Chapter 23
^hohohoho! Sungy and Sae with natural hair colors
"It's alright, I guess. You never knew... We thought they were dead, or Elizabeth..." Jaehee trailed off, heart pounding. Saeran and Yoosung were curled on the concrete floor of the dungeon, holding hands, sleeping while separated by the metal bars. Jaehee felt tears on her cheeks as her broken king and queen lay together.
"Jaehee?" A low, foggy voice. Saeran's eyes blinked slow wonders at her.
"Saeran, boss, it's me," Jaehee cred out, and MC unlocked Saeran's cell door quickly, letting her inside. Jaehee rushed forward and threw her arms around Saeran, hugging him tightly.
"Jaehee." Saeran's voice was tight, relieved, happy.
"I'm so sorry, Saeran. After Yoosung... You disappeared. I- I- I thought you- I didn't even know that-"
"Jaehee, please. Just tell me what happened."
"Boss, we won. After Yoosung- We won. Jumin is in a guarded private cell... We've been organizing for the past three months, trying to get everyone into a state of calm. News from the fortress is good, they're doing well... Emille went back to be with Aubin, but everyone else who originally came has stayed, and we're giving everyone rooms in the castle. It's so big, Saeran, really, I never knew."
"Who's in charge?"
A light flush flooded Jaehee's cheeks s she looked back at MC, who was smiling, "I... I am, boss."
Saeran grinned, "You're a queen yourself, J. No wonder you're so dressed up."
Jaehee glanced down at her wool dress, black with sleeves. It felt weird, so unlike her normal leggings and tanks. Instead of saying this, she just smiled.
"It's good to see you, boss."
When Yoosung woke up, he almost cried from his sole eyes upon seeing Jaehee, who became even more flustered.
"Yoosung! Your eye!" Jaehee cried out, and hugged him tightly.
"It's okay, it's okay, I promise."
After Jaehee's inspection, Yoosung burst over to Saeran and threw his arms around him, barely holding each other up with fragile legs.
"I'll call the citizens," Jaehee said faintly, "And tell Cylus and Vanderwood to come help you get cleaned up..."
Yoosung and Saeran's muscles were weak, so weak that they had to be helped up the stairs by Cylus and Vanderwood, but Saeran was confident that they'd regain their strength soon. Sometimes, the two had even tried doing push-ups and whatnot in the cells to pass time, but it was hard in the warm, musty air, and they both ended up coughing and rolling to the floor after a few minutes.
The two were taken down several flights of spiral staircases, past grand rooms and long hallways of private quarters, to the level above the boiler room, where big, smooth, metal tubs were already being pumped with water.
Yoosung stripped quickly from the rags and slid into the heated water, sighing in relief and relaxation. Saeran climbed into the tub next to him.
They told their individual stories to Vanderwood and Cylus, who were now appointed as actual staff at the castle. The couple and Cylus were growing smiles again like flowers, and even Vanderwood couldn't help grinning at Saeran, his best friend, as he fit the pieces in his mind that his leader was actually back.
"Does it count as treason to her own kingdom when Jaehee called you boss?" Cylus wondered loudly, and Yoosung ducked under the water to keep from bursting out laughing, closing his good eye while trying to open the other. It hurt more than he could say, but it also caused a strange feeling in his head. Yoosung blew bubbles out of his nose and slicked his hair back as he rose to the surface, wiping water from his eyes.
"Yoosung, we need to get that eye fixed," Vanderwood said calmly, walking towards Yoosung.
When Yoosung showed the damage, Vanderwood sucked in a breath through clenched teeth and Cylus looked away.
Yoosung's stomach began to churn and he looked to Saeran. Was he that much more unattractive now?
Vanderwood described what Yoosung would have to do to keep it uninfected, and Yoosung hid his hands under the surface of the water to prevent Vanderwood to notice how much he was shaking. The ripples made it obvious though.
"It'll be okay, Yoosung, I'm sure." Cylus piped up, and Saeran nodded.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay.
The roar of the crowds outside the castle made Yoosung's heart leap. Jaehee lead the two Cold leaders down a long hallway that ended in light, another thing Yoosung had missed. Even if it wasn't from the sun, it was much better than the damp and dark space of the dungeon.
