Gem's Perspective-
One Week Later-
Gem flipped the page of a book full of Rivendell legends. She took notes on what she had learned so far and how she could use her knowledge to help her.
"Ughhh, are you done yet? You've been looking through that book for days, haven't you already memorized it?" fWhip groaned, he was bored at heck. He normally lived in The Grimlands with his father, but he had left on a trip to the Mythlands.
fWhip was left at Crystal Cliffs, the empire his mother ruled with his twin sister, Gem, by her side. Gem and fWhip were told to stick together by their mother, meaning fWhip was stuck with Gem while she was doing all her 'nerd stuff'.
Gem sighed, "Seriously, can't you try and distract yourself?"
"I'm boredddd. You're killing me with your stupid nerdy nerd shit." fWhip groaned dramatically.
Gem rolled her eyes, ignoring him.
fWhip grumbled and he snatched the book, causing Gem to jump up.
"Hey! Give that back!"
"No, I wanna go do something fun. I've been spending a week here while you were nerding out over some dusty old legends so now you get to spend this week with me doing all the stuff I like."
Gem rolled her eyes, "Well unlike your stuff, my stuff is important. So give it back!"
fWhip stuck out his tongue and put the book in his backpack.
"You're not having it back until we go do something actually fun."
Gem groaned.
"Fine. What do you want to do?"
fWhip smirked, "Let's go ride on one of the dragons."
"Mom doesn't even let me do that unsupervised. Let's just do something else."
"No, I wanna do this. We don't have dragons in The Grimlands."
"You don't have crystals in The Grimlands either, so we can search for those instead."
"Hey, it's my turn to pick out something so I say let's go find mom and tell her to help us ride the dragons."
Gem rolled her eyes, "Alright, fine. But good luck finding mom."
fWhip grumbled and Gem smirked, sticking out her tongue.
They walked over to the academy and saw their mother with some students, teaching them how to make potions.
"What's she doing?" fWhip whispered, not wanting to bother his mother while she was busy.
"She's teaching, idiot." Gem whispered, earning a glare from fWhip.
"I know that, smartass. I'm asking what she's teaching them to do."
A cloud of smoke appeared above one of the students' potions and they gasped, quickly casting a water spell.
fWhip's eyes sparkled with wonder.
Gem watched as fWhip was in a daze, his mind racing about all the possibilities with magic, and she gently grabbed the book from her brother's backpack.
She sneaked away to the academy library and a couple minutes later, she heard running from the halls.
She smirked, knowing it was her brother.
One of the teachers opened the classroom door to scold the student running around and they were shocked to see fWhip.
"Oh, you're Rose's son, aren't you?" She asked.
"U-um- yeah, I'm looking for my sister. She ran off." fWhip said, and he saw Gem peek her head from the library, which was behind the teacher.
fWhip was about to chase after his sister when the teacher stopped him.
"Well, you shouldn't be running around here. You shouldn't be here at all. This is for wizards only, with you running around, you could cause a disturbance and mess something up. I suggest you leave before I go and tell your mother about what you're doing."
"B-but my sister-!"
"No excuses, now please, leave."
fWhip grumbled and he stormed out. Gem put her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggles, and she sat on a comfy chair before opening the book again.
"That's so unfair! Today was supposed to be fun." fWhip shouted at his sister while they followed their mother, Rose, back to their home.
"Not my fault you're always being a blockhead." Gem smirked.
"Hey-! Mom, Gem called me a blockhead!" fWhip shouted and Rose sighed.
"Enough from both of you. Times are hard enough, and I don't need you two bickering. You two are growing up, you need to learn to treat each other with respect and not act like two-year-olds." She said sternly.
Gem smirked and fWhip grumbled.
"Gem, that means you have to stop teasing your brother." Their mother said.
Gem looked down and fWhip chuckled quietly.
Rose sighs again.
"You know sometimes I'm sad that fWhip's left with his father, but now I'm glad we don't keep you two in the same house. I don't think I would be able to handle your chaos."
Gem and fWhip giggle, smiling proudly.
Rose smiled softly, kissing their foreheads.
"We can try and ride dragons this weekend before your father gets back, okay?" She said, putting her hand on fWhip's shoulder.
fWhip nods, smiling excitedly.
"But, that means you can't interrupt what your sister is working on. She's trying to help a friend and she doesn't need you running around and disrupting her."
"But- but she never looks up! She just ignores me!"
Rose hums, "Well...Gem, how about you only work on your legend hunting for an hour or so. Limit yourself so then your brother doesn't get bored. He's kinda like a puppy who needs constant attention." She winks and Gem giggles.
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