Chapter 63: Chaos Part 2
By 11:15 a.m., (y/n) and the Seijoh team had gathered outside Kindaichi's house, patiently awaiting his response at the front door. Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence as the lanky teen opened the door, a bewildered expression flickering across his face at the unexpected sight of his entire team congregated outside.
"Uh..." Kindaichi muttered, unable to hide his confusion.
"(Y/n)-chan happens to go to the same physio office where we get our supplies," Oikawa began, eager to explain. "We all ended up spending the entire morning together."
Before Oikawa could finish his sentence, however, chaos ensued. Kenta, ever vigilant and protective of (y/n), lunged at the setter with bared teeth, recognizing the brunette's arm draped casually around (y/n)'s shoulder. The shikoku wasn't about to let him encroach on his owner's personal space without a fight.
The team watched with deadpan expressions as Oikawa frantically sought refuge inside Kindaichi's house, seeking higher ground to escape from the clutches of (y/n)'s fiercely loyal canine companion.
"Have I ever mentioned how awesome your dog is?" Kindaichi chuckled, finding amusement in the spectacle unfolding before him.
Letting out a sigh, (y/n) hobbled into the house, carefully scooping up Kenta in her arms to calm him down. The little pup continued to growl at the shrieking third-year, who had taken refuge on the dining table. The rest of the Seijoh guys followed suit, entering the house one by one, wearing smirks that betrayed their amusement at their captain's predicament.
"He's evil, I tell you! Evil!" Oikawa's voice echoed through the house as he continued to protest.
"He just hates you, that's all. He's nice to everyone else here, Trashykawa," Iwaizumi stated matter-of-factly, his hand scratching behind Kenta's fluffy ears, eliciting a contented wag of the pup's tail.
Grumbling under his breath, Oikawa gingerly placed his feet back on the ground, warily eyeing Kenta, who maintained a watchful gaze in return. The tension between the setter and the protective shikoku dog remained palpable, creating a humorous dynamic among the team members.
As the laughter subsided, (y/n) took a moment to catch her breath, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected diversion that Kenta had provided. Glancing around the familiar faces gathered in Kindaichi's living room, she couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a warm sense of belonging. This impromptu gathering had brought them closer together, showcasing the unique bond they shared both on and off the volleyball court.
Realizing that Kindaichi had taken care of Kenta for her, (y/n) suddenly felt a pang of guilt for not expressing her gratitude properly.
"Oh, Kindaichi!" she called out to him, her voice filled with appreciation. "I haven't paid you or anything, and this is the second time you've taken care of Kenta for me."
Kindaichi blushed and hurriedly waved off her concern. "O-oh! It's alright, really. He's pretty easy to take care of, and I don't mind. I'm happy to help!"
Amidst the exchange, Kunimi couldn't help but interject with a teasing smirk. "Yeah, so he can swoon over her when she picks him up again."
Feeling the need to reciprocate Kindaichi's kindness, (y/n) insisted, "I insist. If you won't let me pay you, can I at least make you some food or something?"
The mention of food caused Kindaichi's tall figure to squeak in surprise, his face turning beet red. 'Sh-she wants to cook... for me!?' The thought of (y/n) in an apron, preparing a meal, sent his imagination into a flutter. And he wasn't the only one entertaining such thoughts.
"No response? Taking that as a yes," (y/n) declared, determination shining in her eyes. "All of you, go relax. I'm making food. And Kenta, be good. No biting Oikawa-senpai, okay?"
Kenta responded with puppy eyes and a drooping tail, seemingly understanding the request. (y/n) gently pushed the teens out of the kitchen, ready to take charge. The boys stumbled into the living room, still dazed by the unexpected turn of events.
"Did a super attractive girl just insist on making us all lunch?" Kunimi questioned, his disbelief evident.
"Best. Day. Ever," Kindaichi mumbled, a dreamy smile forming on his face.
Back in the kitchen, (y/n) set about making homemade pizzas for the team. As she kneaded the dough, focusing on the task at hand, she failed to notice a presence sneaking up behind her until a pair of strong arms encircled her waist.
"(Y/n)-chan~ Can I help you?" Oikawa's voice tickled her ear, its tone all too familiar. She recognized it as the same one he had used in the park, his "predatory mode" voice—an amalgamation of cunning and determination that could be quite intimidating.
Trying her best to maintain her composure, (y/n) awkwardly wriggled out of Oikawa's grasp, steering him toward the vegetable chopping station. She instructed him to start preparing the toppings while she focused on spreading the sauce onto the pizzas.
With a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, Oikawa complied, relishing the opportunity to be in such close proximity to (y/n). "Of course, I wouldn't want you to accidentally cut your finger," he began teasingly. "Oh, and (y/n)-chan?"
