Restrictions | Chapter 5
It was morning again. The sun that used to shine seemed so dull today- why was that? You pressed the button on your alarm and sluggishly lifted your self up. You didn't feel good. It was almost like you were dragging yourself as you went to the bathroom and began brushing your teeth.
When your mother woke up, she didn't speak a word to you. Maybe it was because you didn't play the piano, or maybe it was because you were still staring at the piano, wondering if you should play it. As she made her coffee, she muttered,"you're lucky we don't have guests over..." 'Lucky indeed.'
You didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Akira; your mother was shoving you out the door with a look on her face. "I heard there's a project coming up, and a charity event. Know anything about that?" Your mother didn't look away from the road as she turned to the road of your school. "No, ma'am. The teacher will more than likely go over it with us this morning," you shook your head.
"I'll be coming to pick you up again, and maybe with your new group and take you home. I want you to get a paper or write a paper on what you're doing for the event and the project." You understood her clearly, but you just felt so hot it was hard to focus. "Darling?" In your head you had responded, but in reality you were still dazed and staring outside the window. "(Y/N)." Your mother firmly said as the car braked abruptly. You snapped out of your untimely daze. "Hurry up and don't be late."
There were only a few people in the classroom when you arrived, as it was still quite early. Tsukishima was there in his seat listening to who knows what through his headphones. He quickly spotted you and then looked back down at his paper. It didn't seem like he cared you were there. You nervously tug at your gloves, thinking of taking them off. It was getting hot. Your hands were sticking to the gloves and it felt like they were rubber.
Soon enough class had started and everyone was working diligently when the teacher called for everyone's attention. "A group project is coming up and I want you all to start preparing now, for the presentation next week. Now, because you only have a week to prepare," the teacher paced around the desks. "You will be in groups of 3 to do a project on..." she trailed off.
As the teacher thought for a moment your friend poked your shoulder. "Wanna be in a group?"
"If she'll let us choose, of course." You smiled lightly. It was still hot, you could barely focus. "Are you alright?" She looked at you and put the back of her hand to your forehead. The sudden cold touch of her skin sent a chill through your spine. "I-I'm fine, I promise. It was just a little hot last night is all." You quickly shooed her hand away and ent back to the project ideas. "I will post a paper outside with the listed groups after school so make sure to look for that, and now I will let you finish your work."
The day felt long and hot, and you could feel yourself slipping farther into the heat. The gg loves were sticking to your fingers and it felt extraordinarily uncomfortable. You were on your way back to the classroom to take a visual picture of the sheet, and then head down to the music room.
There was a group gathered around the poster and some left upset, and some left satisfied. As you inches closer you saw your name under group D: Kei Tsukishima, (L/N) (Y/N), Okunen Izumi. 'Well at least I got my friends. Ones a little rude, but that'll change.' You had hoped. Then, you were off to the music room to end the day quickly. "Today's Friday so... their game is tomorrow, right?" You mumbled to yourself.
"Hey, (N/N)!" Thé familiar voice of a certain carrot-haired boy called out to you from across the sidewalk. You turned your head and greeted them,"how are you two this morning?" They had a volleyball in their arms and they looked ready to practice again.
"Well what's up? Are you doing anything? You should come help us practice!" Kageyama didn't say anything but grunted in a 'you should join us' way. "Uhm..." you looked towards the music room and then back at them; should you join? "Well," you started. "Well nothing! We neeeeeed your help!" Hinata grabbed your arm and tugged it. "Ok,ok," you shook his grip off. "I'll help for a bit."
They took you to an opening in the school yard next to the gym. "Is this allowed?" You looked around nervously, not just for the principal but for your mother. If she found out you skipped practice she'd be furious. "Yeah it's fine. Feel free to take one of the drinks, then when you're done come over here!" Hinata pointed to the bags and drinks on the grass. You brushed your skirt in a proper way and sat properly on the grass. The scratchy grass tickled your legs.
You gulped down one of the bottles of water quickly, and a wave of chill came over you like a relief. "So, what am I here for?" It didn't look like they could hear you because they were just passing the ball back and forth. "Take off your gloves and come over here!" You set your bag on the floor, but refused to take your gloves off.
You merely threw the ball to them and they'd toss it back and forth to each other until one messed up. You kept getting nervous, hot then cold, then hot again. You were worried your mother would see you ignoring your work. Suddenly, you heard a loud car honk. You jolted and looked towards the door. "(N/N), what's wrong? Why do you look so-" Hinata reaches for you hands and you dropped the ball, pushing him back,"Don't touch me-"
(There wasn't a better way to end it so j hope you enjoyed this chapter :0 Hope to see you all next chapter)
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