Chapter 1
*Evan's PoV*
Waking up in the morning. One of the hardest things to do. I stretch and roll over only to fall off my bed. As I slowly peel myself off the cold floor and walk to the bathroom.
"Great the laundry isn't done fuck me," I groan as I look at the dirty laundry basket I left in the bathroom. I turn on the shower and strip down, I quickly hop in the shower letting the steaming hot water hit my back. The tiredness in my body slowly vanished.
"Evan come on you have five minutes," my mom said as she knocked on the bathroom door.
"Shit," i groan as I quickly turn off the shower and put and towel around my hips. I grab my other towel to dry off my hair and upper body. I rub my head with towel, witch I knew I would regret later since I knew my hair would end uo making me look like one of the kids from that Jackson 5 but with lighter skin.
I run into my room frantically looking for some cloths that looks half decent. I find a black shirt, black jeans, a red leather jacket and some red vans. I put them all on and run back to the bathroom, I look at my phone I have 3 minutes to get ready. I start to brush my teeth and brush threw my half wet hair.
I run down the stairs grabbing my ear buds that were on the railing for some odd reason. I grab my backpack off the ground, and get a apple.
"Bye mom see you later," I yell as I run out the door. I take a bite of my apple as I sit in my car, I try to turn it on. Nope no gas fan-fucken-tastic. I jump out of the car and start sprinting towards the school. Absolutely no doubt in my mind that I will at least miss half of first period. I could just skip today, but that means I need to text one of the guys. I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket and text the first one in my contacts witch happened to be my best friend Tyler. I ask him if he and the guys want to skip, I got a reply real fast saying sure.
As I run to the school to meet the guys, i about trip over someone being the person I am I instantly stop and check if they are ok.
"Hey are you ok," I walk back to the stunned human, they just nod. "Are you sure."
"Yeah," I hear them whisper and nod.
"Well ok then I've got to go," I run off to meet my friends.
"Evan get in," I heard someone say next to me. I look to my left a see a black Ford F-150 with a cap over the bed.
"Hey Tyler who's in the back," I ask.
"Craig why don't you go join him," he said I nod and run to the bed of the truck. I open the door of the cap and crawl in.
"Hey Evan what's up," Craig smiled at me.
"The sky moron, why aren't you up with Tyler you never sit back here," I ask sitting on the ground resting my back on the side of the bed.
"You think I like him don't you," he glared at me.
"Why would you think that," I ask even though we all know that Tyler and Craig are straight.
"You guys all think I like him don't you," he sighed.
"Marcel, David, Scott, Brian, and Lui think you do I don't," I reassure him.
"Yeah I know today they pushed me into him, we fell to the ground and things are awkward between us at the moment," he looked down.
"Damn it I know those guys are fucks but that's just rude," I growl.
"But hey we are going to go pick up Sydney from her school," Craig said, my smile grew.
"Why did you guys decide to do that," I ask.
"Oh I don't know maybe because she is your girlfriend," he sassed.
"Nah man she my boyfriend," I sass back.
"Oh you wish she was a guy," he smirked.
"Smart ass," I sigh and reach for my phone.
"Evan go get her she is waiting for you," I was knocked out of my trance with Craig slapping my gut.
"Fine," I crawl out of the back, I look around for Sydney. I see her standing with her friends, I smile and walk up behind her.
"Sydney shut up about video games no one cares," on of her friends moan.
"I care," I prop my head on her shoulder.
"Evey," she squealed.
"Hey love how are you," I smile as she turns around to hug me.
"Better now that your here," she said into my chest.
"You wanna ditch with me," I ask.
"Ms Sydney why is he here you know he isn't allowed around here," on of her teacher said as she walked up to us.
"So is that a yes or a no are you coming or not," I smile at her.
"Hmm I have a test today that I didn't study for so yeah I'm coming with you guys," she smiled.
"Great," I lean down to kiss her lips. When I pull back I feel something on my lips, "really again."
"Aww you don't like my lipstick," she laughed.
"I do but not on me," I groan and try to rub it off.
"That's not happening anytime soon babe," she laughed.
"Thanks," I roll my eyes.
"Love you too," she smiled and pulled me to the truck.
"Sydney get back here," her friends yelled for her.
"So what are we doing today," she asked.
"Whatever you want to do baby," I say as we get back into the truck.
So hey guys new book, I hope you all enjoy this.
This won't be updated everyday, (witch is probably a lie don't hold me to that)
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