Saeran was holding Yoosung's smaller hand in his own, trying to reassure the younger man, who was obviously nervous.
They were dressed in new clothes, Saeran in a white button-up, Yoosung in a soft blue, both wearing black jeans. Saeran had rolled the sleeves of his shirt up, and undid a few of the top buttons, but Yoosung had rolled his eyes at that and kept his own shirt nice and professional, even after Saeran had pushed him against a wall when they were changing (alone, of course) and tried to unbutton him then.
Yoosung had definitely missed Saeran's lips. They had joked about how hard it had been to be together through the tightly-spaced bars of the cells. But now they were together, actually. Yoosung didn't care if he sounded clingy; he never wanted to leave Saeran's side again. He could only imagine the torment that Saeran had felt, alone. He wanted to make sure that Saeran was never unhappy again...
Shaking his head to clear it, Yoosung looked forward and forced a smile as he and Saeran stepped out onto the balcony, looking down at the thousands of people who stood below them. The noise of their cheers swelled, and Yoosung looked to Saeran, who was grinning.
Saeran made a speech, Yoosung said some words, and then they were whisked off to planning with Jaehee, who showed them her plans for invading Calida, which made Yoosung's hopes plummet when he thought of V...
Jaehee's plans were to leave soon, actually. She had been meaning to leave with the Cold that was in Aithne, and about one hundred recruits from Aithne in a few weeks, but she and Saeran agreed that the sooner they left, the better. They planned on leaving in three days, and were so caught up with plans that they didn't notice Yoosung slip out of the room, head hurting and aching to move around.
He walked the familiar halls of the castle, frowning at the plain brick walls and monochrome. Somehow, he found himself unconsciously making his way towards the Court Adviser's room, half of him doubting that his old boss would be there, the other half hoping he was.
He pushed the curtains aside cautiously and peeked into the room, and his eyes widened at the sight of his ex-boss, who now sat in front of a loom, colorful fabric leaking out as he worked in silence.
"Mr. Elias," Yoosung breathed, and the hunched old man froze, knobby fingers stopping over the shuttle of his loom.
He turned on his stool to face Yoosung. His eyes went wide briefly, but then settled back into place in second as he struggled to his feet and walked over to Yoosung, back arched.
Elias clasped hands with Yoosung, and squeezed tightly, eyes wandering over Yoosung's face.
"Friend. When back?" He signed slowly.
Yoosung smiled, "I went on an adventure."
Elias's eyes lit up and he grinned with yellow teeth. He made his way over to his couch, plopped down, and gestured for Yoosung to sit across from him on a bench.
Elias's eyes were deep when Yoosung finished, hands sore from the movement, headache remaining from straining to remember all the signs.
The sound of a gong echoed through the chutes that deposited in each room.
"You should leave. Business." Elias smiled encouragingly.
"Will you be okay?"
"Doubt they know I am here."
Yoosung laughed softly and smiled back, getting up. He waved at his old instructor and walked back up to the dining hall, reminding himself that Elias had his own supplies of vegetables and herbs that he used to make soups for himself, as well as going up to the kitchens daily for other things.
The group of Cold members, as well as many Aithne citizens sat on long benches by tables, chatting and laughing. Saeran, Vanderwood, Jaehee, and Cylus sat around the head of one of the tables, laughing and eating already. Many Cold members ran up to Yoosung as he made his way down to Saeran, welcoming him back and shaking hands.
Saeran made room for Yoosung and boldly placed a hand dangerously close to Yoosung's crotch when he sat down, making Yoosung's cheeks turn as red as the tomato soup that they were eating.
"Will you be okay when we go to Calida?" Saeran asked quietly, randomly, as Yoosung changed out of his clothes.
"I'm not sure," he replied truthfully, looking over his shoulder at Saeran, who was laying on the bed that they now shared in their new room, with windows that overlooked the East District.
"I'll be there, so don't be afraid," Saeran said nonchalantly, but he felt his biceps twitch at the thought of punching that V guy in the face for hurting Yoosung so much. He smirked to himself, but immediately shut down the thought, knowing that Yoosung wouldn't approve.
Yoosung hummed a response and slipped into the bed with boxers on. It was a lot warmer here than at the Cold fortress, but the two clung to each other anyways, skin sticky from sweat, the blankets thrown off them.
