexis," Chase orders. He was to be my trainer until they believed I would be alright on my own. Then I would assigned a partner, which was usually your trainer. So I think it would be safe to assume I would be spending a lot of time training with him. Often, when a partner is released, they will become a trainer, which was exactly what had happened to Chase. He never talks about his old partner though, only says that his name was Fletcher.
We head to the various stations until lunch is announced and they spoil us with French roast beef sandwiches. Some kids began wondering why they were giving us such a nice meal, if it were cause for celebration or mourning. At dinner our questions were answered.
Cecil stepped up to the center row and cleared his throat, "I am very saddened and disheartened to tell you all this, but make no mistake. We will get vengeance for it. The recent group, Arc 34 that was sent out just short of 3 weeks ago has been eliminated. Unfortunately, they were ambushed late last night and it became their final mission. I am sorry for those of you who knew the members. That is all."
"Omg Jasha..." Our entire table whispers as we look down. Suddenly the wine and fine steak didn't seem as appetizing. I was consumed with overwhelming guilt instead as I realized I may have stopped her from going. Maybe if I hadn't agreed to throw the match, she would still be alive. She would hate me, but she would be alive.
Dinner continued with silence as I barely satiated myself with the food. I departed with a heavy heart as I said goodnight to my friends. All of whom were clearly just as surprised and upset as I. The walk back to my room was burdened by the new information that heavied me more and more with each step I took. I had never known someone before who was murdered. The thought that a goal such as freedom from this prison could maybe get me killed, was dizzying.
I made it to my room and crawled into bed, unaware that Trent was already there watching me from his corner of the room. Consumed by my own thoughts, Trent was able to surprise me as he grabbed my right wrist, placing it in a handcuff. Now forced into awareness, I struggled with one less arm as he attached my cuffed arm to my bedpost.
"Not so feisty now, are you?" He sneered at me sickeningly before climbing on top of me, straddling me in my own bed.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I scream at him, "You're sick!"
"No little bitch is going to kick me out of my room, and take away what's mine. You are my roommate and that means, I have rights to you."
"How ya figure that?" What a sick, disgusting creep! Being my roommate does not make me his, or mean anything.
Still fighting underneath him, I used my arm in an attempt to punch him in the balls. He caught me before I was able to do so and pinned my arm under his knee. I then used my legs to try and knee him or kick him somehow. It wasn't working.
"It's just the way it is," he continued.
He was now working at unbuttoning my jacket. Omg, this isn't happening. Think of something Alex. How could I have forgotten to find Tyler again? The news of Jasha had really distracted me.
Now that he had my jacket off, I had another chance at using my arm so I swiftly went for his eyes. I got one before he was able to pin me down again.
"Arghhh! You little bitch!" He grabbed my face forcefully as he looked into my eyes and began cupping my breast. "I will have my way with you. You can't win this time."
I spat at him. "You don't get to have a way with me, not like this!" Oh god no. No no no, think.
All that came to mind was screaming. But I needed him to be distracted so he wouldn't be able to gag my mouth to stop me as quick. I had to wait a little longer...
He continued down until he got to my pants and unzipped them. Ah hell no.
Taking a deep breath, I let out a high pitched scream as loud as I could manage. I had another second before he moved his hands from my waist to muffle me using my jacket sleeve.
"No one is going to come for you here, no one," he whispers into my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut to ward off the tears that were now welling up and close to release.
He grabbed my shirt and pulled it up to my neck, blocking my vision just as the door burst open.
"Get the f**k off of her!" a deep voice threatens. Thank god.
Trent scrambles on top of me as he backs away and my arm is free. I pull my shirt back down and rip my jacket out of my mouth. I watch as Tyler grabs him by the collar and throws him across the room. He then rips my handcuff off the bed and off my wrist.
"Shit. Are you ok?" Tyler asks me softly as he helps me up.
A tear escaped as I quickly fidget with zipping up my pants and then buttoning my jacket. I begin nodding, "Yeah," I lie.
I hadn't realized how badly my hands were shaking until Tyler held them still as he helped to finish buttoning my jacket. "Jesus, I had no idea this is what you had meant," he grabs me and holds me, pulling me into his lap. I revel in the warm embrace as I fight off more tears.
"It's my fault. I had totally forgotten to tell you."
"Your fault? Are you kidding me? No, I should have taken the time to listen to you," he rubbed my back. I breathe in the smell of him as I close my eyes and try to relax. He gets up too soon and I'm exposed, close once again to breaking.
"C'mon dick. You're coming with me," Tyler had Trent hanging by his neck. "Don't you ever touch her again. Come near her and I'll kill you," he continued to threaten.
Trent struggled under the force of Tyler's grasp, "Arcghsh," he struggled to breathe and speak at the same time.
Tyler then threw him forcefully down, "the guards are almost here, you're going to be reacquainted with those chains of yours again."
"This is ridiculous, she's just a girl," Trent had regained his strength as he practically spat venom in my direction. He was on the floor still catching his breath. I could get him.
