Chapter 3: A Clandestine Intention
A/N: *Cackles insanely* I already know what you guys are thinking, 'She already updated the new chapter?! That's fast! Yup, call me a mind reader, you could say I'm a psyche *wink wonk*
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!
"Lady Hiruda, His Majesty wishes to speak with you." The young girl was interrupted from her rumination at the sight of one of the royal guards who stood outside the tent, holding up one of its unzipped flaps.
Hiruda failed to hide her annoyance, her features fixed into a frown. Socializing with the higher-ups is the least task she'd consider taking on, despite being the daughter of nobility herself. As an introvert, hell was basically the definition of social interaction. The feeling of suffocating under a tense atmospheric place and executing good manners like a prim and proper princess as a requirement, she hated it all. She'd rather lock herself up inside her room and read books all day.
She rose from her Indian style sitting position, hugging the white winter coat close to her small frame. The young girl nodded. "I'll be there right away."
The snow blizzard had ceased after an hour, much to Hiruda's relief. Her tiny feet dipped under the deep snow with each step as she followed after the royal guard, the gentle breeze blowing against her dark bangs. A puff of smoke would escape from her lips in every exhale as she tucked her shivering hands into the coat pockets.
Her nose scrunched up at the itchy sensation as she rubbed it against her sleeve, that was until she lets out a loud, violent sneeze. She blushed, wishing she could run back to the General's tent as the royal guard stopped in his tracks. If Hiruda had to reveal her most humiliating habit in a life-death situation, then it's the way she sneezes like an old hag. The etiquette of the Rakurai clan displeased her. The taxing daily rehearsals makes her brain ooze out of her ears as a broken mantra would chant in her mind, "Please let this end already."
"Are you alright, milady?" The guard asked.
Hiruda was glad he was wearing a helmet and a mask, otherwise she wouldn't be able to handle his piercing gaze. "Yes, just feeling a little cold."
Two more royal guards stood on each side of the Iron Feudal Lord's tent, unbothered by the freezing climate. Hiruda took note to never take that job when the time comes.
The venerable elderly sat in a kneeling position on top of his sleeping bag, hands on his lap. Itsuki Akiyama was his name, but was addressed formally by the villagers and samurais in the Land of Iron. Gray streaks adorned his long black hair and wrinkles were noticeable on his face. He wore an army green haori over a gray yukata and a black hat shaped like a bell with a strap under his chin. His eyebrows were furrowed, deep in thought. Upon sensing the young girl's arrival, he looked up.
He smiled. "Ah, is my winter coat warming you up somehow? I do remember that you're prone to illness due to the cold weather."
Hiruda greeted him with a bow. "I thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty."
The Feudal Lord patted an empty spot across from him. "Please take a seat. I'd like to have a chat with you, Lady Hiruda."
She complied, folding her legs underneath her thighs and rested her buttocks on her heels. The old man then fished out certain items from behind his back that made Hiruda gasp.
It was her birthday present from her grandparents.
"General Mifune told me to give this to you. I guess that even in the darkest times of our lives, just the littlest things can serve as our source of alleviation. Happy birthday, Lady Hiruda." He said genuinely.
Tears blurred her vision as she retrieved them with trembling hands, clutching the present close to her chest. "Thank you."
Hiruda then gently pulled at the black ribbons before tearing the white paper apart. Hot tears had cascaded down to her cheeks before she knew it as she caressed the wool fabric of the purple cloak. A folded paper tucked under a metal button on the collar caught her attention. Wiping her tears away, she fumbled with the note.
To our little warrioress,
Happy 12th birthday, Hiruda. I remember when you were still so tiny and fragile that we fear that becoming a samurai might be too much for you. We were so close to having you quit the Academy when we found out about your weak immune system. But as your grandpa and I watch you grow, I could see that spark in your eyes whenever your parents would give you kenjutsu lessons in the dojo. You were always ecstatic and thrilled about training, and the look in your eyes proved that you had inherited your father's genes; determination and the will to never give up.
