Chapter 20
5 days later, Yoosung was back to training with Saeran. It was late afternoon, and some other Cold members were with them in the Training room, sorting out weapons, trying out new blades and swords.
Saeran and Yoosung didn't talk as they lashed out, holding focus to themselves.
Block, throw, block-block, throw, duck, block, kick, punch-punch.
Saeran overextended in a punch as Yoosung dodged, and Yoosung took the moment to grab Saeran's wrist and pull him towards the blonde, then flipping them and landing on top of Saeran on the ground, pinning him.
Laughing, Yoosung relaxed his stance and lay on top of Saeran briefly, eyes bright.
"I beat you," he teased, and Saeran rolled his eyes. Yoosung crawled off Saeran and stood, then helping the leader to his feet. As he began to walk away to grab some boxing gloves, Saeran laughed under his breath.
"I let you do that."
Yoosung swiftly turned and aimed a sharp fist directly at Saeran's face, but of course, Saeran caught his wrist without a flinch, and smirked, winking.
"You're insufferable!"
"You love me."
Yoosun flopped down on the couch, muscles aching. Saeran had been tough on him today, and he had carried boxes of supplies from the storage rooms into the kitchen for 2 hours, so his arms were weak.
His side stab was a scab now, long, thin, and weird looking.
Hearing footsteps from the study, Yoosung looked up, gazing at Saeran as he walked into the room. The leader looked tired, tense. Yoosung got up from the couch.
As Saeran stood by his bookshelf, organizing papers, Yoosung came up behind him and put his hands on Saeran's shoulders, massaging the muscled tissue. Saeran let out a low breath and leaned back into Yoosung's hands, eyes closed.
"Saeran... what's wrong?"
His boyfriend was silent for a second.
"It's really hard... not to just take you right here."
"Take- Oh." Yoosung understood what he meant. He looked down at the floor. Would this be a good time to tell Saeran he was a virgin?
"Saeran..." Yoosung trailed off, not sure what to say to him.
"I don't want you to ever leave my side, Yoosung," Saeran murmured softly, turning around to face him.
Yoosung looked up at him with innocent eyes.
"Then give me reasons to stay."
That's all Saeran needed. He grabbed the back of Yoosung's neck and pulled their lips together, Yoosungs gasp getting lost in Saeran lips.
Saeran backed blindly onto the bed and pulled Yoosung onto the soft blankets.
And in those moments, they were just teenagers again, free from the normal constraints of life, just impulsive kids without the weight of the world on their shoulders. They weren't leaders who had the lives of hundreds of people held delicately in their hands. They were free and reckless, and they loved it.
Saeran pushed Yoosung under the stream of water, rubbing soap along his body, watching him close his eyes in bliss. He washed Yoosung's hair for good measure, and then his own, and the two stood in the shower for several minutes, Yoosung leaning against Saeran's chest, Saeran's arms around him.
"I'm gonna go change the sheets," Saeran murmured, kissing Yoosung's ear.
Nodding, Yoosung stayed in the steaming shower, standing under the spray, remembering the bliss.
He stepped out of the shower shortly, and rubbed the fog off the mirror, looking at himself in the surface, his hair brown as it was wet, purple eyes, small mouth, small lips. He smiled slightly, then stepped outside, undressed.
Saeran was pulling sheets over the bed, and he glanced up at Yoosung, a blush dusting his otherwise calm features. Yoosung padded over to the dresser and pulled on sweatpants, then settled with Saeran under the fresh sheets, facing each other.
Saeran placed a hand on Yoosung's cheek and smiled slightly.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Yoosung woke to the warmth of Saeran next to him, stroking his bare back with soft fingertips.
"You're awake before me?" Yoosung mumbled.
Saeran laughed softly. "I guess so." His morning voice sent shivers down Yoosung's spine.
"Did you sleep well?" Saeran asked, pulling Yoosung closer to him.
"Hmmm," Yoosung hummed, nodding in response, reaching up to cup Saeran's face with his hands. Saeran reached down slightly to kiss Yoosung softly, holding him protectively.
"I had a dream about us," Saeran said when they broke apart.
"Oh?" Yoosung closed his eyes and leaned against Saeran's warm chest.
"Did you ever learn about the ocean?" Yoosung shook his head, thinking back to his school lessons.
"It's supposed to be a big surface of deep water that moves in waves. It's warm there, with ground called sand instead of snow and ice. You go swimming, for fun. And you know fish? They live in the ocean too."
Yoosung tried to imagine it, but clouds and white snow kept digging his vision.
"Sounds nice," he said sadly.
"Let's go to the ocean, when this is all over, okay?"
Yoosung smiled, "Yeah."
Yoosung and Saeran walked into the main hall together, and today everyone was calmer, not paying as much attention to the couple, which was a relief to Yoosung.
