A/N: Behind the scenes
I'm gonna pull back the curtain and show you guys my original plan for the past couple chapters. It's very messy and confusing so you can see why I threw it away. But hey if you're interested in the original plan here it is!!
"What do you mean? What happened?" Scott asked, concerned.
Xornoth leaned back and he wiped his eyes.
"Scott...the end of the world is about to arrive."
Scott's eyes widened, "What do you mean? What happened?"
"It- it's hard to explain."
Scott scoffed, "Well you can't just say the end of the world is coming and not explain. What. Happened."
Xornoth sighed.
"The demon took over me and...he's mind controlling Joey to love him so then Joey will do whatever he wants. The thing that's hold the demon back from full power is the dragon, Joey's going to kill the dragon. You have to stop him."
"W-what? But when's this...how is this..."
"I don't know, but please...try and find the portal before him."
Scott looked scared but he nodded.
Wallis and Allison were both terrified when they heard this, and they called a meeting with their closest allies.
fWhip, Gem, Scott, and Sausage teamed up and left to try and find the stronghold before Joey could do any damage.
"So wait, we're trying to stop Joey because he's...mind controlled?" fWhip asked and Scott nodded, him and Gem mapping out where they assumed the stronghold was.
"Do we have to hurt him?" Sausage asked.
Scott sighed, "I don't know, alright? All I know is that...Xornoth could get hurt badly. And...there would be nothing anyone could do about it."
Gem put her hand on Scott's shoulder, and he wiped his eyes.
"Do you want to take a break? Camp for a bit?"
"No, we need to keep going."
"Scott, you're clearly not in the right mindset- "
Gem cut herself off as Scott lightly kicked his horse, causing it to continue walking a bit faster this time.
Xornoth was laying on his bed, his father talking to him about everything that was happening.
"What do you think will happen if Scott doesn't stop Joey?" Xornoth asked in a quiet voice.
Wallis sighed, "I don't know...but try not to worry."
Xornoth started to cry, and Wallis hugged him.
"Joey!" Scott shouted, taking out his sword as he saw Joey in the end.
Joey, who had just got to the end and was about to start fighting the dragon, turned around.
"Oh hey! You guys come to help me?"
"Joey, you need to stop." Scott said sternly.
"What? Why?"
"You aren't being yourself!"
"I- you don't understand! Your brother said we could be together forever if I just did this small thing."
"That wasn't Xornoth!" Scott shouted, "That was a demon."
"What do you mean? I know Xornoth has horns but that doesn't make him a demon."
"Scott, look at Joey's eyes." Gem whispered and Scott noticed red crystals in his eyes. The same ones that were in the crown he was wearing.
Scott walked up to Joey, who smiled.
"I'm glad you're going to help." Joey said and Scott took a deep breath.
"Yeah, I'm gonna help." He said, smiling softly.
He then grabbed Joey's crown.
Joey squirmed and kicked Scott in the stomach.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Joey shouted.
"I'm helping you realize how stupid you're being right now!" Scott shouted.
Joey stepped back and almost fell off the End island.
Sausage gasped and tried to catch him, but Joey grew colorful parrot wings and flew up to one of the obsidian towers, shooting an arrow at the gem that healed the dragon.
Scott growled and folded out his owl wings, flying up to try and stop Joey.
"Why are you trying to stop me? I'm helping free your brother!" Joey shouted.
"No, you're really not!" Scott shouted.
Joey shot an arrow at Scott, who quickly dodged it. Scott narrowed his eyes.
"I guess we're playing this game now, huh?" Scott grabbed his bow and started to shoot arrows at Joey.
One hit Joey's right wing and he started to fall.
fWhip and Sausage caught Joey in their arms and Gem took off Joey's crown, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.
Red corruption spilled out of it and Joey fell unconscious.
Scott smiled victoriously when he turned around and saw that the dragon had shot a beam at him, thinking that Scott was a threat.
Scott tried to dodge it, but he was too late.
Scott groaned as he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, and he felt someone put a bottle to his lips.
"It's a healing potion, drink slowly." He heard Gem say. Scott slowly drank the potion and felt his body heal.
He sat up on his elbows and heard people shouting and fighting.
"What- what's going on?" Scott sat up and saw Shelby, Gem, and Katherine in front of him.
"Shelby? Katherine? What are you two doing here?"
"After you got hit, I had fWhip go back and get help."
"Ow, my head." Scott groaned, "What's happening? Who all is here?"
