Chapter 8
I keep scrolling and sigh deeply as I stare at the computer screen with exhausted and probably bloody red eyes. We've been searching for two hours straight and we found close to nothing. We only found a phone number, but it was already closed.
It looks like this 'James Hall' isn't even a real person in the first place. No photo's, no facebook account, simply nothing, which is really weird, if you ask me. You can find information of everyone, so why can't we find anything about him? Either way, I just keep searching for another 20 minutes before I get just a bit too frustrated and I stand up before storming outside, slamming the door shut behind me. I don't really mind what those people inside think about me, I probably won't see them ever again.
"They're just playing with us! How can they... he do this?! Come on!" I growl angily as I pace around in the street next to the library. I clench my fists as they itch and I feel like I have to punch something or someone, but I try to stay calm by breathing in and out slowly. People glance at me in with worry, sadness and fear, but I don't care.
"Hey, I know it's frustrating, but we'll find something eventually... we just have to. Don't lose hope, not yet." Dominic walks over to me and puts up a smile to comfort me, or at least to make me less frustrated. I have to admit, it helps a bit.
"I just don't understand... How can we possibly find a guy that's most likely not even real? Maybe he was just messing with us," I mumble melancholically, staring at the ground. "It's hard not to lose hope when things like this happen."
"I know," he whispers, but his words still reach my ears. "I wish we could do more, but I honestly wouldn't know what we can do. There has to be a way to find that guy. I won't believe he's not real, okay? I'll keep searching. So will Cleo. We won't give up before we made you happy, okay? This is what you always wanted, so we will help you."
I stay silent, but get a warm feeling inside as I listen to his words. He pulls me in his arms to comfort me and I hug him back gladly. We stay like that for a minute, and that's when I mark Cleo running towards us before she grabs our hands.
"Come on! You have to see this!" she exclaims, running back to the library. I glance at Dominic, raising an eyebrow and he does the same, but we're pulled into the direction of the library soon. We stumble forward, trying not to fall while she drags us further. We get to the computer within a minute, and both Dominic and I take seat next to Cleo.
"Okay so we only searched for a guy named James Hall, but didn't find anything, right?" Cleo starts her explanation, opening the internet.
We both nod, a bit confused. "Yeah, why?" Dominic questions, sighing slightly.
"Because we did it completely wrong. We don't have to search for only one guy. That guy from earlier said he couldn't tell the names of the ones who can fix you because they're with more than just one, right? I though this could be the same. What I found is not really what I expected, but by thinking like this I actually found something."
She shows us some kind of family tree, and scrolls down to the part where the name James Hall stands. "Meet our guy, James Hall."
Dominic raises an eyebrow as he sees the photo of a kid above Jame's name. "Uh... Sure it's the right guy?" he wonders.
"Affirmative." She grins slightly. "He died at the age of 9, so of course we couldn't find anything, he was still too young. He died in a fight. He could take the gun from the one who attacked him, and shot him, but he died as he got wounded from the fight, stumbled back, and fell into the river behind him. They never found him, but they simply knew he was dead. No one could survive that. The one who attacked James back then was a classmate, he was only a year older," she explains us. "It's quite the weird story."
It's indeed an interesting story. They were still so young, so how could that possibly happen?
She clears her throat to gets our attention again and continues. "But what happened 24 years ago doesn't matter right now, 'cause this," she points to the name next to Jame's, which means they're brothers, "is, like you see, his brother. The point is, maybe we can ask him. He has to know something about his brother."
Dominic nods slowly, gazing at the screen as he talks. "But how did you find all this? I have to admit, I'm impressed. Only a bit though," he mumbles. He's clearly more than a bit impressed, but I see he tries to hide it the best he can. I chuckle slightly before Cleo starts to talk again.
"Well, I looked his brother up and saw he's about 32 now. Then I saw the search results are sorted by time, so I went to the pages which were made around the time they were born. It took a long time though." She sighs deeply before she coninues. "I eventually got to the page where I found the story, which was published in a newspaper," she tells us with a shrug. "Maybe if we find a phone number or an adress, we can talk to his brother and find out why we have to find him, while he's already 24 years dead." She suggest, glancing back at us.
I nod slowly, almost as amazed as Dominic is as we both stare at her. "Alright, let's find out where this guy lives." I stand up slowly and sit down at another computer.
I hear Cleo chuckling, and I smile slightly before rolling my eyes. "You had one smart thought, only one, so don't think you're the smartest here." I grin and I look back at her. She simply rolls her eyes at me before she focuses back on the screen. Then she starts to search for our new guy, and Dominic and I soon do the same.
I find what we need after a few minutes, and turn to Cleo and Dominic with a smile plastered on my face. "Guys, I think I found it," I tell them and take a paper to write the adress down on it. Then I show it to them. "I didn't find a phone number though."
They both shrug. "Google earth it is." Dominic smirks and opens google earth to search the adress. "Neat! It's not that far from here. It's one hour driving with a car, so if we can take a bus or something, it should take about two hours, maybe even less," he tells us as he writes the adress down on a paper and puts it inside his pocket.