Tomorrow is finally your graduation exam to become an ensign, and we believe that you'll graduate with flying colors, not just because you are a member of the Rakurai clan, but also because you are a strong-willed and smart girl. I know that there are times where you think that you're not good enough, or you don't deserve to become the next heiress. But I think it may be because you are too blind and clueless of what you are capable of. Don't get me wrong, even if your grandpa and I are getting old, no one can say otherwise of what we perceive.
Always remember to follow your heart and believe in yourself. Mark our words in your heart and one day, you will bear the entitlement, the strongest samurai.
And of course, never forget that we love you very much from the bottom of our hearts. May the will of iron be with you.
Grandma & Grandpa
At this point, drops of liquid had stained the handwritten letter as Hiruda hung her head down, loud, broken sobs and hiccups escaping from her lips. It was pointless to hold back her tears as they kept coming out like a waterfall. Her shoulders trembled as she released all her pent-up emotions, her face now wet and sticky but she couldn't care less.
Mifune had told her about the news, how her grandparents, relatives, and cousins were brutally murdered by the Leaf assailants before the samurais could save them. Her whole family was dead, not a single trace found in her household. Her mind was a jumbled mess, unable to figure out Danzo's motive and his absolute cruel nature. She wondered why a human being with such impurity and wickedness in his heart even exists in this world.
The Itsuki reached out to grasp one of her hands, his warmth somehow comforting her. "I'm really sorry for your loss, Lady Hiruda. I really am." He uttered soothingly.
The young girl spared him a glance, her eyes red and puffy. "I-It's fine... I just..." Her involuntary breathing did a toll on her lungs as she found herself gasping for breath and releasing a series of hiccups.
The old man shushed her softly. "You don't have to say anything. Just let it all out."
As the young girl continues mourning over the loss of her family, the Feudal Lord revealed another item on his hands. It was a vintage silver-plated trinket box. Hiruda's eyes widened in realization when he opened it, displaying a beautiful amethyst crystal, a black rope chain attached on its sharp point. The glimmer of the purple rarity matched the awe found in the young girl's eyes.
"Mifune managed to find the heirloom of your family before your entire house got engulfed by flames. You should thank him once he comes back." The Feudal Lord said.
Hiruda placed the small box on top of her lap, admiring the finest possession of her clan. When she was little, she had always wanted to wear the precious pendant. However, the accessory was too long for her and she remembered her parents' advice about wearing it on her sixteenth birthday once she becomes the heiress.
She traced the smooth texture of the crystal, a determined glint reflecting in her eyes.
"It's just like what you said, grandma and grandpa. I will follow whatever my heart says, and that is to avenge the death of my family."
Kurenai shivered as she leaped from the top of the front gates belonging to the Mist. The village gave off a haunted and abandoned vibe with the absence of city lights. The eerie silence made her reconsider about entering further into the small town. She sauntered cautiously, scrutinizing the surroundings. Although, discerning through the thick mist proved to be impossible.
"Urushi, you take the lead." She commanded the ninja hound beside her.
Urushi has white and light-brown fur, along with long spiky tufts of hair on his head. His eyes had a triangular shape which made him seem like he was angry all the time. As he is one of Kakashi's summoned hounds, he sported a standard blue vest with the heno-heno-moheji seal and a Leaf forehead protector around his neck.
"On it." He responded, sniffing the air before ambling ahead. "This way."
A few infrastructures came into view as Kurenai walked deeper into the village. Unlike the rectangular buildings in the Leaf, the Mist's architecture is composed of several cylindrical buildings. She noticed how most of them have vegetation growing on their roofs.
She hugged herself, shivering at the cold climate. Despite the lack of air currents, the atmosphere is enough to make someone's teeth chatter. Kurenai made sure to stay alert as an enemy would usually appear at the precipitated moment. Her hand was tucked into her weapon pouch, gripping onto the handle of her kunai. Her eyes were already straining from squinting them at a long period of time. She rubbed them with her free hand.