A slight tremor ran through (y/n)'s body as she turned to face him, her cheeks ablaze. Oikawa leaned in, his breath tantalizingly close to her face. In one smooth motion, his chapped lips briefly grazed her cheek before retreating just as swiftly.
"You had a little sauce there," he whispered, his voice filled with satisfaction.
Squeaking in surprise, (y/n) thanked Oikawa, her mind racing with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. She quickly finished preparing the pizzas and placed them in the oven, setting the timer. Eager to regain her composure, she rushed out of the kitchen, hoping her flushed face would go unnoticed.
Meanwhile, Oikawa observed her retreat with a victorious grin. 'How cute, (y/n)-chan~!' he thought triumphantly, reveling in the effect he had on her.
itting down, (y/n) settled herself next to Kindaichi, growing curious about what he and the others were doing. She watched as they organized the supplies for their physiotherapist, a rather mundane task. Finding herself growing bored, she decided to slither down to the ground, finding comfort on the hard wood floor as she entertained herself with Kenta. The boys continued their tedious task, occasionally stealing glances at (y/n) and her playful interaction with the pup.
Glancing down at her, Kindaichi couldn't help but chuckle at (y/n)'s antics. "Comfy down there, (y/n)-san?" he asked with a playful smile.
A mischievous glint sparkled in (y/n)'s eyes as she retorted, "Oh, you know it. Nothing is comfier than a hard wood floor. Living the dream, living the dream."
After what felt like an eternity, the boys finally finished sorting the supplies and decided to put on a movie to pass the time while waiting for the food to finish cooking. Oikawa sauntered back into the room, seemingly unnoticed, and plopped himself next to Iwaizumi. Meanwhile, (y/n) remained by Kindaichi's side, practically wrapped around him as she eagerly awaited the movie selection.
Excitement radiated through (y/n) as she recognized the movie choice. "Oh yes! Yes! (Favorite movie)! Wooh!" she cheered, unable to contain her enthusiasm.
Blushing slightly, Kindaichi carefully removed (y/n) from her position leaning against his neck and gently placed her injured leg onto his lap. Kunimi, noticing her discomfort, hurried to the kitchen to retrieve an ice pack. Upon his return, he delicately placed the cool pack on her ankle, causing (y/n) to blush and express her gratitude. Settling herself more comfortably into the couch, she felt Kindaichi's left hand resting on her shin, lazily tracing patterns while his right arm rested behind her.
Unbeknownst to Kindaichi and (y/n), their closeness did not go unnoticed by their teammates. Oikawa and Iwaizumi exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the budding connection between the first-year and the middle blocker. However, their musings were abruptly interrupted when they noticed the rest of the team smirking at them, clearly aware of their observations.
Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered as the timer for the pizzas went off. (Y/n) stood up, albeit with a slight hobble, and made her way to the kitchen to check on the food. Once she was out of sight, all eyes turned to a certain flustered first-year.
"Well, looks like someone got pretty cozy with (y/n)-san, eh?" Hanamaki jeered, unable to resist teasing Kindaichi.
Oikawa, never one to miss an opportunity to boast, scoffed, "Oh, please. She's clearly interested in me."
The room erupted in laughter and incredulous looks. "Yeah, sure, that's why she went to the park with Iwaizumi last week," Matsukawa snickered, playfully challenging Oikawa's claim.
Oikawa's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief, his confidence momentarily shaken. Meanwhile, Kindaichi was still trying to process the fact that (y/n) had been so close to him during the movie, his mind swirling with a mix of bewilderment and delight.
Before the conversation could escalate further, Iwaizumi intervened, his voice filled with exasperation. "Shut up, both of you! It's not like she even thought of it that way. None of us are dating her, so calm down!"
"You mean I'm not dating her yet, Iwa-chan," Oikawa retorted playfully, attempting to regain his composure. However, before he could continue, Iwaizumi retaliated by throwing a pillow at his head.
"Shut it!" Iwaizumi exclaimed. "It's not like she's anyone's girlfriend. Stop making a big deal out of it!"
As the playful banter between Oikawa and Iwaizumi escalated, Kindaichi found himself caught in the crossfire. Sensing an opportunity, Kenta joined Iwaizumi in attacking Oikawa, barking and nipping at his heels. The chaotic scene only fueled the laughter of the rest of the team, who watched the comical brawl unfold.
Unbeknownst to them, (y/n) had returned to the living room, carrying a tray of steaming pizzas, only to be greeted by the sight of their teammates in disarray.
"Hey, guys, the pizzas are do—" (y/n) paused, her voice trailing off as she took in the chaotic scene before her. She blinked in disbelief, her eyes darting between the mess and the Seijoh team members.
Biting into her pizza, (y/n) observed the chaos unfolding before her eyes. Kenta and Kindaichi teamed up to trip Watari, who in turn tackled Matsukawa to the ground. This domino effect led to Hanamaki, who was already covered in bandages, stumbling over the ultrasound gel and bringing Oikawa down with him.
