Chapter 28
"Do you want to talk about it?" Robbie asked, for the hundredth time this morning.
I look at him with my bloodshot eyes while I pour alcohol on my bruised knuckles.
Shit, it fucking hurts, my hand is killing me, my head feels like it's about to split open, and I haven't slept since I left my hometown, it's official, my life sucks.
That letter Donovan's sister left me made me almost feel sorry for her, because I knew what she was going through, in some ways, my mom was also as messed up as Donovan's sister.
I want to hate her, I want to find her grave and spit on it, heck I wouldn't mind punching it just like I punched her stupid brother.
Or 'almost' punched her stupid brother, the fucker moved his head just in time, making me punch the wall, almost breaking my hand in the process.
"I'm fine, seriously." I tell Robbie, a sigh escaping my lips.
"I'll be out as soon as the police say it's safe to go back to my apartment."
'Safe', I don't even know the word anymore, but I do know once it's safe to go back, I'm moving the hell out of that apartment.
Robbie's face dropped. "Evan, you should stay man, those chicks breaking into your place, and your disappearing act." He sighed.
"I think you need to talk to someone... professionally about this, it's not healthy."
I scoff and shake my head, getting up from the sofa. "I know you're trying to help, but don't, it's fucking annoying, everyone tells me what to do on a daily basis, I don't need that from my fucking best friend."
My phone rings, again, and when I see who it is, again, I press decline on him.
"You're like my brother Evan, and you're struggling, it's because I'm your best friend that I'm telling you this, and the thing with your mom-"
"Just shut the fuck up Robbie!" I shout out in his face. "Stop trying to tell me what to do when I just told you that I'm fine, now get the fuck off your high horse and stop telling me how to live my life, just focus on your own and stay out of mine!"
I'm breathing heavily, and seconds from blowing up again, and saying some really nasty shit, but despite how angry I was, and on edge, I felt like shit to take it out on him, after he was just trying to help me.
"I'm going out for a walk." I say, grabbing my stuff from the table and heading straight for the front door.
I leave his apartment, and slam the door shut behind me as I step onto the streets of downtown NY.
Pulling my hoodie up, I start walking towards the park, exactly where I used to go whenever things got too much for me and I just had to get away.
Since last night, I'm been a mess, and taking it out on Robbie was something I never wanted to do, now I just feel like a fucking asshole.
Donovan has called me every hour on the hour since I left the hotel room, after attacking him, I was hoping he would leave me alone, he really must be stupid to think I was going to talk to him.
In terms of getting justice for my dad, it was a dead end, with no evidence and my word against a prominent family of billionaires, I might as well say I can see ghosts because that'd be more believable than saying they covered up the death of my dad.
I wish I never met him, I wish he'd never given me that money, then I... I wouldn't...
Fuck, Evan...
Donovan Steele had ruined me, as much as I wanted to beat the shit out of his handsome face and hate him, I couldn't, I was in love with him, despite his involvement with covering up Alex's messes.
Everything was such a mess, I had crazed fans breaking into my place, a sexy billionaire turning my world upside down, and I was now an actor suddenly everyone knew, all because of a single TV show.
I found a bench in the park and sat down to watch a group of teenagers play American football, with a small crowd of girls the same age watching them play, instantly reminding me of days when I was their age and playing with my friends.
Nobody had spotted me yet, I probably looked shady with dark eye bags and messed up knuckles, not to mention I was dressed like I threw on anything that was close, which I did.
Here I was, having everything I had ever wanted, I had a bank account where I didn't have to worry about paying rent or buying food, hell people were giving me free clothes, and gifts almost every day.
I should be grateful, because, without any of it, I'd most likely be dead or homeless right now.
My phone buzzed again in my pocket, and I didn't even have to look to know who it was.
I answered it and say back on the bench, my eyes following the football on the field.
"Evan, don't hang up." Donovan's deep hard voice says desperately. "I just want to talk."
"So talk." I say flatly, in no mood to listen. "Are you hiding anything else from me?"
Before he could speak, I scoff. "Not that you'd tell me, you lied to me the whole time I knew you."
"Not gay, my ass." I spit out, wanting to hang up on him. "Did you lie about that too?"
"You sure had me fooled."
"I'm not gay Evan."
Donovan groans. "You're the only guy I've ever slept with, that was true, and I'm not hiding anything else from you, I just need you to believe me that I'm telling you the truth."
"I need to know you're not going to do anything stupid Evan." He finally said, hinting at his fucked up family.
"Stupid?" I laugh out, making a couple walking past me look at me strangely.
"I'm not going to tell anyone." I told him. "Who'd believe me anyways? My mom, who can't even form sentences without asking for money? Or let's see... the police you paid off to cover it all up."
Scoffing out, I lean forward and grip my head.
"You know what Donovan?" I mutter out, as I hear laughter coming from the boys on the field.
"I went back to my hometown and realized after I visited his grave that... I'd forgiven his killer a long time ago." I quietly say, closing my eyes. "I didn't want to keep hating the world, or blame all of my problems on the fact my dad died and his killer was happily alive, living their life."
"I like you Donovan, but you should have told me the truth." My voice cracks. "If I had gotten that letter sooner... I'd- fuck, I'd have understood that shit happens, and people die, but to do what your family did to mine..."
"You didn't even give us a chance to move on, my mom... it consumed her, and now she doesn't care if she lives or dies, all because of not knowing what happened to my dad."
Rubbing my eyes with my hoodie, I look ahead and see that the kids had stopped playing, and are looking directly at me curiously.
Fuck... did they realize who I was?
"You're right Evan." Donovan admits. "My parents made the wrong choice, they live with that guilt as much as I do."
The kids start coming up towards me, making me rub my face and lower my head.
"I want to meet them."
The call goes silent as the group of teenagers stands in front of me.
"Excuse me, are you Evan Beckett?" A girl asks, making me raise my head.
"Oh my god, it is you!" She screamed in excitement. "Can I take a picture? I'm like, you're the biggest fan!"
"Dude it really is him!" A young boy said.
"Holy shit, my sister is not going to believe me! Can I have a photo with you?"
"He's so hot! Even hotter in person!" A girl with thick-rimmed glasses squealed out.
"Where are you right now?" Donovan asks as I smile awkwardly as they begin to crowd me.
"I'll come to you, text me the address," I say. "I need to go." I hang up on him.
Smiling at the kid's faces, I nod my head and wrap my arms around two girls as a young guy opens his camera phone and points it at us, and all I could think of is, 'these photos are not going to turn out good'.
As the kids get excited about having their photos taken with me, my phone buzzes in my hand and seeing that Donovan had messaged me an address and time, I'd say that he made it happen.
I was going to see them...
I was going to meet his parents.
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