"I missed being able to do this," Saeran said, running his fingers through Yoosung's soft hair. Yoosung nodded into his boyfriend's chest and pulled himself closer to the warmth.
"I feel like an outsider now, to my own friends and family. I'm..."
"A stranger?" Yoosung knew the feeling.
"It'll be okay." He felt like he kept hearing that, kept repeating it.
"What do we do after Calida, Yoosung?" Saeran rubbed Yoosung's back, tracing his name in the smooth skin.
"Dunno," Yoosung murmured, "Don't worry about it now; we'll stress when we get there."
Saeran grinned, "Yeah, yeah. Go in blindly then?"
"Yep," Yoosung giggled.
"You're too weird... G'night, little snowflake," Saeran teased, kissing Yoosung's nose.
"-the hell?" Yoosung didn't actually mind the nickname that much.
Safe again, in Saeran's warm arms, in his old home, it wasn't that hard to fall asleep.
Saeran woke up horny. Yoosung's heavy breathing didn't help either. The heat lamps were on outside their window, providing morning to Aithne, but Saeran was still exhausted. From the dim light, he noticed a sheen of sweat over Yoosung's face.
Fuck, it was hot. Saeran groaned and rubbed his eyes, frowning. What he'd do to feel some snow right now. He wasn't used to this hot humidity that followed you everywhere.
Saeran nuzzled Yoosung's neck, sweeping his tongue over the soft skin. Saeran slowly licked up the side of Yoosung's face. The salty taste of sweat left a sour, let sweet burn on his tongue.
Saeran pulled back and bit his lip, then brought a clammy hand to Yoosung's forehead. It was hot. Too hot. He pulled himself up to kneel by his still-sleeping Yoosung, and pressed his hand to the pale skin again. Yoosung's temperature had always been pretty weird, Saeran knew this, but this was warmer than usual.
Saeran got up, then walked to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth. He was worried. Saeran pressed the cloth to Yoosung's face as the boy began to stir.
"Mgh... Saeran?"
"Are you feeling okay?"
Yoosung squinted, looking up at Saeran, who's eyebrows were knitted together in concern, an expression that Yoosung had almost never seen before.
Yoosung sat up, but then started coughing violently.
"Yoosung?!" Saeran sat next to him, helpless.
Yoosung coughed for a few more minutes, then lay back, eyes watering.
"You're very warm," Saeran muttered, and stood up, crossing over to Yoosung's side of the bed.
"Saeran, what are you-?"
Saeran hefted Yoosung up into his arms, and Yoosung clung to his neck, coughing again.
"Where-" He was interrupted by another coughing fit.
"Vanderwood," Saeran replied shortly, "You're sick."
"Am not," Yoosung protested.
Vanderwood was already up, of course. The infirmary here was a lot larger than the one at the Cold fortress, but it held a lot fewer patients. Saeran guessed it was because the citizens of Aithne did a lot less risky and dangerous things than the Cold members did.
Vanderwood looked up when Saeran entered, and rolled his eyes.
"Well if it isn't my favorite long-lost couple, what it is?" His voice was still foggy and gravely from sleep.
"He thinks I'm sick," Yoosung pointed to Saeran, who was still holding him.
"You are- He IS sick," Saeran spluttered, and walked to one of the beds, promptly depositing Yoosung on the sheets, gently.
"What's up?" Vanderwood set aside his book.
"He's coughing."
Vanderwood looked at Saeran and raised an eyebrow, "We all cough, smart one."
"But-" Saeran's protests were cut off by Yoosung, who's lung conveniently seemed to want to exit his body via windpipe. It was a solid two minutes before Yoosung's fit stopped, and he sat back against the pillow of the bed, catching his breath.
"Sorry buddy, I gotta side with Saeran on this one. You're sick."
"Fucking fabulous."
Saeran and Jaehee walked slowly down several flights of stairs that lead to the private cell chamber, where Jumin was being held.
"Do we really need him?" Saeran asked quietly, frowning.
"You know as well as I do that Rika won't see us if we go without him. She'll attack. I know you hate him, so do I, but the mission is pointless without him."
"Can I strangle him afterword?"
