The Guilt Weighing Me Down
Xornoth's Perspective-
"Oh and I left your little boyfriend a note." The demon said, his voice echoing through the maze.
Xornoth felt his eye twitch.
"What did you do to him?!" He shouted, looking around.
"I just left him a little hello! Nothing bad!" The demon cackled.
"Leave him alone! He's done nothing wrong!"
"Actually, he did just as many shitty things as you have."
Xornoth felt his stomach churn and he swallowed his tears, taking a shaky breath.
"No...he...he didn't."
"He led Scott to the portal and helped me gain full power."
"He was mind controlled! This is all your fault."
"True. But seems he doesn't think that."
Xornoth growled as he heard the demon smirk.
"He's going to have a fun time without anyone there to comfort him."
Xornoth sighed and a couple tears fell.
"Try and stay strong, Joey." Xornoth ran through the maze, "I'll be back soon enough."
Joey's Perspective-
Joey sat silently at dinner, sitting across from his father. He had lost his mother at a young age, but he was never told what happened, his father just said she had died.
Joey's mind was still stuck on the letter and how badly he had messed up. He couldn't remember much of what happened, but he was told that he was brainwashed into letting the demon gain full power.
"Dad?" Joey winced as his voice cracked.
Azar sighed, "Yes?" He answered, not looking up.
"Do you you think- ..."
"Goodness just say it already. Stop cutting yourself off and mumbling." Azar rolled his eyes and Joey shrunk down a bit.
"Do you think I'm gullible?"
Azar chuckled, "Yes, you're very gullible. Honestly, it's probably one of your worst traits."
Joey felt his hands tighten around his silverware, but he simply nodded, trying to contain his sadness and tears.
"Do you know why I'm this way?" Joey whispered.
Azar hesitated before sighing.
"Your mother was very gullible."
"She was?" Joey looked up; it was one of the only times he had ever heard his father talk about his mother.
"But that was a long time. You're far more gullible than she ever was. I suggest you fix that."
"Yeah...thanks..." Joey sighed, looking down.
Azar looked up at his son and he bit his lip, not knowing what to say.
"Yeah?" Joey felt nervous, it normally meant bad things when his father used his full name.
"What..." He sighed, "What happened? Did you mess up because you're so gullible? I thought I had trained you on how to see when people are lying and how to get only what you want."
Joey looked away for a second, feeling sad that his father still didn't care to help.
", no I was just wondering." Joey lied in a barely audible whisper.
Scott's Perspective-
"-and I just," Scott sighs, burying his face in his hands, "I feel like this is all my fault."
Jimmy wrapped his arm around his boyfriend and Scott looked up.
"This isn't your fault. You said it yourself; this is only the demon's doing. All that you've been doing is trying to stop this." Jimmy said in a stern yet gentle tone.
Scott sighs again.
"I just feel so weird. I feel terrible for what's happened and I- I'm magic now too? It doesn't make any sense; it's all going too fast."
"Hey, hey, deep breaths." Jimmy squeezed Scott's hands and Scott took a shaky breath.
"It's going to be okay." Jimmy smiled, but Scott didn't look convinced.
"Things are going to get worse, Jimmy. I- I'm not ready. I'm not ready to have this power, I'm not ready to try and fight off the demon, I'm...I'm not ready to see Xornoth in that amount of pain." Scott cried a bit and Jimmy hugged him close.
"I'm just going to end up doing more harm than good." Scott sighed.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, sure when I fight the demon, hopefully I'll be able to get rid of him, but...but then I'll end up causing so much pain for Xornoth, for my family. If I kill the demon, won't I end up harming Xornoth? I can't do that, I love him! I can't be the reason he perishes." Scott cries.
"Hey, it'll be okay. Didn't you say you asked Gem to try and find a way to save him?"
"But what if there isn't one?"
"Well...we'll figure it out, I know we will." Jimmy smiles.
Scott looks down and Jimmy squeezes his hand.
"It'll be okay. I promise."
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