Ch. 7
As you and Taehyung walk into the building, You hear the employees start to whisper to each other
Since they are whispering you can't detect the whole conversation they say to each other. Instead, you just hear parts.
"Their producer ..."
"Yeah, I know...."
"Why is she..."
"They are prob..."
Before you could hear more you walk into the elevator.
You start to wonder who is Taehyung's produce and what will happen if you are seen together.
"We're here," Taehyung says while the elevator doors open.
You walk into a dance room with a big mirror in the front. All you were able to think was WOW.
"Cone on. You still have to meet my friends" As he says this he pulls you into a room with 6 other people in the room.
"Hey Guys this i.... " as he was talking he gets interrupted by one of his friends.
"Who is this?"
"You guys this is my friend Y/N,"
They all look Taehyung dumbfounded because they wonder why Taehyung would bring a random girl to the studio.
"She's the girl I saved that one day,"
"OHHH" THey all say in unison.
"Y/N That is RM," He says pointing to a fairly tall guy with really Fluffy hair. "He's like Our leader of the group."
While Taehyung does the other members introductions all you could think Suga reminds you a little of Aubrey.
After the introductions were done Taehyung's friends started to ask questions to get to know you.
A few of the questions were really easy to answer such as, What is your favorite food? But other Questions made you think about the answer like, Have you lost someone close to you? You find it hard to talk about this topic even though it has been many years since the death happened. After all the question they then start their dance rehearsal.
While you were alone you start to think back to the day you found out about your mom's cancer.
Y/N 6-year-old FLASHBACK
The doctor walks into the room with a clipboard in his hand examining it and look like he's having a hard time with something.
"I'm sorry but your wife has been diagnosed with Leukemia."
You look at your dad for clarification on what that word means only to see that his eyes are starting to water. You start to think that this is a serious topic because your dad never cries. As the doctor said this he saw how confused you looked so he kneeled down to your height.
"It means there is cancer in your Mom's blood," He says while trying to slowly break it down for you to understand how serious this can be.
"Dose those this mean Mommy's sick?"You say you look at your dad who is still in shock from the news.
"Yes. This means that Mommy is sick." Your dad says while slowly looking down at you.
"I'll leave for you to talk in private with your wife." The doctor then walks you of the room to talk with another doctor.
You walk over to your mom only to see her sleeping peacefully like she has nothing wrong with her. While you are looking at your mom your dad pulls you to the side.
"Are you okay?" He says is a soft voice.
"Does this mean Mommy is going leaving us?" You ask as tears slowly roll down your soft cheeks.
"Not yet. They can still cure her since they found it in its early stage." You dad says while trying to stop you from crying any more.
"But what if they can't," You say while holding back your tears.
Your dad then pointed to your heart.
"If she does, She will always be here..."
He then points to your brain
"And in here with your memories."
You then walk over to your mom's side and start to hold he hand
"You'll be strong right Mommy?" You say as you start to sniffle.
After a year the doctors said that there was no change which was good and bad at the same time.
After 4 years, you start to spend every day with your mom making sure that you spend everyday like its last. Unfortunately, in those years she did get worse. You also receive a box that you were not allowed to open until she goes.
After one more year you mom, unfortunately, passed away. All you could think about was what your dad said the first day you found out. You also remember that box your mom gave you one year ago. So You decide to open it. Inside the box were letters for when certain events happen in your life. Such as graduation, Christmas, ETC. You then decide to write a letter to your mom every day on how you were doing.
You then finally snap out of your thoughts only to realize that you were crying. You then hold your heart and think about how life would be if your mom was still with you.
You start to quickly wipe your tears away when you hear the door open.
HEYYYY I haven't posted in a while...........yeahhhh.
Anyway, ill try and post but I am not sure because I really need to focus on my school stuff so updating the two stories I have is going to be hard. Um yeah if ya'll have Ap world history in your highschool... Dont take it.... I regret it so much....
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