As Yoosung sat down next to Cylus, he hissed in pain; his ass hurt like hell. Jaehee caught on and gave Yoosung a curious glance, smirking. Cylus didn't notice, but Yoosung blushed and nodded slightly at Jaehee, who nearly spat out her coffee, sputtering. Her cheeks struck a deep red as she processed the fact that Saeran and Yoosung had had sex the previous night. Yoosung buried his head in his hands in embarrassment.
Saeran had a hopeful, determined look on his face when he raised his hand for silence in the hall.
"Today is the last day of preparation," he announced. "Tomorrow, all who are physically capable, and who don't have a family here, are asked to accompany me on the quest we have been preparing for, for over a decade. To all that will not be joining us, Emile will be in charge. Tomorrow morning, we'll all meet outside by the main door at sunrise. Please be packed and prepared with the bare necessities. Vanderwood and I will inform you of the full plan tomorrow. Please work hard today, I'll try to come see all of you for final instructions. Dismissed."
"PARTY!" Jaehee yelled, and the Cold began to flood towards the door leading outside, the huge bonfire already roaring to the open night sky, the stars pinpricks of crystal light.
The night was warmer than usual, and melted snow dripped off the roof. It was after dinner, and Saeran had given into Jaehee's pleas for a celebration, sending people to the wine cellar while assigning Vanderwood to watch that no one got drunk.
The group was singing, and someone was drumming on an empty wine barrel, creating a dancing beat, and Saeran began to lose his worried voice as Yoosung pulled him in to dance that neither of them knew.
They crowed to the sky, voices rocketing to what felt like the moon, laughter and happiness ricocheting off each member. Yoosung climbed on top of a wooden crate and waved his hands for silence.
"Let's have a speech!" Someone yelled.
"I have something to say, yes." His eyes skated over the crowd, of all ages, of all personalities, of all shapes, of all talents. "When I arrived here, I was welcomed with open arms. I felt like a guest. But now, I've lost track of how much time I've spent here, with you, and I know I'm no longer a stranger. I hope you accept me... when I say that I'm part of the Cold now." There were many cheers that warmed Yoosung's heart.
"You're all so different, and so unique... and I think that's why I love you so much. Thank you... for teaching me," he looked at Vanderwood and Jaehee, "for accepting me," he found Emille and Cylus, "and for letting me into your hearts." he looked at Saeran, who was genuinely smiling. "I will remain your ally, and your friend, on this side of the wall, and help us to get our kingdoms back, even if it kills me." Applause, cheers, smiles. It enveloped Yoosung as he hopped off the crate and flung himself into Saeran's arms, hugging him tightly.
"I love you," Yoosung said fiercely.
"I love you too."
"Alright guys, let's head in! Need our sleep for tomorrow." The Cold began stepping back through the door that lead back inside the fortress.
"I'll meet you in your room," Yoosung told Saeran as he slipped inside with Vanderwood, going to check on the patients.
"Big day tomorrow," Vanderwood said shakily, and Yoosung glanced at him from the corner of his eye.
"Vanderwood, are you... nervous?"
Vanderwood scowled at him, "You're crazy if you're not, kid."
"This isn't a safe mission, Yoosung. It's not going to be anywhere near easy. People could die."
"Yeah, but we've been training-"
"You think that's anything like real fighting? A person could train for years and still lose as soon as he steps into a real battle."
Yoosung looked down, ashamed.
"Hey," Vanderwood said after a few minutes of changing bandages and cleaning the infirmary, "It's just my nerves. I'm sorry."
Yoosung shook his head and smiled, "I should be thanking you right now."
"Putting up with me, teaching me, not being an ass."
"Don't get fucking emotional," Vanderwood scolded, but he was smiling. Yoosung finished putting away the antibiotics and walked over to his teacher, reaching out a hand. Vanderwood looked at it blankly for a second, then swatted it away and pulled Yoosung in for a quick hug.
"Vanderwood, ya big sap," Yoosung cooed.
"Shut the fuck up," the doctor said and pushed Yoosung out the door, "Go see your boyfriend."
"Will do!" Yoosung called cheerily, and waved goodbye.
"I don't want you coming tomorrow."
Saeran and Yoosung were sitting together on the couch, looking over plans for last minute details.
"What? Why?" Yoosung frowned at Saeran, almost hurt.
"I don't want to lose you." Saeran wasn't meeting Yoosung's eyes, eyebrows shoved together.
"Saeran, I'm not gonna stay here and wait, with no idea if you're alive!" Yoosung said loudly.
"I'm not gonna die," Saeran muttered.
"You don't know that."
"What would I do if you died? It would be my fault, Yoosung."
"No, it would be my fault if I let your dumb ass go without me."
"Yoosung, please." Saeran leaned over and kissed Yoosung's warm forehead, begging him to stay safe.
"I'm coming," the blonde said stubbornly.
"Okay, okay," Saeran gave in, and pulled Yoosung to his chest, picking him up.
They fell into bed together, holding hands, holding hearts, knowing that this could be their last night together, laying side-by-side.
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