"I think almost everyone."
"What's happening anyway?"
Scott peeked around the obsidian tower and saw everyone arguing and fighting, and some were even trying to kill the dragon.
"What the- we have to stop them!" Scott stood up but stumbled down, not fully healed yet.
"Woah, woah, hold on. You need to lay down." Gem said, pushing him down softly.
"I can't just sit here! My brother's life is on the line!! I would fail everyone!"
"Wait- what do you mean? You wouldn't fail everyone. It's just a dragon." Katherine said.
Scott then heard people cheering. He was confused and Shelby and Gem helped walk him around the corner to see people shouting and cheering that they killed the dragon.
"No-! Stop!" Scott shouted, stumbling over his feet.
"What? What's wrong?" Joel asked, confused.
"Ha! Wow that was fun to watch. Or poor, poor Scott. Guess what?" The demon flew down and flicked Scott's forehead while everyone watched in horror, "You failed. Your brother is gone. And so is this world you call your home."
The demon snapped and he disappeared.
Scott broke down in tears, ignoring how everyone asked him who that was, what was going to happen, and if this had to do with the dragon.
The demon felt himself get a headache and he shouted before feeling Xornoth slowly gain control back.
Xornoth gasped as he regained control. He looked up at Joey.
Joey looked concerned.
"Xor-Xor, you okay?" Joey asked, leaning.
Xornoth nodded and he grabbed the crown off of Joey's head. He saw the red sparkles in Joey's eyes and felt a pain in his heart.
"What are you doing?" Joey leaned back and gasped as Xornoth tore off his crown.
Xornoth threw the crown down and it shattered.
Joey blinked before shaking a bit, fainting.
Joey's Perspective-
Joey grumbled as he slowly woke up. He blinked and saw Xornoth's face.
He flushed red and slowly sat up.
"Xornoth? What the heck- what happened? I just remember feeling like I was like madly in love with you." Joey laughed nervously.
Xornoth hugged Joey tightly and Joey blushed, hugging back.
"It's really hard to explain, but I'm just glad you're back." Xornoth whispered and Joey nodded.
Xornoth leaned back and Joey saw they were sitting on a picnic blanket.
"Uh- yeah, I definitely don't remember ending up here." Joey said and Xornoth chuckled.
"Well would you like to be here with me?" Xornoth asked, smiling charmingly.
Joey flushed a deep shade of red.
"I- I mean...I don't mind being here." Joey stuttered and Xornoth smiled.
"I'm...really sorry about everything that happened."
"Why are you sorry? It's not like it's your fault."
Xornoth looked down, "I...yeah...umm...would you like to start eating?"
"Sure!" Joey smiled. He snacked on the food and Xornoth felt like he lost his appetite.
He sighed, looking over at Joey, who looked concerned.
"Are you okay?" Joey asked.
Xornoth shook his head and held Joey's hands, causing them both to blush.
"There's something you need to know. About...well...everything."
Later (Scott's Perspective)-
Scott's parents were chatting about Xornoth and how he could've stolen the crystal.
Scott was sitting on the staircase in secret, and he felt sick to his stomach.
He crept upstairs to Xornoth's room and lightly knocked on the door.
There was no response and he opened it, seeing Xornoth leaning on the balcony, fidgeting with broken crystals that had corruption growing on them.
"Hi." Scott whispered, walking to his brother.
"Must be nice not being a failure, hm?" Xornoth asked, not even glancing at Scott.
"You're not a failure; you just made a mistake."
Xornoth laughed bitterly, "A mistake that will affect me, our family, and our kingdom forever."
"You didn't mean- "
"Sure, I didn't mean to but that doesn't fix this. I'm the demon, Scott. I'm a danger now. He's taken over me and there's nothing I can do. Have you heard about how hard it was for our parents to fight him? And now they have to fight me?" Xornoth had tears form in his eyes and he sighed, looking out into the town.
"The demon took over me and what felt like a dream was real. I must've almost killed Jaxon."
"That wouldn't have been too bad." Scott said, smiling weakly as he tried to get his brother to laugh.
"I almost killed someone, Scott. Doesn't matter whether or not he's a bitch."
Scott looked down.
Xornoth sighed again and he heard someone knock.
He turned around and his parents opened the door.
"Son, we need to talk." His father said.
Xornoth handed his father a box full of the crystals.
"I released the demon." He said, crying "I failed our kingdom."
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