Meanwhile, Iwaizumi and Kunimi, the two responsible members of the team, were occupied with cleaning up and checking on (y/n). Concern etched on his face, Iwaizumi asked, "You alright, (y/n)-san?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine, Iwaizumi-senpai," (y/n) confirmed, her attention still focused on the chaotic scene. "But should I even ask what happened?"
"Nah, probably not," Iwaizumi deadpanned, his gaze fixed on the mess. "Kunimi went to grab Kenta. Wanna head upstairs so we can give him a bath?"
"Yeah, sure, good idea," (y/n) agreed, relieved to escape the madness. With Kenta in hand, she followed Iwaizumi and Kunimi upstairs.
As they reached the bathroom, (y/n) placed Kenta in the water, and he instantly began splashing around with glee. (Y/n) grabbed a container and started pouring water over the excited pup while Iwaizumi rummaged through the cupboard, searching for something safe to clean Kenta with.
"I brought over a small bottle of shampoo last time for Kindaichi, just in case Kenta got dirty," (y/n) explained. "It should be in the cupboard."
"Ah, got it," Iwaizumi replied, locating the bottle and joining (y/n) by the bathtub. However, just as he sat down, Kenta decided to shake off all the water, drenching the three of them in the process.
"Gee, thanks," Iwaizumi grumbled, peeling off his wet shirt. The stoic first-year, Kunimi, followed suit, mirroring his actions.
(Y/n) tried her best to avert her gaze, her cheeks flushing slightly as she focused on scrubbing Kenta. However, the sight of the damp fabric clinging to Iwaizumi's well-defined chest made it increasingly difficult to maintain her composure. She continued to scrub, her soaked clothes clinging to her body, while Iwaizumi began rinsing away the suds. Suddenly, he noticed something, a realization dawning upon him. 'Her shirt is see-through from the water. Should I say something or will she take it the wrong way? But she might get mad if I don't tell her. Plus, Trashykawa and the others will see her like this when we go back downstairs... Shit, what do I do?'
Clearing his throat, Kunimi, ever the savior, abruptly stood up and tossed his team jacket to (y/n). Confusion flickered across her face as she glanced up at him, but when she noticed his obvious avoidance of eye contact, it clicked. 'Oh damn, my shirt... Well, this is awkward.'
"Um, thanks," (y/n) managed to squeak out, her voice slightly muffled by the unexpected turn of events.
"N-no problem," Kunimi mumbled, his cheeks turning a shade of pink as he attempted to hide his embarrassment.
Once Kenta was all clean, (y/n), Iwaizumi, and Kunimi made their way back downstairs, only to find that the others had managed to calm down and clean up the mess they had made. Kenta scurried over to Kindaichi, still slightly damp but extra fluffy from being dried.
"Woah, you look like a pom-pom, Kenta," the middle blocker chuckled, running his fingers through the pup's soft fur.
"Iwa-chan, Kunimi-chan, where are your shirts?" Oikawa interjected, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "And why is (y/n)-chan wearing your jacket!?"
"We were giving Kenta a bath, and he decided he wanted to share all the water with us," Kunimi explained matter-of-factly. "Her shirt got soaked, so I gave her my jacket."
"Poor (y/n)-chan, you must be freezing," Oikawa continued, his mischievousness taking a teasing tone. "Come here, and I'll hug you to warm you up!"
"I'm good, thanks," (y/n) deadpanned, rolling her eyes at Oikawa's antics. "I should get going anyway. Sorry about the mess, Kindaichi."
"No worries, it wasn't your fault anyway," Kindaichi replied, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
"Well, I'll be going. See you all soon," (y/n) said, beginning to walk toward the door. "Be sure to train hard. After all, I'm looking forward to our rematch. Um, Kunimi-kun... Your jacket."
"Take mine, (y/n)-chan!" Oikawa wailed dramatically. "It's probably warmer because I'm not cold-hearted like everyone else!"
And just like that, a shoe collided with Oikawa's face, causing him to crumple to the ground. Staring at the limp body of the setter, (y/n) shrugged her shoulders and attached Kenta to his leash. With one last goodbye and a bit of teasing, she headed off, leaving the team to let everything sink in.
"She took my jacket. I liked that jacket," Kunimi mused aloud, a hint of amusement and disappointment evident in his voice.
"She went out with me the other day," Iwaizumi added, a small smile playing on his lips.
"She made me pizza and kinda cuddled with me on the couch," Kindaichi chimed in, his tone full of pleasant surprise.
"Screw all of that, guys," Hanamaki interrupted, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Kenta made the Captain scream like a little baby!"
"Rude!" Oikawa whined, nursing his face.
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