I nod but bite my lip when I think about some difficulty. "Alright, but now the only problem is, we don't have any money," I remind them, sighing slightly.
"Well, let's travel by bus illegal then." He grins and jumps up excitedly.
"Eh?" I ask, quite surprised to hear him talking like that. What happened to the straight A-student who never did anything bad? He kinda changed since last year.
"You heard me." He grins widely. "It's probably not that hard anyway, and it's only for once." He gives us a small shrug. "What do you prefer? Walking for a day or do a bad thing for once? We've always been good citizens, so it's really not that big of a deal."
I sigh and shake my head, knowing he's right. And we don't have enough time anyway. "Alright, I'm in. But only for once, okay?" I mumble and he nods, grinning happily. Then he searches on the internet to find which bus we have to take, and when we have to take it. Once he found it, he stands up, and Cleo and I do the same.
"Good! Onwards, my friends." He smirks and turns off our computers before he walks out. Cleo and I follow him, glancing at each other as she raises an eyebrow. I chuckle before looking back in front of me.
I guess she thinks the exact same thing as me. 'What the hell happened to the sweet boy we know?' Not that it's bad though. I grin slightly and continue walking.
Once we walked for a while and finally reached the bus stop, we stop and wait for the bus. After 10 minutes, a lot of people arrived and are waiting as well, so maybe we actually can get on the bus illegal. We finally see the bus coming after another quarter, and we get on it once he opens the doors. We sit down quickly before other people can, and wait.
The bus leaves within two minutes, and we all sigh in relief. Now we only hope they won't come and ask for out tickets.
Cleo gazes around nervously, and both Dominic and I notice it. I almost laugh when I see it, but try to hold back my laugh and don't say anything. Maybe she'll get even more anxious when she notices she actually looks like she did something wrong. I hear Dominic chuckle and nudge him. I notice he tries to stop, but since it's him, it doesn't work that good. Though, Cleo doesn't notice as she's too busy with looking around.
People often glance at us and raise their eyebrows, trying to ignore her. I can't hold back my laugh when I see them, and manage to chuckle instead of bursting into laughter. Luckily, it's silent enough so no one actually hears it. Only Dominic notices, and grins at me. He simply knows why.
Cleo keeps acting nervous the whole freaking time, and people eventually get used to it and don't mind anymore. When we get to our destination after a long 1 hour and 23 minutes, Cleo storms off the bus and waits for us a street farther. Dominic and I walk over to her with a grin.
This girl is unbelievable. Being all tough and cool when she talks, but the first bad thing we do, she turns into a scared little girl who thinks she'll get caught within the first minute. I have to admit, it's quite funny though. Not that I'm laughing at her... No... Not at all... I wouldn't even think about it... Sure.
"Well that was pretty nice," she says with a confirming nod.
I roll my eyes. Wow. "Yeah, you seemed to enjoy it. You didn't seem afraid at all," I answer her sarcastically.
"Yeah I know. I was cool, wasn't I? I was quite scared though, but you didn't notice, right?" she asks, staring at me before looking over at Dominic.
He puts his hands up in defence. "I won't answer that for my own safety, thanks," he replies, a hint of mischief in his voice. Cleo frowns slightly but luckily, she decides to shrug it off. Phew.
"Let's just go find a place to sleep, meany," she mumbles and starts to walk.
Dominic just shrugs and follows her. "So I'm a meany now..." He chuckles. "Alright."
I walk behind them and stay silent, enjoying their conversation way too much to interrupt. Only when I see a motel that doesn't look too expensive, but not too bad as well. I stop and call for the others.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" Dominic asks, looking behind him, at me.
I point at the motel. "We can stay there. It doesn't look expensive so maybe we can stay there in exchange for cleaning rooms or so?
Dominic raises an eyebrow. "You really want to do that? I've heard those rooms are even filthier than you can imagine. I don't want to sleep in it, let alone clean it."
"Well do you have a better idea?!" I growl, crossing my arms. "And for the record, we are not going to do something illegal again, understood?"
He shrugs and turns around to walk away.
God this guy is stubborn!
"Tell me Cynth, what do we have to lose? We have no property nor money, we have literally nothing. Plus, it's only us three, we have no one to disappoint except ourselves. They can catch us for doing bad things, but what does it matter? The chance they actually catch is us miniscule. Now we can finally do what we want, so why not take that chance?"
I frown when I hear him talking like that. At some point, he's right, but it's still not okay to do bad things. We can at least try to work for a place to sleep and for food... It's only normal to do that. It wouldn't be fair not to.
Cleo lays her hand on my shoulder and sighs. "I know it's not good what he's saying and what he wants to do, but you know how stubborn he is. He'll do it anyway, with or without us. Maybe for one night... It won't hurt anyone, right?
It won't hurt anyone... I'm not sure about that.
I sigh and shake my head with a loud groan. "That stupid brat!" I start to walk, annoyed, angry and frustrated, but I follow Dominic anyway.
I grit my teeth and clench my fists as he stops in front of a hotel that looks somewhat luxurious, but not too much. It's an old building with antique furniture, but it looks chique.