"Be my guest," Jaehee laughed as she held up the ring of keys she had been carrying. They were nearing a large, rusting metal door, with a cut-out window that had metal bars crossing it. Jaehee hesitantly unlocked the door and stood back as it swung open to reveal a small room.
There was a small mat in the corner, a small, deep hole in the corner, which Saeran could only assume was a makeshift toilet, and an empty plate placed haphazardly on the floor.
Jumin Han, in all his stuck-up, disgusting, narcissistic glory, was sitting cross-legged on the floor, picking at a loose thread on his robe. He looked up in dull surprise when the door opened, but his face fell into one of disgust when he saw Jaehee.
"You," he sneered, and stood, not advancing towards her. Saeran stepped out from behind Jaehee, and Jumin's face flashed fear.
"Jumin." Saeran growled, eyes dark.
"Scum," Jumin countered, trying to act relaxed and calm. Saeran's bicep twitched.
"Watch your tongue, Mr. Han. You're my prisoner after all."
"Bottom-feeders," Jumin taunted, and grinned at Saeran's testy attitude.
"We're going to Calida in a few days. You'll be coming with us," Jaehee informed the previous emperor.
"And what makes you think I'll comply?" He replied saucily, then smirking, "Why do you need me?"
"Jaehee don't tell him," Saeran warned, but Jaehee glanced at him sideways and flicked an eyebrow.
"Rika won't attack when she sees we have you."
Jumin barked a laugh. "Rika! Rika wouldn't care if I died. She's colder than your little resistance, darling, with a strategy too. She'll rip you to shreds."
"It'll be a good thing that you're coming then," Saeran muttered darkly.
"You're coming, and you'll cooperate, Mr. Han. We leave in two days."
"Rest up!" Saeran sang sweetly, and Jumin scowled at him as Jaehee closed the door.
The next day, Yoosung wasn't any better.
"Fucking HELL!" Yoosung was training with Saeran in an empty banquet room, trying to gain back some strength.
"13 more, darling!" Saeran yelled, and did another push-up. Yoosung's elbows shook as he extended his arms, breathing heavily.
"Saeran, I'm fucking sick. This is torture."
"No, you're fucking moody," Saeran corrected, "C'mon, we're four months behind."
"I'm not gonna look like Dax after two days of push-ups. That's why we're in the back line."
"The back line can suck my ass!"
"Fuck you!"
When they finished, Yoosung rolled onto his back, coughing. Saeran felt a twitch of guilt for making his work so hard, but this was good for them. Saeran crawled over and hovered above him on hands and knees, smiling.
"Good job."
"You're mean," Yoosung pouted, but stopped himself before kissing Saeran on the lips.
"Why'd you stop?"
"You could get sick too."
"Like I care?"
Yoosung looked away, "You should, considering how much you care for me."
Saeran sighed and stood, then helping Yoosung up too, whose arms were still shaking.
Yoosung was in the infirmary, reading, with Vanderwood, when he started coughing again. This time it hurt. It fucking burned his throat as he wheezed for breath, and then there was blood on his sleeve, and Vanderwood was there, a hand on his back, trying to help. And then, just like that, it stopped. Yoosung wiped a fleck of red from the side of his mouth.
"This isn't good-"
"Don't tell Saeran. He won't let me go to Calida."
"Why the fuck do you need to go there so badly? You're sick, even you know, and it'll only exhaust you and make you drag the group down."
"I'll get better," Yoosung said determinedly.
"You leave tomorrow. You're hurting yourself by this. Your fever has barely gone down."
"I feel fine," Yoosung lied. I need to see V, with my own eyes, and ask him why.
There was a sudden knock on the door. Yoosung and Vanderwood looked up as a boy entered.
"Holy shit," Vanderwood murmured, eyes wide.
The young man was tall, fit, with scarlet hair. His skin was pale and a set of glasses framed his golden amber eyes. His face held the kind of expression that made you wonder if he was about to crack a joke or tell you a heartfelt story.
One thing was certain though. This was Saeran's twin
hehehehehe sorry this took so long, I've been writing and transferring it for a while, not to mention how hella busy I am because of the end of school lol. 25 out soon! wow, btw, 3069 words ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) (im such a kid pls forgive)
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