"We're here." The hound spoke up, halting his pace.
A wide, dome-shaped building came into view and Kurenai couldn't help but gawk at its structure. A large tunnel was found in the middle made up of beige bricks. She figured the area is for ninjas to assemble for a difficult mission or a crisis.
"Well, what do you think? Is the Mizukage's scent getting stronger?" She inquired.
Urushi sniffed the air. "Her smell leads to the top floor of this building."
Kurenai looked up, noticing how the bright golden light through the glass windows illuminated the darkness. "We'll climb up from here."
Focusing her chakra on her feet, she dashed vertically on the walls, arms stretched behind her. Urushi followed after her, quick and agile on his feet. Upon arriving near the glass windows, she crouched down and sauntered around the cylindrical building until she found a back door leading to the hallway. She used the tip of her kunai to pick at the lock.
The half-opened door of the Mizukage's office isn't hard to distinguish through the dim hallway. Kurenai walked stealthily, surveying the area for any ninjas on guard.
When she peeked through the office, she spotted a woman around her mid-twenties, seated behind the desk as she analyzed through a pile of papers one by one. Her long, auburn bangs covered her right eye, though her visible eye was enough to catch the attention of many, its green color reminding of the lush grass. Her ankle-length hair was styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band. Her overall appearance made her look like a water goddess, with her long-sleeved, dark blue dress that reached down to her knees. Underneath the off-shoulder outfit is a mesh armour that covered her chest. The beautiful woman was Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage of the Mist village.
With an exhale, Kurenai executed her plan.
She knocked on the door before stepping in. "Lady Fifth." She addressed, slipping her kunai back into her pouch. "Before you say anything else, please keep in mind that I do not mean any harm."
Mei shot up from her seat, alarmed. "A Leaf ninja? What is your motive?" She demanded, narrowing her eyes.
Kurenai maintained her composure. "I came here to have a talk with you, so please hear me out."
The Mizukage didn't seemed convinced. "Oh, really? Care to explain why you sneaked past the security unit?"
"I was aware that they wouldn't let me in." The Leaf jōnin admitted. "There's not much time left, so escaping from interrogation is the only way."
The brunette raised an eyebrow. "You should know that it'll only spark more questions, Leaf ninja. You're scheming on something, aren't you?"
Kurenai sighed. She knew she had to do something quick to earn the Mizukage's trust, however, her skeptical nature is in the way. At this point, she had no choice but to specify the whole situation and test her reaction, even if it would buy her more time.
"The samurai military will invade the Leaf and the Sand in less than two hours." She began, causing Mei's eyes to widen. "Our military is rather unstable right now after the invasion of the Sound village, so the Hokage gave us a mission to create an alliance with the other villages of the Great Five Nations. We are in need of reinforcements as of the moment, that's why I'm here to inquire you formally."
A moment of silence passed by as Kurenai bites on her lower lip in anticipation. Mei slammed her hands against the desk. "Nonsense! The samurais are far too wise and intelligent to do such thing! I'm not in the mood to fool around!" She exclaimed, glaring at the raven-haired woman.
Kurenai didn't cower away from her gaze. "I'll give you proof, Lady Fifth." She pulled out a wooden arrow from her messenger bag, white feathers adorning the edge and a triangular metallic piece on the other end.
The auburn-haired woman failed to hide her surprise as she gasped. "Don't tell me..."
The Leaf ninja nodded solemnly. "That's right, only samurais possess this kind of weapon. While my comrade was on his way back to the village an hour ago, he encountered them. He followed after the samurais secretly but at some point, he almost got caught. Thus, having the samurais to use their bow and arrow. He was lucky to have escaped though."
Mei was in a state of incredulity as she sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. When she pulled out a map from her drawer, Kurenai knew she had won the argument.
"I hereby declare that the Mist shall forge an alliance with the other villages of the Great Five Nations." She announced.