"Alright." Dominic smirks and walks in, past the reception and to the staircase like he already has a room. We follow him, trying not to look suspicious as we do so.
"How are you even planning to do this? You're disturbed, really," I growl.
"Calm down. At least you'll sleep safe and sound in a nice bed. You'll be fine," he tries to soothe me, but he's so wrong if he thinks it works.
"You have a hair clip?" he asks, glancing at me and then at Cleo. "Eh. You don't." He sighs and looks around. "Plan B it is."
I immediately know what he wants to do with a hair clip when I see the locks are probably as old as the furniture. It would be easy to pick them.
I watch him as he walks towards a woman who's talking to a man. He's probably her husband, looking at the way they talk to each other. They're dressed like the rich would, what they probably are.
The woman is dressed in a red, shiny dress which fits around her body perfectly, while the man wears a black suit, shining as well. The tie is bright red, just like the woman's dress. Also their shoes are matching, the man wears pitch black shoes while the woman wears black pumps. Even their jewelry fits together. While the woman wears golder earrings and golden bracelets, the man wears a golden watch.
Literally everything they wear looks expensive, even their beautiful coiffures. The man's hear is plain, but the woman's is wonderful. Her shiny brown hair is hold together in a dot with many black hair clips- Wait.... He wouldn't do that, right? No. Nono please not.
I peek behind the corner to see everything, hoping the man and woman won't see me.
I watch, my eyes widening as Dominic bumps into the woman. They both fall on the ground, and Dominic stands up first. He offers her his hand and helps her up with an apologizing smile. "I'm sorry ma'am," he mutters.
"Oh no, it's okay," she answers him with a small smile. "Just watch out, alright? There are some scary guys around here who would make a problem from this."
He nods quickly. "Of course. Sorry again, I should be going." He walks off and towards us.
As soon as he gets here, I slap him as hard as I can, leaving a red mark on his cheek. He flinches and backs off. "What was that for?!" he exclaims, touching his red cheek with his fingers softly.
"You're horrible! You can't just do that!" I yell, not caring if the man and woman can hear us or not. He went too far.
Cleo stays silent as she watches us, furrowing her eyebrows.
He simply rolls his eyes. "I can and I did. Now stop whining and pick out a room."
I stare it him in shock, with both anger and disappointment in my eyes. "No," I reply sternly and with a harsh voice. "You can do that, but I'm gonna go to the reception, ask if I can get a room and offer my help in exchange. At least I have te decency to do that."
I clench my fists and turn my back to him, trying to calm down. He might be my friend, but he went too far. Even by entering this hotel with the idea of staying here without paying he already went too far. This guy doesn't know his limits, but I do.
I walk away in silence, and for a brief moment, everything is silent. I breath in and out over and over again until I'm finally calm enough to fake a smile. Only when I succeed in doing that, I step to the reception.
"Hello miss, what can I do for you?" The guy asks me friendly.
"I'd like to take a room, but to be honest, I have no money. Is there a chance I could do something in exchange to sleep in a room here? Or do you know a hotel or motel where I'm able to do that?" I ask him, slightly nervous.
His smile becomes softer. "I can ask the manager. He's a friendly man so I think we can arrange something," he tells me.
I nod quickly and smile thankfully. "Thank you, sir."
He nods and walks out. I wait for five minutes before he comes back with a key. "He's willingly to let you sleep in one of our less luxurious rooms if you can serve breakfast in the morning. You can eat as well when every guest is done."
I smile brighter. "Yes! Of course! Thank you so much. But... I have two friends who need to sleep as well, so maybe they can sleep in that room as well and get food? They can work too," I suggest. I can't help it. I just have to take care of him, even if he acts like that.
He nods. "The room has one big bed and I can tell the personnel to place another bed. Is that okay?"
"Yeah that's okay." I'll just sleep with Cleo and Dominic can sleep in one of those rickety beds. Sounds just perfect.
"Alright. Please come here at 6:30 am to start working. You'll be done at 10 am." He explains.
"Okay, we'll be there. Thank you so much!"
He gives me a small nod and I'm about to run upstairs when I see Cleo sitting in one of the chairs. I walk over to her, confused.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I question and she glances at me.
"Oh, we decided to come downstairs. Dominic is somewhere outside, if you wondered where he is."
"Oh," I mumble and look at the door.
"I think he knows you're right... He's just angry. Dunno if he's angry with you or with himself though," she tells me, shrugging. "I think he just enjoyed the feeling of being free a bit too much."
I nod and sigh deeply. "Yeah I guess so." I hand her the key after looking at the number. 12, okay, I have to remember that. "I was able to get a room. You can go ahead, I'm gonna talk to Dominic for a bit."
"Alright." She nods understandingly. "I'll see you guys later." She stands up and walks off. I turn to the door and take a breath before I walk out, starting to search for Dominic.
Hi guys, I hope you liked this chapter.
I thought this book needed a bit more
depth regarding the character's personalities, so I hope this chapter showed their
personalities a bit.
Don't forget to leave a thought or a vote! I'd like to know what you guys think.
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