Without thinking twice, I find myself leaping across the room at him, my mind following my limbs who had already made the decision for me. I swing at him just as Tyler's hands wrap around my waist, holding me back. "Argh, let me get him!" I continue to fight against Tyler as consciousness slowly catches up with me. "Let me, let... me," I begin to lose my fire until I finally collapse in Tyler's arms.
Snickering in the corner catches my ears as Tyler calms me down, slowly rubbing my back. The guards had finally arrived. I watch indifferently as they chain Trent up and take him away.
"Well thank god I was here."
"Yeah, how did you even hear me? I mean I know you have good hearing, but you would have had to have been close..."
Tyler only chuckled in response, as he seemed to contemplate over his next words. "C'mon, I'll take you to my room first. I don't want you to be alone tonight."
Uhh, "What?" I had stopped in the doorway even though he had continued into the hall.
"I'm not leaving you alone tonight," he says firmly, almost threateningly.
"Ok..." I say quietly, acquiescing to his 'request.'
We walk in silence along the hallway, to parts of the castle I had never been before. One last turn and Tyler slows, opening one of the double wooden doors to what I assumed was his room. He lets me in first as I look around, adjusting to its magnificence as he follows behind me.
The bed was a massive king bed with a frame that reached the height of the ceiling. It was adorned with intricate designs on each post, with a fabric that hung around for moments of privacy. It was a deep royal blue that complimented the dark grey couch. Stone columns made the room seem slightly colder despite the colossal dark wood and stone fireplace. Every piece of furniture was a dark cherry wood with gold assets. I eyed the decanter set on the desk filled with a dark liquor.
Sure enough, Tyler stepped around me, pointing to the decanter, "Seems as good a time as any. Would you like some?"
I let out a breath, "please."
He handed me a glass and poured another for himself. I didn't know where to sit, let alone stand. The place seemed untouched, spotless. I didn't want to ruin anything. How much time did he even spend in here?
"Are you sure you're ok?"
I hadn't realized he had been watching me curiously, "Uh, yeah. I'll be ok. I can't even tell you how glad I am that you were there." I shuddered as I begin to wonder what could've happened.
"You're telling me. From what I could tell, it seems I could have even come a little earlier." He was frowning at his glass, swirling the liquid before taking a long sip.
"Hmm..." I ponder thoughtfully as I empty my glass in one sitting. I shudder at its bitter taste, immediately feeling its effect as it warmed me from the throat down.
He cleared his throat, "Did you want more?" He seemed amused.
I smile without it reaching my eyes, "No thanks." I place the glass on the counter slowly, contemplating whether to ask my next question. "I am curious though still. How did you find me? I-I mean, help me." I do so anyways.
My question had made both of us uncomfortable, "Well, I have to do my rounds at night anyways, and I mean, it's no secret us vampires have good hearing."
His look made it seem like he was walking on eggshells, which only fed my curiosity more. He was lying. "But you even said yourself, my room is furthest from the common areas," I squint at him. "Why had you been so close to my room?"
He stayed silent for a minute, looking at me with an unreadable expression, his eyebrows furrowing and lips pursing. "I was barely just approaching your room when I heard you scream. It's only because I had remembered you wanted to tell me something this morning, but never did..." He shrugged, "what is it you were gonna tell me anyways?"
"Well that was it."
"What was, Trent?"
"He had come on to me last night but I was able to stop him. Then..." I shiver again involuntarily.
He didn't say a word as he grabbed me and pulled me into his embrace. He simply held me. And I held him back. A few minutes pass of blissful silence as I hold on to the reason my sanity was still intact.
I feel his chest widen as he takes a deep breath and I hear him sigh, "I don't know why I ended up by your room tonight, but I do know that it broke me when I saw him on top of you," he was whispering in my ear. "And I do know that I don't want anyone else touching you like that."
He pulled away from me and looked into my eyes, determined. "Never again."
"I, th-thank you..." I didn't know what else to say. I was grateful he had saved me, I had been, still was, vulnerable. I frown as I push myself back into his arms. I need it; although I wouldn't admit to myself that I not only needed, but perhaps wanted him.
Looking over his shoulder, my eyes widen as I take in the massive bed. I couldn't deal with that right now. I pull away too quickly, looking down at the absence of space between us. When I look up at him, I see understanding.
"You've been through a lot tonight. I'll let you sleep," he nods and steps aside. "Do you need anything else?"
"From you? What more could you do?" I say raising my eyebrows, astounded by him. I shake my head, "No, Tyler you have done more than enough. Really, thank you." I place my hand on his chest, sincerely remarking, "Thank you." Memories of the last time he had come to my rescue resurface and I think about how much time had passed since then.
He nods his head, "You're welcome.... I'll sleep on the couch."
I smile to myself as I move to the bed and crawl inside. Moments later, the fire is out and the room is engulfed in darkness.
"G'night," a deep voice announces.
"Goodnight Tyler," I smile.
Considering how the night started, the way it ended could have never been foreseen. This bed was better than the one I slept in at home. I sigh in happiness as leftover anxiety is finally released. Welcoming the darkness surrounding me, I let sleep take over.
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