Chapter 43
Seeing Donovan in his house, with messy hair, in casual sweatpants and a plain shirt, lying on the sofa eating pizza felt illegal somehow.
We'd hardly spoken since the bathroom, and the pizza arrived ten minutes ago, making this the longest we've gone without speaking to each other, but I know it's because he's pissed off at me, hence why we're eating in silence, watching TV.
My phone rings in my pocket so I shift in my seat and grab it, seeing that it's Robbie calling I answer it.
"Hey, what's up?" I ask, biting into my pizza, as Donovan grabs another from the box, paying no attention to me on the phone.
There was loud music in the background and people talking, and since it was a Friday, I knew he was out with his girlfriend and our friends, I knew that for definite when I heard Liam shout my name in the background.
"Evan you need to come out man! We all miss you." He shouts down the phone. "It's no fun without you here!" He loudly says, making me laugh.
Looking at Donovan, he's focused on the TV and I know if I left now he'd be more pissed off with me.
"Sorry man, I'm busy right now, I can't tonight."
Robbie groans. "Come on Evan, we haven't seen you in ages, come out with us, we're all here." He begs. "Pleasssseeee."
I haven't seen them in ages, but I couldn't just go, it wouldn't feel right, not when I and Donovan aren't speaking. "Sorry, I just don't feel like it right now Rob, maybe another night?"
"Your friend is here though, that chick from the show." He said as a girl in the background laughs loudly. "The blonde-haired chick, she's here with a bunch of her friends."
Before I could ask who the hell he was talking about, a woman's voice starts talking into Robbie's phone, a voice I would recognize anywhere.
"Evan, come out with us, It's so lonely without you here, it'll be fun, I promise." Amanda's sweet voice comes through, with a moan, I also hear girls giggling in the background as the music pounds.
Amanda? What the fuck is she doing with my friends? How would she even know they're my friends? Is she stalking me now? What the hell is she playing at?
I get up from the sofa and walk away as Donovan's eyes follow me from where he's sat on the sofa in front of the TV.
"Amanda? Where's Robbie?" I hissed down the phone.
"Put Robbie back on the phone."
"No." She giggles. "He's busy with my friend! It's just us now- hey, where are you? I'll come to see you." She said, her voice low. "Just us, alone."
Her friend? Where the fuck was his girlfriend? What is Amanda playing at?
What the fuck is actually going on right now? "Put him on the phone Amanda, I won't ask again." I say, clenching my jaw tightly. "This isn't funny."
"I know something about you, Evan Beckett." She said, her tone serious. "You big fat liar."
My chest tightens at her words, as she starts getting on my nerves. "What are you talking about?"
The call loses connection for a second then Amanda starts laughing as the music becomes more distant, like she's walked outside the club with Robbie's phone.
"Don't try and hide it Evan, you lied about having a girlfriend to me and everyone, is that why you won't see me? Because you're with her?" She sweetly says. "Or... is it because there's no woman, and you're actually fucking around with a grown man?"
My heart stops as the room starts spinning, and it feels as if the world is crushing down on me as Amanda's words punch me in the gut.
Does... she know about Donovan?
"Do your friends know you're sleeping with a guy twice your age to get roles? I know whoever he is, he's someone big enough to make a nobody like you as famous as you are now, he was driving a Rolls-Royce, and they don't come too cheap Evan, nope... I bet he's a producer or some billionaire bored with his life." She cackles out, slurring her words.
Oh my god, I feel like I'm going to be sick.. she fucking knows.
"Who's that on the phone?" Donovan asks, coming up to me as I clench my hair tight.
"So it's true." She hums out, hearing Donovan next to me "Or else you'd deny it, wouldn't you Evan?"
"You're sleeping around to get gigs, I can't believe it, THE Evan Beckett is nothing more than a fame-hungry dick-loving slut." Amanda says, laughing as I clench the phone in my hand.
"Give me the phone Evan." Donovan demands, holding out his hand but I shake my head, gripping it harder as I shake my head furiously.
I'm speechless and don't know what to say, I feel like whatever I say right now would only make it worse, Amanda won't drop this, and if I deny it in front of Donovan, our relationship is over, after I already swore I would tell Robbie and my friends.
Donovan snatches the phone from my hand. "Don- wait, don't." I plead as he puts the phone to his ear.
"Who is this?" He asks, a fierce look in his eye and a scary tone in his voice.
I don't know what she said, but it made Donovan more threatening than he already looked, leaving me thinking the worst was happening right now, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
"I'm Donovan Steele sweetheart." He stated his voice threatening. "You know who I am, and what I'll do to ruin your life, so let me make this very clear for you to understand." He says slowly.
"I'm your worst nightmare, say anything regarding our relationship and I will destroy everything you've built in a few seconds, and I'll enjoy doing it, do you understand?"
I'm physically shaking as I don't hear what she says back to him, Donovan moves the phone from his ear and ends the call, then hands the phone back to me with a passive look on his face, as he goes to sit back down.
"She won't say anything." He simply says. "It's sorted."
'It's sorted'? "What did you just do?" I whisper out, feeling my whole body feel like it's on fire.
"How is it sorted? She'll fucking tell everyone, Donovan!" I shout out, as panic sets in.
Donovan ignores me and then goes back to the coach. "How can you be so fucking calm?" I go after him. "She's going to tell everyone, if you think you scared her just now, you're even more stupid than I thought!"
Donovan coldly snaps his eyes to mine, making me freeze, breathing heavily from the panic that's controlling me and my thoughts, thinking of the worst possible outcomes Amanda could destroy my life.
"She won't say anything, I made sure." He states harshly. "If she did, would it be so bad if everyone knew?"
"Yes!" I yell out before I could stop myself.
Donovan simply stares at me, like I'm the worst fucking mistake he's made in his life, I see it in his eyes, and the way he looks at me like I really am a pathetic piece of shit.
I feel like my heart is crushed when he looks away from me like he's so disappointed in me, that looking at me is pointless.
"I didn't mean that." I force out, going after him as he gets up and walks towards the stairs. "I just wanted to do this our way, in our own way, when we're both-"
Donovan stops and turns around, a cold dead look in his eye as his mouth is set in a straight line.
"I expected more from you, Evan, someone I let into my life and into my home." He scoffed, before smiling. "I would do anything to protect you Evan, but if you can't face the truth about yourself, how do you expect me to help you get through this?"
"Fame is temporary, just like everything else in this world, but my love for you is limitless, could you say the same to me?"
Donovan turns around and walks up the stairs, not saying a single word more as tears fill my eyes, making my vision blurry, my body flinches when Donovan slams his bedroom door shut, leaving me standing there.
With the noise from the TV in the background, and pizza still left in the pizza boxes, I let my tears fall as I stared at the place he once stood... my heart breaking by the second.
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