Chapter 6
"This place is seriously sick!" Robbie states, looking around the kitchen. "And they just gave you this place?"
"OH!" Robbie says surprised, opening the fridge. "They gave you a fridge full of food!"
I laugh and watch him go from object to appliance with amazement, always with a look of 'wow' on his face.
The apartment I was given was fully furnished, and fully stocked, a few hours ago when I got a ride here and saw inside, I was just as shocked as Robbie, even more so with every step I took, every room I looked in.
I go to the sofa and sit down slowly, with a grimace on my face once I sit, instantly catching the attention of Robbie at he looked at me worriedly.
"What's up? Did you hurt yourself?"
Laughing nervously, I wave him off. "Just a stomach cramp."
My ass is seriously throbbing, I can't even sit down without feeling like I still have Donovan inside of me... every time I move, I can feel where he penetrated me.
That fucker- he really did show no mercy, despite going easy on me.
What's more crazy, is that I get to see him again, for reasons I don't even know, because he likes me? Or is it because I like him? Those were answers I definitely didn't want to go into right now, not with Robbie here.
"So." Robbie plops down next to me on the sofa, with a grin on his face.
"What did you have to do for him to pay off all your debts, take you on as a client and give you this spanky pad?"
I cringe at the way he says it. "Nothing, we just spoke and he offered to sign me." I think about how to say it. "He was easy to talk to." So easy I feel my neck get hot at how good he was at talking, the way his voice sounded...
He hums but nods. "Did he make you sign an NDA?" He asked, and I nodded.
The instant I left his office I signed that stupid NDA, basically stating I can't mention anything that happened in the office for as long as I live, Donovan wasn't joking when he said he liked having privacy.
It made me wonder, was Donovan gay and not out in public yet? Was that why he was so secretive and why I couldn't gossip about him online, with girls or guys?
"What about your contract?" He asks.
I shrug and lay my head back. "Said he'd contact me when it's ready, then I can go over it with my layer and his." I mumble out. "I'm meeting my new agent tomorrow though."
"An agent." He says, excited. "I still can't believe you made this happen, he must've really liked you, and the fact you met a billionaire in person!"
"Did you know you'd be meeting him?"
I shake my head and stand up from the sofa when I hear the doorbell ring.
"No, I was blindsided the second I made it to the door, his assistant told me just before I went inside his office that I'd be meeting with him." I scoff, remembering how anxious I was.
I open the door and see a delivery man. "Hi, Evan Beckett?" He asks and I nod. "Please sign here." He points to the tablet with a pen.
Confused, I do as he says and hand it back to him, then he hands me the package on the floor then wishes me a good day then leaves.
"What's that?" Robbie asks from the sofa.
Closing the door, I bring the package to the sofa and stare at it, noticing the label from the talent agency, Desire.
It's from him. "It's from the agency."
I start opening it and start to get nervous, I've never been given so much in my life before, and now he's sending me things.
"Holy shit!"
Inside was a brand new Apple MacBook, and an iPhone in their brand new box packaging, not even touched yet.
"This isn't even out yet, how the hell did you get this?" Robbie says picking up the phone in the box.
Donovan... nobody else would send me this shit.
Why did he send me these?
"Hey, theirs a note in the box." Robbie points out.
I pick it up and read it, and it says;
A serious actor needs a serious setup
-Donovan Steele
I scrunch up the piece of paper in my hands and stand up as my face starts to feel hot.
"You must've really impressed him." He laughed.
"What'd the note say?"
I put it in my back pocket and cough out anxiously. "Not much, it was a welcoming package from Desire." I lie, not wanting to go say too much to Robbie. "They probably give these to all the newcomers."
He gives me a look then shrugs, and then goes back to admiring the laptop and phone.
I take this time to walk to the kitchen and get out my phone from my back pocket and send him a text.
I text and then hit send.
Me: Thank you for the laptop and phone, but you shouldn't have to
I put my phone on the kitchen aisle and lean on it and watch as Robbie opens the laptop and turns it on with a grin on my face at how happy he is.
My phone lights up and I see it's from him, Donovan Steele.
ᴅᴏɴᴏᴠᴀɴ: My pleasure, Evan
My hands start sweating for some reason so I turn my phone off and put the phone back in my pocket and go over to Robbie on the sofa.
He's not even here yet he still makes me nervous, all I want to do is try and relax, and not think too much about what happened just a few hours ago, but he's making it impossible for me.
Soon he'll text me about meeting up, and I'll go see him again... fuck, just thinking about seeing him again makes me feel like I'm in a movie, because there's no way this happens to just anyone, right?
Fuck, it feels like my heart is going to beat out of my ribcage at the thought of being with him again, it hurt so much but... but something about him made my first experience feel... nice.
"How is it?" I grin, hiding my heart beating strangely in my chest.
Robbie starts talking and I tried my best to listen, but all I could think about was how much everything had changed in the span of a day.
From waking up and being threatened, to having all my problems taken away in the span of a few hours, with all these things given to me, not only the apartment but being taken on as a client too.
Donovan Steele...
He's a billionaire, that much is public knowledge online, but apart from that and his achievements, charities, and impressive big-name clients at his talent agency, there's really nothing about him online I could find.
Everything about him was serious, he was this good-looking man without a wife, or kids, in his 30s, sure he had paparazzi photos of him walking with women, amazing beautiful looking women, but there was nothing there about girlfriends, or even any really good friends.
It was like everything about him was a mystery.
He really wasn't lying when he said he was a private person.
I shouldn't think too much about him, we're basically fuckbuddies and nothing more, the moment I make this personal with strings attached, then that's the moment I enter into a world I'm not prepared, or even ready for.
The more I learn about him, the more difficult it is for me to be around him.
For now, I'm just going to enjoy the moment, and then tomorrow it all begins... my fresh start as an actor... I'm so excited I can barely wait.
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