Meanwhile in the Stone village, the Third Tsuchikage was in disbelief as Asuma shared the news. Ōnoki was a very short, old man with a long white beard and a moustache, a big red nose and thick eyebrows. The top of his head was completely bald, although, he had long white hair on the lower half of his head which is styled in a traditional chonmage hair cut, the back of which was tied in a yellow ribbon into a top-knot. He wore a green and yellow coat with a red collar. Underneath, he sported a traditional Stone outfit consisting of a light green flak jacket and mesh armour.
Ōnoki crossed his arms as he stood on top of his desk. His old, dwarf-like appearance may be belittled by the public, but he is a highly capable ninja and admired by the residents of the Mist. "What is your evidence about the crisis of the Sand and the Leaf?"
Before Asuma could say anything else, the door slammed open as a group of jōnin came rushing in. "Lord Third! You wouldn't believe this!" One of them exclaimed.
The Tsuchikage sighed. "Yuma, aren't you aware that you and your team are disrespecting the guest?"
The man who was called Yuma bowed apologetically. "My apologies. However, I believe this is more urgent right now."
"I'm all ears." Ōnoki replied.
"My team was heading back from the Sound village when we heard horses from the pathway. When we checked it out, they were all wearing white armors and armed with swords and a bow and arrow. That's when we came to a conclusion, they were samurais, Lord Third."
The old man's mouth hung open in shock. "Are you certain about this, Yuma?"
Yuma nodded almost immediately. "Yes, I am certain. They were even yelling something about slaying the ninjas of the Leaf and the Sand."
Asuma smiled triumphantly. "And there you have my evidence, Lord Third. So, what's your response?"
Ōnoki sighed. "Looks like I'll be needing to take a night shift tonight." He hopped down from his desk, placing his hands behind his back.
"I, the Third Tsuchikage of the Stone accept your proposal."
A solemn expression fixed upon the Third Raikage's face as he observed the silver-haired male. The leader of the Hidden Cloud named A, had an intimidating body built, probably one of the reasons why he was feared. He also had dark skin, a common skin tone amongst the dwellers and ninjas in his village. His platinum blonde hair flowed down to his back and he has a long beard. His typical attire consisted of the Cloud's single strap flak jacket with no clothing underneath, although his traditional Raikage hat which was diamond-shaped and yellow and white in color, rested on his desk.
Kakashi stood in front of him casually, hands on his pockets. "Well, do you believe me, Lord Third?"
The Raikage placed his arms on his desk. "I don't detect any signs of deception in your eyes. But what do you think is the reason why that was their objective?"
"My conjecture is that certain ninjas from the Leaf and the Sand had an agreement to invade the Land of Iron to do something despicable." Kakashi said.
"What made you think so?"
"After a group of genin in my village served themselves as back-up to save a jinchuuriki from the Sand, the Fifth Hokage officially made an alliance with them. So it's no surprise these traitors teamed up to scheme about assaulting the samurai military." The jōnin replied.
The dark-skinned man smirked. "I suppose you're not entitled as Kakashi of the Sharingan for nothing."
Kakashi smiled sheepishly. "I guess you could say that."
"But why are you willing to trust us? Have you forgotten the disgraceful actions of the former head ninja towards the Hyūga clan? I'd say what we've done is unforgivable." The Raikage said, releasing a deep sigh.
"Your village is one of the strongest out there and we believe that we can rely on your power in supporting us. It doesn't matter whether you've done immoral deeds that have caused conflicts with the Leaf. What matters right now is to regain each other's trust in order to combat against the crisis. Personally, I think this situation is the perfect opportunity to make amends and leave the past behind." Kakashi stated.
The leader of the Cloud bursts out laughing, as Kakashi blinks in confusion. "Heh, interesting. I can't believe I'm being lectured by a jōnin."
He rose from his seat before extending his arm out. "You have my word, Kakashi Hatake. We'll make amends and breakthrough this invasion together."
Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief, accepting his handshake. "By all means, I'm looking forward to it."
Hiruda slipped her hood on as she stepped out of a large tent belonging to the samurais, a quiver of arrows strapped on her back. A black sash was tied around her waist which carried a spare wakizashi she found inside the weapon chest. Her purple cloak floated along with the gentle breeze as she clutched onto a small dagger.
She glanced at the Iron Feudal Lord's tent, her ears catching faint murmurs from inside. Thankfully, the royal guards had gone inside to join the meeting regarding politics and most likely about the rebuilding of the village.
She exhaled, her gaze now rooted on three horses standing behind the tent, a rope attached on their necks while the other end was tied around a tree trunk. "Here goes nothing."
She sprinted after a count of three, slashing the dagger against the ropes for the two horses to break free as they whinnied and scurried through the forest. She grunted as she hopped onto the white horse which was still restrained. It neighed as it jerked around, making Hiruda yelp as her hands hugged its neck tightly. Upon hearing light footsteps from the Feudal Lord's tent, she gasped, using the dagger to cut the rope.
"Lady Hiruda! What are you doing?!" She heard a royal guard exclaim.
She discarded the rope before looking over her shoulder, meeting the stunned faces of the royal security and the Feudal Lord. "Paying the price. Hyah!" She yelled and slammed the reins.
The horse charged towards the clear path as the young girl struggled to sit up straight. She didn't dare to look behind her, knowing that it'll only stop her from accomplishing her goal. She squeezed the pendant that was in her cloak pocket.
"I'm coming for you, Danzo."
Tsunade's head jerk up from her desk full of paper files at the loud banging sound outside. "They're here."
As she glanced from the glass windows of the Hokage Tower, a bright yellow light illumined from outside the gates of the Leaf. An uproar occured as the banging sound didn't cease, loud battle cries penetrating through the once peaceful night.
"Shizune, have the citizens evacuated yet?" She inquired.
Shizune swallowed thickly. "I'm afraid, they're still in the process as of the moment--"
Tsunade slammed her hand against the desk, gritting her teeth in exasperation. "Shit! Their arrival is a bit too early!"
She marched out of her office hurriedly. "Take things from here, Shizune. Right now, my people need me." Without a second thought, she went down the hallway.
Tsunade made a beeline to the front gates, occasionally greeted by the surprised stares from the other ninjas. "L-Lady Fifth?!" One of them exclaimed.
A man in a bowl cut who was by the front line, was stunned as Tsunade leaped and landed beside him.
"Lady Fifth! What are you doing here?" He asked.
The Fifth Hokage smirked, cracking her knuckles. "Having a desk job isn't my only role, is it?"
The man sighed. "I suppose you're right. So, was Kakashi and the others back yet?"
"Unfortunately, not yet. That's why we'll restrain them until they get back with the reinforcements." Tsunade said.
"I demand for the presence of your leader! Show yourself!" One of the samurais cried out.
Tsunade stood tall, glaring at the gates. "I'm here!"
At the sound of her voice, the commotion came to a halt until soft murmurs became the sole noise. There was a light thud followed by unhurried footsteps.
"Hokage of the Leaf!" Mifune announced, a forbidding look found on his face. "What have we done wrong to your village? What is your reason for ruining our peaceful lives?"
"You did nothing wrong!" The Hokage protested. "And I'm afraid that I do not know what you are talking about. The Leaf has nothing to do with what had transpired at your land! Instead of war engagement, why don't we talk it out as leaders to clear up this misunderstanding?"
There was no response from the General. Tsunade's fists clenched as she waited in anticipation, finding the prolonged silence rather disturbing. Little did she know, Mifune's next words didn't spare her time to prepare herself.
"Destroy the gates."
A/N: I just literally forced myself to write this chapter even when I feel like my brain is about to explode lol XD
Stay tuned for the next chapter!
Word Count: 4,040
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